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Thread: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

    Has anyone been to the new zoo exhibit? Sounds pretty cool.
    Visitors to Oklahoma City Zoo are used to seeing exotic and interesting animals, but a new exhibit will feature animals most people don’t expect to see at the zoo: dinosaurs.

    "Dinosaurs Unearthed,” a special traveling exhibit of animatronic dinosaurs, opened Friday and runs through June 30.

    The life-size dinosaurs move and make sounds, zoo spokeswoman Tara Henson said. The exhibit includes other features, such as dinosaur skeletons and fossils.

    Aside from teaching, the exhibit also sends a message about conservation, Henson said. Officials hope visitors realize how fragile ecosystems are.

    "Dinosaurs are extinct,” Henson said, "and if we as humans are not careful, many endangered animals could be extinct, too.”

    Dr Pepper is sponsoring the $200,000 cost of bringing the traveling exhibit to Oklahoma City, Henson said.

    The exhibit is just south of Great EscApe in the zoo.
    Last edited by mecarr; 03-14-2009 at 07:13 PM. Reason: wrong forum

  2. #2

    Default Re: Idiot Alert: Republican South Carolina Gov. rejects $700 mil in stimulus funds.

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    What have they been doing before the stimulus?
    Being ranked near the bottom of the list of states for quality education.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

    I assume there's something cross-linked in the database.

  4. Default Re: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

    Haven't seen it in person, though it looked pretty cheesey on TV. I've seen some dino exhibits at zoos, and this one definitely falls short of realism with no "natural" environment created around the exhibit. Or it may have been a video that is old or from another location. So feel free to correct me if that is the case.

  5. #5
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    What have they been doing before the stimulus money became available?
    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    I assume there's something cross-linked in the database.
    What the...?
    Yeah I guess so.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

  7. Default Re: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

    I think the younger ones will love it. The dinosaurs are animatronic so it's good for a few nightmares for the really little ones.. lol

    I thought the Ford Center show would have been cheesy but it was actually awesome.

    Even my ' too cool' teenager loved it. That's a must see show if it comes back.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

    my wife and i are taking the kdis to it ina couple of weeks, we where at the zoo 2 weeks ago and at the zoo buddy shop they had build a stuffed dinasuar for 13.00 plus if you have a zoofriends card its take 25%off price, cant beat that for a zoo item, my kids did it even though the exhibit wasnt open yet, the zoo also said there isa gift shop inside the exhibit that offers all dinasaur stuff so my little boy will love it.. oh and any family out there with kids or grandkids, i recommend the zoofriends membership, we love it, its already paid itself off and we have only had it for 4 months we still have 8 months before we renew, great place to just take the kids on weekends, the play center at the front is great, plus you get discounts on food and gifts and get invites to special events....

  9. Default Re: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

    I could have sworn I went to see something extremely similar at the Omniplex years ago.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

    We just got back from the zoo today. The dinosaurs were actually pretty cool. My 4 year old thought it was pretty neat, while his friend was pretty freaked out by the T-Rex. It was of course packed because of Spring Break but it's for sure worth it to check it out. As an adult I really enjoyed it though.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Zoo exhibit revives dinosaurs

    I remember this from when I was a kid. I'm sure they've got different models now, but I remember this being cool to a 10 year old. I think my 3 year old nephew will love it.

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