I didn't realize some people were escorted out by security. I was "badged out" by an HR rep so I could get out of the building. I then drove down to the loading dock where someone helped me put my things in the car. I don't understand why they thought some people needed security and some did not.
I also don't understand how they made their decision. When you line up those who were laid off, some people make sense and some do not...at all.
As far as jobs go, I'm fortunate enough to have an interview set up for next week in Dallas. It is just an interview but it is certainly a step in the right direction.
It just saddens me that after 13 months here in OKC, it looks like I will have to move away, to Dallas, to Houston (god I hope not!), or who knows where. In my field and in this job market, I don't really have a choice. I was really getting used to living here and enjoying all the wonderful things the city has to offer.
I'm just hoping for a big rally today on Wall Street.
