Originally Posted by
East Coast Okie
How nice to hear from you Solitude. Yup, some things never change - you are still spewing just to let off some of the angst in your soul. Perhaps the West Coast will make you a little happier. I hope so.
So is Los Angeles everything it ought to be? How are you liking it? Getting to the beach from time to time? Are all the people politically correct, more humane and kinder? Do they give to the poor, volunteer their time and take off work to help those needier than themselves? Are they burning down the chuches - those godforsaken temples to right wing humanity - and marching in the streets demanding more benefits from that selfish little red hen?
Honestly, I hope it is a better fit for you and that you're happier. My daughter lived out there for awhile - didn't like it. Get this - she is from NYC and thought the folks in Los Angeles were plastic annd too conservative. If Los Angeles doesn't work out, you might want to try the North East or Northern Mid Atlantic States. It is colder but at least you don't have to worry about earthquakes. Plus, it is really, really liberal.
Come back often.