So with all the talk that goes on all the time about turning more green, one topic I'd like to discuss is why the state of Oklahoma has been dragging it's feet for so long to address some of the ways we can make changes, specifically in regards to power. If you take a look at California, you will see a model of the type of aggresive plans Oklahomans should be making. We are far less polluted, but that means our changes will keep us from getting there.
CA offers a tax credit to help folks buy residential solar systems that take them completely off the grid. The ROI for these systems can be as little as 5 years, depending on your electrical use. In Oklahoma, we have no such credits to help out, so an ROI is 20+ years. Basically you won't see much here beyond a few people using solar radiant to heat their pools.
OG&E has made some minimal progess on pushing wind power, but they'd still rather use coal. Thank God the Corporation Commission denied their plans for the new coal plant. Power companies like OG&E want to find a way to make their customers pay for plants as well as the power they provide, which I think is total B.S. They don't explain why they do things a certain why, so customers just see a rate increase and get pissed. For-Profit is not For-Customer....too bad we can't have state power or something.
Solar isn't really viable yet for large scale use. You'll get about 30mw out of 200 acres. It's a drop in the bucket for sure. I believe the newer solar radiant systems are more productive, but I don't know the numbers. The newer nuclear options are extremely expensive and take a long time to build. The newer ones have much less waste, and you can actually build plants that run off of other plant's waste, but again, it's expensive power. I'm not saying I have any amazing solution to the problem, but I would like to see Oklahoma be more proactive in the green world. Push the wind power, push the solar power. If we don't ever try, then the technology won't improve. We WILL run out of coal and gas and oil one day, but I'm damned sure the wind will be there right along with the sun for another 10 billion years.