Its really a vicious cycle, many of these 'toxic assets' are still worth quite a bit. I mean its not like 95% of the country is defaulting on their loans, its maybe 10%... So, even exaggerating the losses we could possible see a 20% loss in the value of these assets. Don't get me wrong, this isn't good, but it certainly shouldn't drive a company into the ground. What happens is, the Mark to Market Accounting forces the bank to list the value of these loans at whatever they will sell for. Since nobody will buy them, they are basically worthless (10 cents on the dollar is some figures I have read).
Since banks are a regulated industry, they are required to have a certain amount of assets in order to pay back the deposits. When the bulk of their business becomes worthless on paper because of an accounting regulation. It turns a painful loss in profits to a possible meltdown that will cause a liquidation of the company. All of this not because the loans they made were that bad, but because nobody is willing to buy the loans (it doesn't matter if they aren't trying to sell them)
Most people could just 'hold on for the ride' but banks have requirements that you or I don't. Since their entire business is based around borrowing money from their depositors and investing it. Everything they do is like buying on margin, they don't have money of their own, they borrow everything.