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Thread: Thoughts on the new license plate?

  1. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    "Native America" is not just about native americans. Remember, the alternative version of the slogan is "American in it's Native State". That should make it clear that it's intended to have a broader meaning, and I think all the commericals and print campaigns have sent that message.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  2. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I, for one, have always been impressed by the department of tourisms marketing efforts. Native America rings true to me.

  3. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I have a personalized tag and my only complaint is the color choices. I want a plate with red letters and they don't make one. I'd get an OU plate, but the Sooner schooner in the middle messes up the letting of my name. So a white plate with red letters would be perfect but they don't make one. I'm stuck with black and white.I like the new plates. They are more colorful than the other ones.

  4. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I drove behind a tan/beige SUV on the way to work earlier and saw the license plate was same color with darker tan or brown letters. I believe it says MS LV. No picture.

  5. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I like the new plates so much better than those old green things and 95% of the cars hav faded old green plates....very ugly. These new ones are much better, imo.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by crouchingliger View Post
    I'm surprised the Indians didn't object to this image of them being used with a bow and arrow. They've been trying to shed this "war" image of themselves for the last several years with the removal of Indian mascots, names, etc. Seems this only reinforces the very image they've been trying the shed. Interesting.

  7. #82

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Really? I wasn't aware that they were trying to shed that image - only that they were offended at caracatures by the establishment/sports teams, etc. What tribes/groups were involved in that movement? I'd like to read up on that.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Really? I wasn't aware that they were trying to shed that image - only that they were offended at caracatures by the establishment/sports teams, etc. What tribes/groups were involved in that movement? I'd like to read up on that.
    True, they are offended by it--but why? Below is a link to a website that defines their reasons for not wanting Indian mascots being used by sports teams. There's several reasons for it actually, including the one I mentioned.

    STAR - Understanding The American Indian Mascot Issue

  9. #84

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Well, I guess what I was asking was why are they opposed to a warlike image - and I was conceding that I could understand why they wouldn't like to be exploited.

    I honestly have no idea how the Redskins foorball team name is acceptable to many. I have that conversation with people around here, a lot. DC has a huge black population and it is interesting, to me, how many african americans have expressed surprise that this would be considered offensive - it is like it never occured to them. I tell them, Hey, I'm from Oklahoma. Calling someone a redskin is kind of rude. After thinking about it, they typically say, "Yeah, I guess I can see that." It just strikes me as odd that it isn't so obvous that people would notice right away.

  10. Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I'm sure there would be a quite a stir if they were the Washington "Darkies" or some other A-A caracatures.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Seriously, I don't see much difference between "darkies" and redskins. It is a consciousness raising thing, I guess. I often wonder how school mascots in the bible belt ever settled on the "Demons" or "devils." That wouldn't fly, these days.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by GWB View Post
    I'm surprised the Indians didn't object to this image of them being used with a bow and arrow. They've been trying to shed this "war" image of themselves for the last several years with the removal of Indian mascots, names, etc. Seems this only reinforces the very image they've been trying the shed. Interesting.
    I didn't know Native America made war on animals. Maybe the guy is hunting? Or maybe he's "shooting for the stars". Either way, I see no reason to raise a fuss about it. I have a cousin who's half Mexican half Indian. I doubt he'd give a rats a$$ about the new plates!

  13. #88

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    No indian in his right mind is going to shoot a perfectly good arrow in the sky (unlit). It is not like they could go buy replacements at the local Wal-Mart. That being said, I think it is nice. Can't wait to have that license tag back on my car even though I am sure I will be gritching about the price within a year. I always gritched about the price, before, and doubt that will change.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    No indian in his right mind is going to shoot a perfectly good arrow in the sky (unlit). It is not like they could go buy replacements at the local Wal-Mart. That being said, I think it is nice. Can't wait to have that license tag back on my car even though I am sure I will be gritching about the price within a year. I always gritched about the price, before, and doubt that will change.
    He's shooting up and to the right. The image does not continue...

    Maybe there's a bird over there. A bad bird that they don't worship. Definitely not an eagle. Just saying & just being sarcastic as I have a dry sense of humor. Run with it 'Stands With A Fist', lol.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    I can't believe there are four pages of license plate discussion.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    It is the best discussion on the board, today.

    You're right, he isn't shooting straight up. But I hope he isn't shooting for the stars because he isn't going to hit them or do much of anything besides perhaps cut granny when it comes down.

  17. #92

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    I didn't know Native America made war on animals. Maybe the guy is hunting? Or maybe he's "shooting for the stars". Either way, I see no reason to raise a fuss about it. I have a cousin who's half Mexican half Indian. I doubt he'd give a rats a$$ about the new plates!
    Who's raising a fuss about it? Not me.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    These plates only reinforce the stereotype that we live in hickville.

  19. #94

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Are you serious? Based on the license tag? I think it is classy. Good lord, at least it isn't just a piece of fruit.

    The only people who think we're hicks are judgmental people who don't have anything better to do and aren't looking beneath the surface. Or youngsters. And what difference does it make, anyway? Business people are going to go where the money is. Family people will love it. Hip young people will avoid us like the plague and in twenty years would give up their first born in exchange for the lifestyle.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    As to the image on the plate:

    Allan Houser's bronze sculpture Sacred Rain Arrow relates the legend of a young Apache warrior selected in times of drought to shoot a sacred arrow to the heavens carrying his people's prayer for rain to the Spirit World.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Folks in downstate Florida could use a few more sacred arrows released on their behalf

  22. #97

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Thanks, I was just about to say that it is a famous work of art and you can see it at Tulsa's Gilcrease Museum.

  23. #98

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    Thanks, I was just about to say that it is a famous work of art and you can see it at Tulsa's Gilcrease Museum.
    Thanks, dismayed. I was going to point that out, too, but you beat me to it. It's out in front of the Gilcrease, isn't it?

  24. #99

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    It looks rather graceful as opposed to warlike and sinister. I like the new license plate over the old green scheme.

  25. #100

    Default Re: Thoughts on the new license plate?

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Thanks, dismayed. I was going to point that out, too, but you beat me to it. It's out in front of the Gilcrease, isn't it?
    Yeah if I'm remembering correctly. It's been a long time, but it is definitely outside.

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