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Thread: Poor People

  1. #26

    Default Re: Poor People

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    One sickness can put a person on the street. There are many reasons for poverty in America - including being a part of the working poor.

    If you really believe your ridiculous comment about being poor in the USA you, my friend, are certifiable.

    I have no intention on being brought back into the Oklahoma rightwing nuttery. God, I am glad I am out of that city. Not for the city itself - it's a great place, but the politics and religion are just so crazy as to almost be nothing but a sorry parody of itself. The city I grew up in, it's sad.
    Solitude...you've never been poor, it is easy to determine from your comments. I've been poor...and I mean POOR. The vast majority of those people who are considered poor are poor due to their life choices. Anyone can climb their way out of poverty if they want to bad enough. I am all for helping someone when they are down, and besides giving about 55% of every dollar I earn in taxes to government entities, I contribute both time and money to worthy causes that assist those who need assistance. Some people actively choose to be poor. For those people, I have zero sympathy when they complain about their situation.

    BTW...we're glad you're out of our grand city as well. Now, do something useful with your life, pay some taxes, serve your country, contribute to society.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Poor People

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    I'm going back to OKC topics. You are obviously a rabid conservative and I don't argue with the reich wing about things that are so obvious. I don't consider a $250,000 combined income "rich" by any means. But, I wonder how many of those "out the door at 6AM" people that rake in six figures would be willing to trade jobs with a person working 10 hours a day inside a fast food restaurant or work at a hot warehouse or work on a construction site? I wonder which one truly works "harder"? Probably the rich guy in the starched shirt right?
    Mike...maybe the guy in the hot warehouse should have made the life choices that would have put him in the position to be the guy in the starched shirt. BTW...I have worked in executive level positions with fortune 500 companies and manual labor jobs. As far as which is the harder job. I can assure you the stress of the executive is much more difficult than the physical labor. Go make some money Mike...some real money, and end up paying some real taxes and then you will understand.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Poor People

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    Hello from Los Angeles! Just checking in.

    Some things never change...I see East Coast Okie is still around living in her 'Leave It To Beaver' fantasy land and the far right are still beating up on poor people for being stuck in their cycle of poverty.
    How nice to hear from you Solitude. Yup, some things never change - you are still spewing just to let off some of the angst in your soul. Perhaps the West Coast will make you a little happier. I hope so.

    So is Los Angeles everything it ought to be? How are you liking it? Getting to the beach from time to time? Are all the people politically correct, more humane and kinder? Do they give to the poor, volunteer their time and take off work to help those needier than themselves? Are they burning down the chuches - those godforsaken temples to right wing humanity - and marching in the streets demanding more benefits from that selfish little red hen?

    Honestly, I hope it is a better fit for you and that you're happier. My daughter lived out there for awhile - didn't like it. Get this - she is from NYC and thought the folks in Los Angeles were plastic annd too conservative. If Los Angeles doesn't work out, you might want to try the North East or Northern Mid Atlantic States. It is colder but at least you don't have to worry about earthquakes. Plus, it is really, really liberal.

    Come back often.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Poor People

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    How nice to hear from you Solitude. Yup, some things never change - you are still spewing just to let off some of the angst in your soul. Perhaps the West Coast will make you a little happier. I hope so.

    So is Los Angeles everything it ought to be? How are you liking it? Getting to the beach from time to time? Are all the people politically correct, more humane and kinder? Do they give to the poor, volunteer their time and take off work to help those needier than themselves? Are they burning down the chuches - those godforsaken temples to right wing humanity - and marching in the streets demanding more benefits from that selfish little red hen?

    Honestly, I hope it is a better fit for you and that you're happier. My daughter lived out there for awhile - didn't like it. Get this - she is from NYC and thought the folks in Los Angeles were plastic annd too conservative. If Los Angeles doesn't work out, you might want to try the North East or Northern Mid Atlantic States. It is colder but at least you don't have to worry about earthquakes. Plus, it is really, really liberal.

    Come back often.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Poor People

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    How nice to hear from you Solitude. Yup, some things never change - you are still spewing just to let off some of the angst in your soul. Perhaps the West Coast will make you a little happier. I hope so.

    So is Los Angeles everything it ought to be? How are you liking it? Getting to the beach from time to time? Are all the people politically correct, more humane and kinder? Do they give to the poor, volunteer their time and take off work to help those needier than themselves? Are they burning down the chuches - those godforsaken temples to right wing humanity - and marching in the streets demanding more benefits from that selfish little red hen?

    Honestly, I hope it is a better fit for you and that you're happier. My daughter lived out there for awhile - didn't like it. Get this - she is from NYC and thought the folks in Los Angeles were plastic annd too conservative. If Los Angeles doesn't work out, you might want to try the North East or Northern Mid Atlantic States. It is colder but at least you don't have to worry about earthquakes. Plus, it is really, really liberal.

    Come back often.
    I own a house in Harwichport, MA and what I find funny is that all of my neighbors (mostly bostonians who weekend and summer at the cape) are all, for the most part, registered democrats. They are socially very liberal, but fiscally are conservative hawks. Probably because they all pay out the wazoo in taxes.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Poor People

    Quote Originally Posted by Nermel View Post
    We give too much assistence to poor people as it is. Too broke to pay for your kids at lunch (or give them a sack lunch)? No problem, we will feed them for free. Breakfast at school is also free - in case you can't manage to pour a bowl of Cheerio's. This kind of confuses me. How can you qualify for food stamps and then still have to have the school feed your child (for free)?
    Oh please. Give me a break. BLAH LAH BLAH DEM POOR PPLZ TEY DONT PAY DER TAXES (how much can you evade on a >20k income?). Let me guess, you're rooting for the underprivileged upper 10% whose accountant maybe flubbed up and didn't find enough loopholes or ways to evade paying their share. Please read up on Warren Buffett a bit, and what he has to say about it. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/mon...cle1996735.ece

    And seriously, how can you be pissed off that CHILDREN who have bad parents and otherwise ZERO opportunities are getting subsidised or free healthcare and lunches? Are you against government-funded k12 education as well?

    Guess what, I would have starved to death when i was a kid if it weren't for those free lunches!!!!!!! I would have loved to have been raised in a more comfortable income bracket where my parents did things like feed me and put shoes on my feet, but I didn't exactly have a choice.

    Children DO NOT need to starve and suffer until they can raise themselves out of situations like that.

    Reality to Nermel (and the other sociopaths) : THE PLAYING GROUND IS NOT LEVEL.

  7. #32
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Poor People

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    That right, we should definitely punish the kids for their screwed up parents...
    I say, let them all starve.
    I didn't catch anything about punishing kids. If anything Nermal doesn't
    understand why someone should get food stamps if they aren't going to use
    them to feed their kid.

    As long as responsibility isn't required nobody is going to be responsible.

  8. #33
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Poor People

    There's a lot of hate on this thread.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Poor People

    Quote Originally Posted by noodlecat View Post
    Why is that my problem?

  10. #35

    Default Re: Poor People

    Quote Originally Posted by noodlecat View Post
    Reality to Nermel (and the other sociopaths) : THE PLAYING GROUND IS NOT LEVEL.
    You're right, the playing field isn't level. Never has been, never will be.

    But that is some pretty hateful namecalling. Sorry you had a sucky childhood - so did a lot of us - and plenty of us don't share you views but that doesn't make us sociopaths.

    So are you a preacher in real life? You ought to consider it. You already have the holier than thou down pat. You could tell everyone how bad you had it and instead of blaming your parents for sucking at it, you can point fingers at people who actually expect PARENTS to do their job. Better yet, maybe instead of finger wagging at us, you ought to have a come to jesus talk with your sh*tty parents. They clearly damaged you so much that you turned into a miserable adult who thinks the world owes her something because she didn't get properly cared for as a child.

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