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Thread: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

  1. #1

    Default Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I know many of the viewers of this thread weren't around at the time but, you guys have historical events that some of the older folks (like me) don't remember. I was in English (Mrs. Manning's class) my Senior year in Highschool when a girl ran in the room and told Mrs. Manning what had happened....One of the wanna be's in the back room said (and I quote) Good, that's what he needed....It took less than a second for about 5 guys to just beat the crap out of this guy.....Then the world opened to today's society. The President was dead and America began to rally....Where were you when the Murrah building was blown up????This thread may not last long....But>>>>>Where were you?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    kindergarten taking a nap on my little pad.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was in the 5th grade when JFK got shot. My mom was just dropping me back off at school after lunch when we heard the news on the radio. I immediately went inside and told my teacher, but she didn't believe me. She asked who told me and I said we'd heard it on the radio in the car. She went and turned on a tv, saw that it was true, and school pretty much ended for the day after that.
    When the Murrah Bldg. was bombed, I was working in the production dept. at Ch. 9. There were about 4 or 5 of us on headsets and I think we were tagging some Regis & Kathy Lee spots or something. Suddenly, there was a big boom. I looked over at the window of my workspace and it was wobbling back and forth. Everyone on headsets started asking, "What the heck was that?" The director said, "I don't know. Maybe somebody dropped something upstairs." My buddy and I looked at each other and said, "Nah...I've been here a long time and I've never seen that window shake like that." Then the director added, "...or maybe an explosion of some kind." About that time, over the headsets, I could hear someone come running from the newsroom yelling that there had been an explosion downtown and that they needed to break into programming as soon as possible. Normally, it might have taken a few minutes to round up a crew, but since we were all already on headsets anyway, we just said, "Sit down and talk"....and they punched them up on air.

  4. #4

    Wink Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    I know many of the viewers of this thread weren't around at the time but, you guys have historical events that some of the older folks (like me) don't remember. I was in English (Mrs. Manning's class) my Senior year in Highschool when a girl ran in the room and told Mrs. Manning what had happened....One of the wanna be's in the back room said (and I quote) Good, that's what he needed....It took less than a second for about 5 guys to just beat the crap out of this guy.....Then the world opened to today's society. The President was dead and America began to rally....Where were you when the Murrah building was blown up????This thread may not last long....But>>>>>Where were you?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I remember sitting in a chair in the living room ...school had been let out.....when Jack Ruby shot Oswald....Wow...History in the making. Of course everyone in the U.S. wanted it done but they weren't willing to give due process...I still think McVeigh had more help than those he said helped....I'm weird though....

  6. #6

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    ...I still think McVeigh had more help than those he said helped....I'm weird though....
    In that case, don't read "The Third Terrorist" by Jayna Davis. It'll just aggrivate you.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I don't know where I was when he was shot but I remember watching the funeral on TV - I was four.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    given the age and time, possibly on the pottie, possibly taking a nap, but I can't say for certain. I barely know where I was yesterday fer cryin out loud.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was negative 17 years old. I don't really remember where I was.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was a sophomore in high school that year. It was not long after noon but I remember walking down the hall and there was some announcement on the intercom. I didn't really comprehend what was said and everyone was turning towards each other and there was a lot of confusion and a cacophony of questioning voices. Then there was a lot of crying and fear and anger and despair.

    That's how I remember it.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was a senior at OBU and one of the few rabid Kennedy supporters on campus. When our class was interupted with the word of the shooting I wandered in a daze to the student union to watch the only TV on campus. As I approached I noticed that the union was over flowing and the entrance area was cram packed 20 or 30 deep. As I approached the perifery of the crowd I was about to stop and stand at the edge but someone turned and saw me and stepped aside, nodding me through. The next person did the same and soon a path through the crowd openned up before me clear across the room to the TV. There a person in a chair stood up and gave it to me. I was too much in a daze to realize fully what had happened. THose people all knew my feelings becaused I had argued politics with most of them. It was personally a warm fuzzy that they opened the path for me, but later I realized that the wonderful thing was that I heard not even a mumble of a snide remark about kennedy....like "had it coming" or anything like it. They rose above their politics and mourned like the rest of the country.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Well, what's before being a little sperm? Cause that's what I was. I guess I was marrow inside of one of my dad's bones. On another note I also guess I was an egg waiting in the line up to get lucky, lol...

  13. #13
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was just a gleam in my daddy's eye when Kennedy was shot.

    How about when the Challenger shuttle exploded - Jan. 28, 1986? I was working for a petroleum publication company in the print shop and we had a little TV set up in our area so we could watch it live.

    On the Murrah bombing, I was sleeping in my hotel room in Vegas when my brother-in-law called me from the next room and told me to turn on the TV. I knew the building because a friend's mom had once there (not at that time fortunately). All the lines were jammed so I couldn't reach anyone I knew back in OKC. My mom & dad were trying to call my home and once they got through, they only got our answering machine so they were worried sick (I only had a car phone at that time, not a handheld cell). She eventually tracked down numbers for my wife's place of work and were transferred around until someone told them that we were in Vegas. When I got back, I volunteered to be on a rotating crew located at One Bell Central that worked on keeping the rescue worker's cellphones charged and swapping out dead batteries for good ones. It was a pretty surreal experience. I was amazed at how there were so many people and so many businesses providing food and supplies for the workers 24 hours / day. I still have the ID that was given to me to be allowed inside the fence.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    I was just a gleam in my daddy's eye when Kennedy was shot.

    How about when the Challenger shuttle exploded - Jan. 28, 1986? I was working for a petroleum publication company in the print shop and we had a little TV set up in our area so we could watch it live.

    On the Murrah bombing, I was sleeping in my hotel room in Vegas when my brother-in-law called me from the next room and told me to turn on the TV. I knew the building because a friend's mom had once there (not at that time fortunately). All the lines were jammed so I couldn't reach anyone I knew back in OKC. My mom & dad were trying to call my home and once they got through, they only got our answering machine so they were worried sick (I only had a car phone at that time, not a handheld cell). She eventually tracked down numbers for my wife's place of work and were transferred around until someone told them that we were in Vegas. When I got back, I volunteered to be on a rotating crew located at One Bell Central that worked on keeping the rescue worker's cellphones charged and swapping out dead batteries for good ones. It was a pretty surreal experience. I was amazed at how there were so many people and so many businesses providing food and supplies for the workers 24 hours / day. I still have the ID that was given to me to be allowed inside the fence.
    That was major tragedy for our city. OKC has more to be remembered than a bombing. But, it was people like you and all the other Okies that came to the rescue prove just how great a place like Oklahoma is.....Thanks from me....I had two good friends killed in the bombing....

  15. Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was in a grocery cart at Humpty Dumpty in line to check out. My mom pushed the cart to the register and people were gathered around a radio and the people were very upset. We only knew he had been shot. By the time we got home, it was announced the president was dead. Like ECO, I remember the funeral better than the shooting. My mom cried through so much of the funeral. I knew something awful had happened.

    I also remember Ruby shooting Oswald and how they played that film over and over and over.

    In 1968, I woke up to the news that Bobby Kennedy had been shot in Los Angeles late our time the night before. This memory is very clear. It was a turbulent summer. MLK, RFK, riots, fires, the Democratic Convention in Chicago and some really bad things in the streets, a sense that things were coming apart.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Let's see...
    JFK don't know where I was only 2 yrs.
    Fed Building well, sadly I was there that day.
    That is all I ever care to say about that.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was working the day of the Federal Building. What an awful day. I immediately asked my supervisor if I could go give blood because I'm A-. The blood bank was only a few blocks from my office. She said I could and I was second in line. The place was all but empty. By the time I got out, the place looked like something in a war zone - they had people everywhere hooked up to tubes. I stepped outside (about two hours had passed) and there were ambulances as far as the eye could see. It was stunning. I guess that is how long it took for ambulances to start arriving from all over the state and that must have been a staging area. I was over by the Veterans/Dept of Health/DMHSAS. Sadly, there was really no need for them. I'd planned to be at the federal building that morning but a co-worker was late on something so I changed my plans. Lucked out. I had real flashbacks of that day on 911. My husband's secretary lost her husband. What an awful day. When that cold wet rain came in while the search was still going on I just wept. At that point, a lot of us were still hoping for survivors.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    We was working on countyline and Northwest Expressway when the bomb went off, we felt the concushion all the way out there and the boom was still loud, we ran outside to see what happened, and seen the big plume of smoke coming from downtown, we knew something terrible had happened. One of our relatives was working there and he made it out ok but in a way he is scared for life.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I remember making a delivery to one of my stores and I had a one ton Ryder truck....I was cursed and screamed at for days over using that truck. I got out and a lady came screaming at me about being involved with the bombing. When I got her to calm down and explained to her that Ryder had more than one truck and I had bought this one years before...She began to cry and apologize.....Monday after it happened (the bombing) I had to go to Mississippi and I took that truck.....along with an employee....We were stop four times before we got to Checotah. The Highway Patrolman requested that we ride with the back door up....We did....Still remember friends killed in the bombing....

  20. #20

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    It is interesting to hear where people were on that day in April in OKC. Now living on the West side of the nation, East Coast and others it is strange how near we all were to one another. Now we fuss with each other on this sight and we probably passed each other from time to time.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Concerning my first post on this thread, (I received a private message.) and yes I was really there and I am serious I don't ever want to talk about it. PERIOD.
    I have learned as so many other how to deal with it and thanks for the concern I do not want therapy.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    nativeokie:....feel for you and your thoughts:....I was right in the Middle of the 'May 3rd, 1999 Tornado in Moore....I feel the same way about it as you do on your situation. I also, was in Katrina and Rita Hurricanes. And don' want to discuss much there. But, theis nostalgia group are good people in all and they are just friendly Okie folks......thanks and by the way, what part of the U. S. do you live in now? i think you had gotten involved in some of the old Southside OKC thread.....GENERALS64:...see ya next time....

  23. #23

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    On 911, we had to go into a parking garage to get a co-worker's car. Military jets were screaming by and we had some sonic booms but we didn't know if it was that or bombs. There were reports of bombings in the city and you can imagine we were scared spitless because cells had shut down, no police or anything. We believed we were in the middle of an attack and had (false) reports that the metro had been blown up, that the mall was on fire, etc.

    I was absolutely terrified to go down in that basement garage - kept thinking of the Federal Bombing. Of course, I didn't have any choice and was with a pregnant co-worker so it didn't seem like a good time to utterly freak out, more's the pity. But I was scared to death the building was going to crash in on us. Irrational, but that was what was going through my mind. I never was so relieved when we drove the car out to the point where we saw daylight. Then we kept getting evacuation orders on the radio and we'd periodically have to leave our cars in the street and run to the nearest federal building. That happened several times. We expected bombs to drop on us at any second. It was complete chaos.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    nativeokie:....feel for you and your thoughts:....I was right in the Middle of the 'May 3rd, 1999 Tornado in Moore....I feel the same way about it as you do on your situation. I also, was in Katrina and Rita Hurricanes. And don' want to discuss much there. But, theis nostalgia group are good people in all and they are just friendly Okie folks......thanks and by the way, what part of the U. S. do you live in now? i think you had gotten involved in some of the old Southside OKC thread.....GENERALS64:...see ya next time....
    Thanks General64, I live in San diego now.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by NativeOkie View Post
    Thanks General64, I live in San diego now.
    Well, Poo....I'm sure you are enjoying the Sun light our there and the warm Pacific Breezes just like we are here now....It's so blasted cold out there right now it's not any fun. Wednesday I was in Ardmore...it was 38 degrees....Monday evening it was 78...Welcome to Oklahoma.....wish I were somewhere warm.....Generals64:....see ya next time....

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