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Thread: PARALOGIA (a review)

  1. Default PARALOGIA (a review)

    I went to the soft opening of Paralogia, which is located in the Centennial in LB. I have to admit that I wasn't overly excited about it's debut, but my partner (Business, not Life), John Bourke, was asked to dee-jay and I was able to slip away from the XO lounge for a bit.

    I was first turned off by the name... which means "a reasoning disorder characterized by expression of illogical or delusional thoughts". Btw, I still don't care for the name or it's meaning. I also assumed it would be the latest "mindless meat market" that tends to populate Bricktown.
    However, I have to confess that I was completely taken aback the moment I entered the venue. All I can say is that I was utterly impressed! The computer renderings I had seen did not do it justice. I arrived expecting it would be upscale, but the club that I stepped foot in was way more chic and incredibly funky! However, it's artsy eccentricity does not overpower the sophisticated ambiance it radiates. I especially liked how the tables were all illuminated from their insides and the many unique stools situated around. It has a decent sized patio split in half by a very modern fireplace. The club also features a few intersting nooks to conversate in. Of course, it was decked out with multiple flat screens as well. In fact, it would fit in just fine if it were inside the Hotel Za Za (located in Houston & Dallas) and as I looked around I almost expected to see Alex DeLarge (the main character of Clockwork Orange) and his ultraviolent droogs knocking back some drinks.

    I also wasn't expecting the patrons of Paralogia to posses any sort of discriminating taste in dance music. Once again, my expectations were pleasantly exceeded. The crowd responded enthusiastically to John's mix of Electro and Dancerock tracks. He told me that he had only one guy request hip-hop (Disclaimer: We do enjoy a variety of hip hop tracks and play a few on occasion... but seriously, you can go to any club in bricktown if you wish to hear a carbon copy of what's played on KJ 103 or WILD 104).

    For a brief moment I wasn't sure if I was in OKC or in LA.


    Anyways, expect to see me haunting this place on the regular.

    Oh... almost forgot.
    My only complaint is the fact that it is not larger.

  2. #2

    Default Re: PARALOGIA (a review)

    Nice I might check it out tonight

    So is the soft opening applied to public or only to specific invites?

    How big the place inside is it compared to XO Lounge, Skyybar or Rockbar?

  3. Default Re: PARALOGIA (a review)

    Is the entrance on the back side, by LIT Clothing?
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  4. Default Re: PARALOGIA (a review)

    sorry it took me so long to reply...
    takeashot, rokbar and skky dwarf this teeny place. i'd even say that xo is larger.

    jason, the entrance is on the backside or parking lot side.

  5. Default Re: PARALOGIA (a review)

    starting this thursday, i will be dee jaying at paralogia

    and here are some pix i took from my phone.

    James Edward Smith's Photos - paralogia | Facebook

  6. #6

    Default Re: PARALOGIA (a review)


    Really like your pictures on your "Oklahoma City MySpace" site. Good job. I may have some to swap you for business purposes.

  7. Default Re: PARALOGIA (a review)

    I like the place. Good music and fair prices for drinks. Only problem is that it is a little to small for my liking. But I do intend on going back many times.

  8. Default Re: PARALOGIA (a review)

    Quote Originally Posted by edcrunk View Post
    starting this thursday, i will be dee jaying at paralogia

    and here are some pix i took from my phone.

    James Edward Smith's Photos - paralogia | Facebook
    Helloooooo ~

    I've been plannin' to check out Paralogia. Now, hearing that you will be working your magic there, I will definitely be stopping by soon :)

    XO ~

  9. Default Re: PARALOGIA (a review)

    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Silliman View Post

    Really like your pictures on your "Oklahoma City MySpace" site. Good job. I may have some to swap you for business purposes.
    i wish i took all those incredible pix... i simply scoured them off of google images in an attempt to put OKC in the best light possible.

  10. Default Re: PARALOGIA (a review)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kandyegirl View Post
    Helloooooo ~

    I've been plannin' to check out Paralogia. Now, hearing that you will be working your magic there, I will definitely be stopping by soon

    XO ~
    please do... the thursdays prolly won't jump off till summer. we did our first one last week and it was a tad slow. part of that had to do with some reality tv celebs at rok bar that night.

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