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Thread: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

  1. #1

    Default Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    I thought it might be interesting to hear people's thoughts on the best views of downtown/Bricktown/Auto Alley., etc. at night.

    After the power went out in Mesta Park last night, my wife and I picked up and went over to The Wedge II for dinner. We've been there before at night, but I had forgotten how fantastic the view is from inside. The rain on the windows and the lightning in the sky really helped enhance the experience. So, if you're ever out in a thunderstorm-type evening, stop by The Wedge II for a pizza and a beer/glass of wine for a special experience.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    I haven't been to Wedge II yet, care to write a food review in the Food Court?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    The best view of downtown is hands down on SE 29th st.
    Going west from i-35 just before you get to High.
    View is elevated and looking NW at the SE portion of downtown.

  4. Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Even though I don't care for Lower Bricktown, I must say the view NW from the Crosstown in the vicinity Bass Pro is quite beautiful at night.

    I also really like the view from the Exchange bridge at night or day.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    I think the skyline is best viewed from the Myriad Gardens.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    I took this from the top of the St. Anthony parking garage on 12 Dec 08. It is hosted on Flickr located here.
    Last edited by plmccordj; 02-11-2009 at 06:29 PM. Reason: Wanted to add more pictures after I found that it would take.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Excellet night shots

  8. #8

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    nice. Real nice.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    I like the view from 39th and i-44,turning south on 44!
    i really like any nw looking se pics!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    I've always enjoyed the view heading southbound on Classen, right around NW 12th. From that vantage point, directly northwest and in the same line of site as St. Anthony's, it is nearly identical to the wonderful photos above, but from ground level.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  11. #11

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Quote Originally Posted by plmccordj View Post

    I took this from the top of the St. Anthony parking garage on 12 Dec 08. It is hosted on Flickr located here.

    Awesome pictures! Those would make great prints to sell, they'd make great post cards too.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    plmccordj, i was looking at your pictures of OKC on the flicker link you attached...GREAT SHOTS. those are awsome pictures. there is one night shot of a light structure you named "Beacon of Hope in Oklahoma City 6/1/2007" where is that in the city? Is it over there by styles and I-235? if it wasn't for the one way sign, that would have been just an awsome shot. good work.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Also heading northbound on Agnew coming out of Stockyards City makes an awesome view of downtown with the river, grassy areas and trees in the foreground and then downtown skyscrapers in the distance. It will probably be THE signature shot of downtown when Devon opens new HQ.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    If you are stading on the front steps of the student union at OUHSC it is a great view day and night. You have OUHSC buildings in the foreground making it seem very dense.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Cafe Do Brasil's roof top patio

  16. #16

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Also heading northbound on Agnew coming out of Stockyards City makes an awesome view of downtown with the river, grassy areas and trees in the foreground and then downtown skyscrapers in the distance. It will probably be THE signature shot of downtown when Devon opens new HQ.

    That's a great location. I sold several shots of the skyline taken from the middle of the bridge.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Like others, I've always liked the NW to SE view. There are some great vistas from NW Expressway near May. Also from the NW Marriott and Founders Tower.

    This view will be enhanced even further by Devon Tower, which should line up just to the right of the five tallest buildings. And being more to the rear of those structures, it shouldn't completely dwarf them.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Another nice vantage point is on Harrison Avenue going SW from I-235 toward downtown. Great view of the downtown buildings.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Quote Originally Posted by sgt. pepper View Post
    plmccordj, i was looking at your pictures of OKC on the flicker link you attached...GREAT SHOTS. those are awsome pictures. there is one night shot of a light structure you named "Beacon of Hope in Oklahoma City 6/1/2007" where is that in the city? Is it over there by styles and I-235? if it wasn't for the one way sign, that would have been just an awsome shot. good work.
    Yes, that's in the center of Stiles Circle at Harrison and Stiles.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Thanks guys... Those pictures were taken at 7:00 AM on 12 Dec 08 on the eighth floor of the West parking lot of St. Anthony located here... 35.477375° -97.525027°. The full size 12 MP images are on Flickr. Yes that picture of the Beacon of Hope is in Stiles Park located here... 35.475942° -97.505795°. Just plug this info into Google Earth.
    Last edited by plmccordj; 02-12-2009 at 08:35 PM. Reason: Wanted to clarify

  21. Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Paul, what an outstanding collection you have put together on your Flickr site! The pair you posted above are simply to die for. Wow.

    Another nice location to take downtown photos is on South 15th ... I don't recall exactly where I was when taking the following on October 15, 2007, when I took a southern route after leaving the Olympic rowing event on the Oklahoma River ... I was driving west on S. 15th and don't recall where I stopped to take it. I used my car roof as a substitute for the tripod I didn't have with me. From the angle, it looks like it would be on SE 15th, but I'm not sure.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    I like this view.
    I took this on the top floor of the parking garage on Walker & Sheridan:

  23. #23

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Not sure why the posts disappeared but I will repost them...


    Thanks Doug,

    Nice shot! That looks like that could be over at S.E. 15th between I-35 and High. You must have been armed to be over there . I am just kidding because I live in the "Hood" myself over here in Del City.

  24. Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    That sounds about right, Paul. Ha! I wasn't then aware that I was in a danger zone! The night's events are described here: Doug Dawgz Blog: Oklahoma Centennial Regatta. My wife & I took up a position on the south side of the river:

    ... instead of fighting with the parking problems on the north. When it came time to leave, I feared that we might be stuck there for a very long time since a freight train had pulled across the egress path! Finally, after about 15 minutes, it did move, but I was getting a little uneasy. Anyway, being on the south side already, I just decided to take a southern route to get back to Walker (I think) so that I could proceed north. If memory serves, I don't recall any significant amount of vehicular traffic on SE 15th that night, which may well have been a good thing!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Great Downtown Nighttime Views

    Doug I do not think you would be in any danger there. I thought you were further to the East near the projects housing at S.E. 15th and High. Anyway, that is pretty cool. I just took a load of old junk to the big mountain landfill near Crossroads and took the following picture from the top. I realize this thread is supposed to be about night time shots but this S.E. landfill is not open at night. This is more than one hundred feet high as I was looking down at a couple cell phone towers from up there.

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