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Thread: Academy of Contemporary Music (Okla. Hardware Building)

  1. Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    I just read the article to my 15 year old and he is now upstairs playing his drums like a maniac.. lol.... He is so excited!!! He said... ' I'm so there!' ha,ha..they have their first student!

    He loves music, plays Violin in high school but nothing gets him more excited than his Electric Guitar, Drums, Vocals and jamming with his friends .. He is thrilled....

    So, if that is any indication of the reaction from someone who might actually go there, we have a winner.

    I will support this like crazy.. not only for the musicians but just imagine the shows and entertainment they can offer?

    We can be like a mini New Orleans without the hurricanes.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #27

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post

    We can be like a mini New Orleans without the hurricanes.
    And without being in the "armpit" of America lol.

    Im proud of my school, UCO, big time. I heard about this last week in my radio class, but i didnt think theyd be anouncing so soon. Take that OU and OSU.

    And its not a nightclub or restaurant. Exactly the kind of thing Bricktown needs.

  3. #28

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    my son, like Karried's, is 15. he popped into the car the other day with a "I know where I want to go to school after high school." He was almost impressed when I said "see you've heard about the new school of rock. Sounds exciting!"

    .oO(it's fun to not always be poppa dufus)Oo.

  4. Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    This is insanely cool. NOW we're a big league city! I can't wait to learn all about this.

  5. Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    They do have website up for the local branch.

    Home - ACM@UCO

  6. #31

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Not my intention to diss UCO midtowner. Jazz is definitely their thing, they own Oklahoma on Jazz. They struggle in the more traditional music areas. I think they get ignored more than they should because it's not OU or OSU. They're doing MUCH better than TU could ever dream, but the traditional music programs aren't as strong as they should be. The staff has really been working hard to push towards improvement...and have absolutely made progress.

    That's why I'm saying it doesnt surprise me that it is UCO taking it on. The other schools are focussed more on the traditional orchestra/choir/band world whereas since UCO is focussed more on Jazz, it's a more natural move for them.

    Now we have to be honest though, do we expect 1200 students there, I don't think anyone does. I'm sure we can make a respectible number, but they're going to need to grow into a lot more space to really be a place that makes a name for itself. It's a more fad type endeavour, so I'm going to hold off the super awe struck feeling until it really makes it. Then I'll be cheering them on like crazy.
    I spent 5 years playing in the UCO orchestra, my wife has a music degree from there. She has a lot of experience with both UCO and OCU's faculty as a local band director (and the other schools as well). She would tell you (and probably will tell you) that UCO's faculty compares favorably to others in every practical sense.

    Yeah, I'll be the first to admit that the facilities are subpar, but facilities do not produce better students (but they do raise tuition).

  7. Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    It amazed me that SCAD was scattered all over downtown Savannah, in storefronts all over. The Architecture and Furniture schools were in an old rail warehouse that were pretty interesting.

    The Fenway/Back Bay areas are nice, I know that Berklee holds some classes in The Boston Architectural College building during the day which is pretty close by in Back Bay.
    I agree with the comments about SCAD. Coincidentally, the founding Main Street architect for the Oklahoma Department of Commerce spent some time there as, if I remember right, Dean or Assistant Dean of the College of Building Arts. SCAD lured him away, but he eventually returned to Oklahoma and now once again serves in the same Main Street role. I used to be a Main Street Manager, had worked closely with him, and visited him when I was in Savannah on vacation, maybe 8 or 9 years ago.

    He actually officed in the old rail warehouse, and gave me a tour and the lowdown on how SCAD had moved throughout the city renovating and repurposing buildings. It was pretty amazing how much of an impact an educational institution had on the downtown area. Savannah is known for the beautiful preserved and restored buildings lining many of their squares, but just as many sqares were in pretty tough condition. SCAD students had also become involved in many related preservation and rebuilding efforts.

    Of course, they were among other things an architecture school, so it's easier to connect the dots as to how they might impact a historic urban area, but I think this music academy could have a similar impact, long term. It will be really interesting to watch.

  8. #33

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Degree program approved for UCO's school of rock in Bricktown
    Published: February 12, 2009Buzz up!

    State Regents today approved degree programs for UCO’s planned school of rock in Bricktown.

    The school is planned to open this fall in the historic Oklahoma Hardware Building near downtown Oklahoma City. It will offer two-year degrees in music performance and music production.

    “It’s creating an opportunity for students to have a realistic career in the music industry,” said Houston Davis, vice chancellor for academic affairs.

    The school is the first U.S. partnership with the Academy of Contemporary Music in England.

  9. #34

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    I'm stoked to some extent, but on the flip side of things, I'd rather see UCO adding another PhD program.

    Ah well, progress is progress.

  10. #35

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    perhaps more than one life will be changed for the better by three chords and the truth

  11. #36

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Yeah, I'll be the first to admit that the facilities are subpar, but facilities do not produce better students (but they do raise tuition).
    I'll agree with this, but better facilities do sometimes attract better students. And I have the impression that UCO has been promising new facilities to the music program for quite some time. Since music is one of those programs that tends to not to produce alumni in the high-donor category, it also is one of those programs that tends to get put on the back burner when renovations or new facilities are desperately needed. Never mind the flooding and mold - we'll just keep dealing with it, even if it damages a $20,000 instrument. Or a faculty member's extensive personal book collection. And with the impending budget crisis, there is no chance of new facilities now - unless someone wants to hit up the President for stimulus money.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I'm stoked to some extent, but on the flip side of things, I'd rather see UCO adding another PhD program.
    I'm not sure UCO is really that kind of school. As far as I can tell, UCO doesn't offer ANY PhD programs. It's strictly an Undergrad/Master's granting school. But have you taken a look at the Forensics program lately? It seems to be the latest and greatest thing.

  12. #37

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by jsibelius View Post
    I'll agree with this, but better facilities do sometimes attract better students. And I have the impression that UCO has been promising new facilities to the music program for quite some time. Since music is one of those programs that tends to not to produce alumni in the high-donor category, it also is one of those programs that tends to get put on the back burner when renovations or new facilities are desperately needed. Never mind the flooding and mold - we'll just keep dealing with it, even if it damages a $20,000 instrument. Or a faculty member's extensive personal book collection. And with the impending budget crisis, there is no chance of new facilities now - unless someone wants to hit up the President for stimulus money.
    Ah those facilities...

    I remember taking lessons from Wendel Ralston (sp?) in the basement during the late 80's. The smell of mold.. awful.

    At some point, they fixed the drainage over there and floods don't really happen anymore. I spent most of the early 2000's in that building, so I can attest that things have improved!

    They've since replaced the carpet down there. I was up there this weekend as my wife is starting her M.Ed program there. It smelled like a normal building. It was pretty nice (by its standards).

    Instead of the main building getting an overhaul, they've been building other music buildings elsewhere. The Jazz Lab, for example.

    As for doctoral programs, I'm pretty sure they have at least one -- but I can't find it on the website. I'm fairly certain though that they grant some sort of doctoral degree in funereal sciences (whoopee!).

  13. #38

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Ah those facilities...

    I remember taking lessons from Wendel Ralston (sp?) in the basement during the late 80's. The smell of mold.. awful.

    At some point, they fixed the drainage over there and floods don't really happen anymore. I spent most of the early 2000's in that building, so I can attest that things have improved!

    They've since replaced the carpet down there. I was up there this weekend as my wife is starting her M.Ed program there. It smelled like a normal building. It was pretty nice (by its standards).

    Instead of the main building getting an overhaul, they've been building other music buildings elsewhere. The Jazz Lab, for example.

    As for doctoral programs, I'm pretty sure they have at least one -- but I can't find it on the website. I'm fairly certain though that they grant some sort of doctoral degree in funereal sciences (whoopee!).
    I can assure you - I'm looking at the latest issue of the Graduate Catalog - there is not one doctoral degree listed. And Funeral Service is only offered as a certificate or a Bachelor's Degree.

    I can also tell you that they may have fixed the flooding problems, but the flooding has returned. Believe me. The drainage around the building may be less of a problem than in the past, but the building has had serious flooding in the past couple of years. The Jazz Lab is nice - for the jazz folks and the folks that teach instruments that belong in the jazz band. But that's a very small part of the whole music program. I love jazz, and I am grateful for the jazz lab. But the rest of the program has been seriously neglected. There could be serious consequences if UCO doesn't sit up and pay attention to its music program.

  14. #39

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    I agree.

    And I could swear I heard they had a doctoral program or two.

    Someone might've been mistaken.

  15. #40

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    It'd be nice if it could be unofficially named the "school of rOKC." (intentionally mispelled).

  16. Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by n8ison View Post
    It'd be nice if it could be unofficially named the "school of rOKC." (intentionally mispelled).
    ha! i like that!

  17. #42

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Something metro hasn't posted this morning

    From Newsok.com:

    Students, stars express interest in UCO 'school of rock'
    Published: April 8, 2009

    The future is still unwritten for the so-called "school of rock” that the University of Central Oklahoma plans to start next year in Bricktown.

    But so far the news is good from Scott Booker, manager of the Flaming Lips and chief executive officer of UCO’s Academy of Contemporary Music.

    Classes don’t start until fall, but the school already fielded a couple dozen application requests and more than 8,000 inquiries.

    The school is hoping to start small — maybe 100 or so students the first semester.

    But if early interest is an indicator, it’s not too difficult to foresee a day when it outgrows its home in Bricktown’s Oklahoma Hardware Building.

    Booking legends
    Booker’s updates provide a glimpse of what’s ahead. Industry legends like former Devo lead singer Mark Mothersbaugh and E-Street band member Steven Van Zandt have expressed an interest in teaching.

    And one can imagine Booker might be able to pull a few favors from his friends in the Flaming Lips.

    Most intriguing is Booker’s confirmation that the old Fred Jones Ford factory on W Main is under consideration as a future long-term home for the school.

    The factory, which originally produced Model T Fords, anchors the west end of the Film Row district.

    The stretch has a rich history as a hub of the old Hollywood studios and still boasts some classic Art Deco architecture.

    Some of the old buildings already are being renovated and becoming home to design firms and other creative outlets.

    Imagine the addition of hundreds of music students and the startup of small music venues up and along Sheridan and Main.

    Challenges ahead
    The area has its challenges — a big transient population and nearby homeless shelters.

    But with the planned addition of a 54-story Devon tower on the east end of the district, Film Row might just become downtown’s next hot urban district.


  18. #43
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    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    I bet the Ford factory would be a great facility for the school, but I think it would be better for downtown if this thing ended up in multiple buildings. In the end, what's best for the school is what matters, but it would be very cool for downtown to serve as a campus for the school. I think the school would have more positive affect on life downtown if that was the case.

  19. #44

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Would love to see the school occupy the upper floors of various Bricktown buildings.

    We've heard the issue about people not wanting to live about restaurants and bars, but this may be a very compatible use.

    It would be very cool for those buildings to form a little mini campus with students milling between all of them. Would create much more street life and might finally support some retail businesses.

    Also, the students might be more inclined to basic lofts that could be fashioned in some of those buildings as well.

    The possibilities for this are seemingly endless.

  20. Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Would love to see the school occupy the upper floors of various Bricktown buildings.

    We've heard the issue about people not wanting to live about restaurants and bars, but this may be a very compatible use.

    It would be very cool for those buildings to form a little mini campus with students milling between all of them. Would create much more street life and might finally support some retail businesses.

    Also, the students might be more inclined to basic lofts that could be fashioned in some of those buildings as well.

    The possibilities for this are seemingly endless.

  21. #46

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by n8ison View Post
    it'd be nice if it could be unofficially named the "school of rokc." (intentionally mispelled).

  22. Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Got a hardhat tour today. The space had nice offices previously, but they are seriously gutting those and starting basically from scratch. The space looks like it will be really cool for the application, but I can see how they'll probably outgrow it soon if they have a lot of success. Seems like that would be a good problem for everyone concerned.

    Most of the space that is for instrument rehearsal and instruction is getting about a foot of elevation with sound baffling, this over an existing concrete floor. The existing double-hungs will have storm-type windows installed on the INSIDE of the room for sound deadening. Also, the drum instruction area will only have a single kit, mostly for the instructor. Students will be practicing on electronic kits with headphones. Seems they are taking lots of precautions to be neighbor-friendly.

    I can't wait.

  23. Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Is it just the top floor of Okla. Hardware or do they have a couple of floors?
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  24. Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    Just the top floor. Not sure if there is an option for the 3rd, but for now, just the top.

  25. #50

    Default Re: UCO to open School of Rock in Bricktown

    University of Central Oklahoma's Academy of Contemporary Music to replace the din of hammers and saws
    Published: July 21, 2009

    Touring the future home of UCO’s Academy of Contemporary Music, chief executive officer Scott Booker and chief operating officer Susan Wortham easily see past the flurry of construction workers and can envision where students soon will be playing instruments and learning the intricacies of production.

    And the pair is joined by Bricktown Association director Jim Cowan in predicting the school’s opening next month will be a historic moment for the entertainment district, which will be home to the new school.
    "You see all this put together on paper,” said Booker, who also is manager of The Flaming Lips, "but until you see it in person, you can’t really get a grasp of it all.”

    The rest of the article:

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