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Thread: Downtown Vintage Images

  1. Default Downtown Vintage Images

    For those of you who like old pics of downtown, I've updated, corrected, and expanded the "vintage" elements of my downtown Okc pages, www.dougloudenback.com/downtownOKC.htm to include several more vintage images and links. I consider this a "work in progress" and if anyone has some pics to include (and I'm still trying to find some usable pics for the sit-ins, etc., that are not copyright protected ... the Oklahoman refused permission to include theirs, which, so far, is all I can find... for the late 50's - early 60's), I'd love to include them.


  2. Default Re: Downtown Vintage Images

    I've again updated my downtown OKC pages (current and vintage) to add links, make corrections, and add new images. The total of old and new is now around 200, but, as I've said before, I'd welcome any images that any of you have to add to the collection to expand it futher. My intention is to make these downtown Okc pages as complete as my available information is at any point in time and as new images/developments allow, to make it the most comprehensive downtown Okc image collection the web. I'm pretty sure that I'm gettng there, but I'd appreciate any criticism or suggestions.

    And, so, as always, I'd appreciate any feedback.

    Doug Loudenback

  3. #3

    Default Re: Downtown Vintage Images

    The man who owns Oklahoma Mattress on 4th near Classen has a wonderful collection of vintage Okc pictures that were his fathers ... he is very nice and might let you make copies.

  4. Default Re: Downtown Vintage Images

    Thanks, MIKELS129,

    I think you've sent me a private messge which I'm not able to read since I've not figured out how to delete the existing resevoir of private messages. Until I do, just send me a regular email at loudenbk@swbell.net.

    Thanks for your suggestion ... can you provide me with an intro or should I just go there and introduce myself?


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