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Thread: Jobs.

  1. Default Jobs.

    Hittin the streets to apply everywhere I can find. (Sick of waitin on certain employers)

    Be helpful if anyone on here know whatever places is hiring.

    Be more helpful if anyone know deaf-friendly employers.

    I'm sick of the excuses when these people find out of my condition when I call them back thru relay. These people have no education at all.

    Post here on who's hiring, plz.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Jobs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Hittin the streets to apply everywhere I can find. (Sick of waitin on certain employers)

    Be helpful if anyone on here know whatever places is hiring.

    Be more helpful if anyone know deaf-friendly employers.

    I'm sick of the excuses when these people find out of my condition when I call them back thru relay. These people have no education at all.

    Post here on who's hiring, plz.
    What happened with your job at Target? Get laid off or something?

  3. Default Re: Jobs.

    I showed them the Jury Services letter that I received. They were not happy. It was scheduled for first week of December. Yes, bad timing! One of them told me to tell the court that I'm deaf. lol? Okay, so I did ask the court clerk if I can be excused, because I can't hear all of that stuff and that I'm busy with my job. Well, that wasn't a good excuse. The court can provide interpreter.... There goes my shot.

    Know the story of Eagle Point? We all do... The pressure I was enduring, all of these at once. So, thanks to Target for not allowing time off during holidays, I left them.

    I received a call from a Walmart store in Moore. This lady was asking if I was available. Get this, my mother answered the phone. Of course, I have to put her phone number on all applications everywhere and have mom to inform me. Well, I was there at the time this lady called. Mom kinda screwed it up, so I called her back. She wanted to know if I am still available. Of course, I am. She went on to say the computers is down. lol? How was she able to bring up my info? I know, something fishy about that. She was to call me back, so I waited. Called the store, was told to call back on Tuesday, so I did, she was off. lol? Next day I called, next excuse was hiring freeze.

    It's always the computer is down or hiring freeze excuse. Always with Walmart! Quite frustrating. I decided, I'm not gonna wait on that store. Gonna hit the streets and try my luck elsewhere. Forget Petsmart, they're not deaf-friendly.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Jobs.

    There's a deaf lady who works at the Walmart in Del City. She works at the cash register and she does a fine job at it. She's fully deaf and depends on ASL. Go apply there as they already have a deaf person working there. I'm sure they would have no problem having another deaf person working for them. Just a thought.

    By the way, did you ever get to serve on the jury?

  5. Default Re: Jobs.

    Yes, that lady is my friend. I also worked in that store for 7 months. I've been trying to get back into that store for over a year now. They had management shakeups. There is another deaf lady that works there overnight.

    The problem with that store is that one manager that is still over there on overnight is the same guy that I reported for the way he was toward people. That report resulted in 2 weeks vacation for him. Definately a grudge that he doesn't want me there. lol Altho, I'm willing to forget the past and work with him, I doubt he's willing to do the same. He does know how a good worker I am.

    I had spoken to another manager that is also overnight. I told him that I'm interested when people was telling me to go to him. Since then, no phone call from him. I thought that I left a good impression with him.

    I have plenty support in that Walmart store, but the managers is a bit wierd. They don't seem the same like before. Again, they had management shakeups.

    Another Walmart in MWC on 23rd. Went up there few months ago, did an impressionable interview. The lady just loved it. She gave me the intitial pass grade and told me to wait about 15 minutes for another manager. I waited, I could've sworn that a manager came out to get me, cuz this person came out, saw me, went back. Later another lady told me that I'll get a call in few days to check references. Since then, never a peep. lol

    Walmart policy is to check references and call the best ones to interview. This case, I knew they was lying to claim "will call back later after check references".

    Ai, Walmart isn't the same. Ever! So, frustrating.

    No, I backed out on the jury duty. Was so upset the night before, losing the Target job, worked hard on it for year, so I skipped out of it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Jobs.

    What does Eagle Point have to do with anything? I thought you moved a long time ago.

  7. Default Re: Jobs.

    Applebees in Moore was looking for a cook about a week ago. Don't know if they still are.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Jobs.

    This might be too far of a drive for you, but I saw a sign that Yukon Wal-Mart is hiring for several positions.

  9. Default Re: Jobs.

    I would travel that distant if gas was cheaper. I'm already pushing myself for Moore and Norman.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Jobs.

    I sent you a PM, Thunder - check it out!

  11. Default Re: Jobs.

    Visit your local Workforce Oklahoma location. It's the state's employment service. It's free. My mom is the office manager at the Norman office. They have all kinds of job listings.

    Workforce Oklahoma

  12. Default Re: Jobs.

    Yes, Intrepid, I'm using that. There seem to be so many jobs listed that I don't have the qualifications for. If only the jobs listed could be more suitable for me.

    Lauri, I'll check out the link you sent me.

  13. Default Re: Jobs.

    Job interview 2pm Monday. Got my hope skyhigh now. Sounds promising. Hope they like me!

  14. Default Re: Jobs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Job interview 2pm Monday. Got my hope skyhigh now. Sounds promising. Hope they like me!
    good luck. With whom?

  15. Default Re: Jobs.

    Walmart. Same position that I had an interview for few months back. Not sure if this will be the 2nd interview or a do-over 1st interview. This time, the call came from a manager.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Jobs.

    Check with the City of OKC, they almost always have positions open that you may qualify for, some of them are part-time or seasonal, but it sure beats the alternative.


  17. Default Re: Jobs.

    Hey, went to the interview. It was nothing like "job offer" as said over the phone. It was the same ole 1st interview with same ole questions. What really caught me offguard is that I was going to write down the answers, but he wanted me to use my voice. I'm not used to that. He knows I can't hear, but to use my voice, I choked. I couldn't think clearly. Oh well....there's go my shot. He also said there is other interviews and that if I'm selected, he'll call me for 2nd interview. That's not going to happen, cuz the others is normal hearing.

    I did the best I could trying to make sure I spoke the words correctly. He doesn't look happy. I really hate being deaf.

    Took mom to MWC Crest and saw a poster that they're hiring for everything. Took an application and will fill out and return.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Jobs.

    Be confident and keep your head up high. If you go in all nervous and lack confidence, it will communicate through your other areas of communication (verbal, hand gestures, etc.). Just be confident and yourself.

  19. Default Re: Jobs.

    Interview at the small MWC Crest.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Jobs.

    Good luck Thunder!

  21. Default Re: Jobs.

    Got the job there. Was kinda a strange process, but at least, I'm on the employed list. lol They do not give out 2 shirts for the job. I only got one and it will deduct from my paycheck. One?! Why? I can't have just one shirt, especially for 6 work days. lol I would be willing to take more and deduct them from the first paycheck. The shirts is only 10 bux each. Yeah, expensive, but it does have the Crest Foods logo. lol Well, I'll start in a few days. Will be interesting how communication will be the first few learning days. Overall, excited, but neverous, to start working. lol I hope I don't break any eggs! lol :-)

  22. #22

    Default Re: Jobs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Got the job there. ... I'll start in a few days. Will be interesting how communication will be the first few learning days. Overall, excited, but neverous, to start working. lol I hope I don't break any eggs! lol :-)

    Thunder, that is great news!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you. My kids' dad worked for a grocery store the whole time we were raising the kids. Working retail is a priceless experience. I hope you enjoy it!

  23. #23

    Default Re: Jobs.

    Congratulations Thunder good luck

  24. #24

    Default Re: Jobs.

    Craigslist offers many different types of jobs. I found one on it after I was forced out of AT&T.

  25. Default Re: Jobs.

    First day, I was totally scared to death. There was someone training me for bout 15 to 30 mins while I was gettin more comfortable with it. 4 hours work day, came home with $25. Bad bad for first day, eh?

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