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Thread: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

  1. #1

    Default Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    Guess this is the best area of the forum to put this. Here's what I worked on all weekend...

    amp rack wasn't mounted in this picture, so there is a gap

    my little helpers

    Here's a couple of quick videos (don't mind the sound quality).
    YouTube - Coins jumping from the bass
    YouTube - 4 Kicker CVR 12" subs

    System consists of a 7" flip out dvd player, Kicker 250.1 on some 6.5" components and a Kicker 2500.1 on 4 CompVR 12" subs. All of the wiring is kicker including 1/0 power cable and distribution blocks.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    Beats the crap out of the one I made back in '89...Ahh the days of god awful bass rattling my mustang's hatch

    I'm thinking yours may sound just a tad better

  3. #3

    Default Re: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    haha, well it's not mine. i did it for a friend and it's pretty freakin loud

  4. #4

    Default Re: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    Looks nice! Good job on the amp board.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    Nice looking install. I've never had, nor really understood, needing that much musical ooomph in a vehicle, but I gotta admit, this looks like it would handle a fair size back side of the mountain party from younger days.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    I'll bet that it thumps in the 140db range eh? I have a JL12 hooked up to a kicker 350.1 and run my mids and highs off a kx750.1 (without the sub channel connected) everything runs nice and cool, and I get enough bass for my heavy metal tastes. I took out the two 10" audiobahns cause all my skates and pads wouldn't fit in the back with them in there too.

    I also run 3 screens a dvd player and an xbox. Pioneer premier DEH series head unit and rockford fosgate power series x 4 and alpine tweets x 2.

    I'm a firm believer that if it's too loud, you're too old. (being 44 I resemble that remark LOL)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    it's definitely in the high 140s. i had an old escort with two kicker 15s and won a few db drags at the 145-147 range and my old saturn with two coustic 12s was right around 145 and this feels a lot louder

  8. #8

    Default Re: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    Doubt my old ears could handle the volume these days, but it'd probably shake loose some of the artery gunk. maybe I oughta think about this some more.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    Nice "Shocker"

  10. #10

    Default Re: Stereo system I worked on this weekend...

    It's crude by today's standards, but back around 1971, we used to put the speaker cabinet from my Fender Bassman in my backseat and wire it into the car stereo. The cabinet had 2 -15" JBL speakers in it. I can remember kids in elementary schools jumping up from their desks and running to the windows to see what the heck was coming down the street. LOL

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