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Thread: Important Info on Cornficker Virus

  1. Default Important Info on Cornficker Virus

    (I've heard about this on the news so this is very legit! Make sure your computer's anti-virus is update!!)

    Cornficker computer virus to take new turn on April Fool's day

    Monday 30 March 2009 -- James Thomson Computer security experts are warning that the Cornficker computer virus, which is believed to have infected at least nine million PCs in the last few months, is set to spring to life in a new way on 1 April - April Fool's day.

    The virus, which has become a big enough problem so that Microsoft has offered a $US250,000 bounty for the capture of its creators, is now in its fourth iteration. Cornficker exploits a problem in Microsoft's Windows operating system, although the software giant released a patch for Windows users last October.

    The virus, also known as Downadup, has hit everyone from the New Zealand Health Ministry to the Houston Justice Department.

    But researchers say the virus will get an update on 1 April, causing infected computers to start "phoning home" to the virus's creators and allowing them to issue the virus with new instructions.

    But no-one seems to know exactly what these instructions will be.

    Tal Golan, founder and CTO of anti-spam appliance vendor Sendio, told internet news site Datamonitor that the worm is likely to send out email containing spam or malware, which could stretch network capacity if the internet is hit with an avalanche of data.

    But Richard Wang, manager of the US research division of security firm Sophos told Associated Press that the threats appear to have been over-hyped. He's expecting a more subtle form of attack.

    "It doesn't make sense for the guys behind Conficker to cause a major network problem, because if they're breaking parts of the internet they can't make any money.


    One thing computer experts are united on is the need to ensure that you are protected from the virus by close of business Tuesday. Businesses should review their anti-virus protection and make sure the appropriate update to defend systems against Cornficker is in place.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Important Info on Cornficker Virus

    But Richard Wang, manager of the US research division of security firm Sophos told Associated Press that the threats appear to have been over-hyped. He's expecting a more subtle form of attack.
    I just thought that was sort of April foolery perhaps. His name sounds a bit fishy. If not, I'll bet he had a "dickens" of a time in Jr. high school...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Important Info on Cornficker Virus

    I enjoyed the name mutation. "Cornficker" indeed... That's my new name for it.

  4. Default Re: Important Info on Cornficker Virus

    I don't think your signature graphic is big enough.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Important Info on Cornficker Virus

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    I don't think your signature graphic is big enough.

    It's A LOT smaller than that one chick's avatar that was essentially a whole page computer screen and a quarter, lmao...

  6. Default Re: Important Info on Cornficker Virus

    I've been following this...

    Check your Windows Update History. (You can type that in the search box).

    If you have had automatic Updates installed throughout the month of March, you should be fine.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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