Rowlands was at 27th and Walker, n.w. corner. They had the red and white Chevy with two front-ends. The guy that had the place used to go there 6 days a week. No cars on the lot but he was there every day until 2 or 3 years ago. There was a used dealer at 23rd and Robinson. It was on the s.w. corner. I think it was Brown's Used Car. They had a large neon clock on the billboard. "Now is the Time. This is the Place"
The red/white chevy is still alive and owned by one of his Grandsons. When he quit coming over there he had passed away. The Grandson graduated from Grant in the late 60's. My wife does the '66 Grant reunions and at their last one the Red/White Chvy was there in person.....
I remember Brown Motor Co. well, on s.w. 29th across from Jude 'N' Jody!! Their sign was in block letters and they only dealt in quality used cars. They were known for being rather expensive but quality. Their only real competetion in their class would have been D.H. Henry Used cars on 29th between Kentucky anD bLACKWELDER!
First of all, I took the bold and itallic print off of your post! STOP IT!
BUT! And it's a BIG BUT! You are correctomundo about Rowland's having a
Chevy that had 2 front ends, painted red and white.
Did Rowland have a daughter who was a total babe that graduated in @ 71?
Not that it's important, I'm still in love with her. She didn't know me from
Generals64 or USG60, but I'm still in love! Soonergirl26 I... well... you know...
Yo' Debbie! Do you remember a short guy you may have taped a dime on
a piece of paper with your phone number on it? Maybe that was Soonergirl...
Okay, I'm back to abnormal...
Has anyone bought a time machine on E-Bay?
Is that like a watch????Oh yeah, that place where the horses stood...Rowland lived there....He had a Grandson that graduated in 67 or 68, He still has the car...56 Chevy...Both front and back...
Her name is Linda and I just saw her at the movies the other day and we talked about how her dad drove our girls who were cheerleaders along with the rest of the squad to there first day of school at Brink,many years ago in that car.
Last edited by Prunepicker; 03-31-2009 at 07:59 PM. Reason: atrocious grammar
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