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Thread: ticket sales

  1. #1

    Default ticket sales

    so what ranking in the okc thunders when it comes to ticket sales in other cities, on other boards they are saying we are dead last or second to dead last, is this true, why after only not even 1 year?

  2. #2

    Default Re: ticket sales

    Yes, we are dead last because all the people away do not want to see their team blow out the competition, although lately it has been a lot closer. Here is a link the NBA's attendance and you can sort it by ticket sales, ticket pct, games, etc.

    NBA Attendance - National Basketball Association - ESPN

  3. #3

    Default Re: ticket sales

    12 Oklahoma City 25 464,913 18,596 WE ARE RANKED 12 AT AT HOME SALES.

  4. #4

    Default Re: ticket sales

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesseda View Post
    12 Oklahoma City 25 464,913 18,596 WE ARE RANKED 12 AT AT HOME SALES.
    Precisely. Anyone who says we are dead last has no idea what they're talking about. We've been in the 11th to 12th rank all season. Our season ticket sales put us in the top five too, I believe, as compared with all other NBA teams. Now, we may be dead last in terms of attendance for Thunder games at other arenas. That would be because our team is not very well known, and doesn't have a great record.

  5. #5

    Default Re: ticket sales

    I think what he was trying to ask is, what are the other teams' attendance numbers when the Thunder go on the road to play at other venues. Like when the Lakers, Celtics, Spurs, & Magic go on the road they probably draw a large crowd versus us, or Washington, Golden State and so on...

  6. #6

    Default Re: ticket sales

    Ah yes, I did not read the question clearly. We are dead last in other cities. But, I don't think that's much of a surprise. Our team has less name recognition than other cities, and we're never on national television. People have heard of Kevin Durant, but they're not yet showing up just to see him play. People always show up better when the away team is a "name" team. Here in OKC too, the sellouts are when the better teams show up. As we get better and he and the other players get more of a name, ticket sales in other cities for the Thunder will improve.

  7. Default Re: ticket sales

    We can't control how many people show up to see the Thunder in Detroit, Minneapolis, or Phoenix. We can control how many show up at the Ford Center. We are #6 in total attendance for the season so far, behind the Celtics, Jazz, Bulls, Pistons, and Lakers. Not bad for an 11-36 team struggling for respect.

  8. #8

    Default Re: ticket sales

    A lot of folks who show up for games know little aside from the visiting team's record...Crap record coming in means many in the larger cities switch to plan B is all

  9. #9

    Default Re: ticket sales

    Who gives a damn? If we can stay at the 18,500 level at the Ford Center, we'll be okay. Who cares if other teams can't sell tickets for a supposed automatic victory. Go Thunder and Go OKC!!!!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: ticket sales

    thank all for the answers, i do believe it is because we are a new team, and maybe thats why, i am just glad that we are not dead last in home game attendence.....

  11. Default Re: ticket sales

    well the last two games at the lakers and blazers were both sellouts

  12. #12

    Default Re: ticket sales

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    well the last two games at the lakers and blazers were both sellouts
    Right! cuz real NBA fans know how well the thunder are playing now compared to the 1st two month's-and they also want to see KD,Green,Westbrook-Even if the thunder have one of the worst records or not -I believe KD is the price of admission!!!!!!!!!

  13. #13

    Default Re: ticket sales

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    well the last two games at the lakers and blazers were both sellouts
    They both have really good teams and I think a lot of people were there to cheer against the Thunder instead of for the Blazers.

  14. Default Re: ticket sales

    That ESPN link now shows us at 2nd to last on the road, with Minnesota in last.

    And if that's the worst criticism they can come up for us now, GREAT!
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  15. #15

    Default Re: ticket sales

    Looks like Indiana has also fallen behind the Thunder in road attendance.

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