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Thread: Singles Events

  1. #1

    Red face Singles Events

    OK I am new to this and I was reading a couple of posts and someone had mentioned something about attending singles events, but I 've never heard of any and don't have a clue on how to meet anyone. Two years ago I ended a 6 year relationship and have been single ever since. During my relationship, I lost contact with my friends and basically have none, at least not any close friends, so I can't really go out with a friend to meet guys. I feel pretty much stuck, but I can't complain. I came from having nothing, no car, no job and no place to live, and 2 years later I have paid off my car, have a great and promising career and am about to close on my first house. I am ready to get out there and meet someone, but I have become quite shy and haven't a clue on how to meet anyone. I absolutely feel that "friends first" is a must and I certainly want to go slow, but again, where can I meet a decent man? You know, someone who has a stable job and takes care of his responsibilities... If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.



  2. Default Re: Singles Events

    Every Saturday Night at Vintage Coffee (150th & Western) is singles night.

    We want to provide a smoke and drunk-free zone with a laid back atmosphere for our single friends. We've only been doing it for a few weeks, and we need more participants!

    I told my single friends to get off the couch and do something, because I was tired of hearing them complain about it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Singles Events

    how many show up usually?

  4. Default Re: Singles Events

    we've just gotten started and then we had the holiday, so frankly, not very many.


    But if everyone sits and waits for everyone else to show up, then no one will ever meet anyone else.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Singles Events

    Lotsa people here, not necessarily all single, but the concerts are free and fun
    Twilight Concerts | Arts Council of Oklahoma City

    Also, get involved with a community that you have interest in, whether it be the Arts, Music, Volunteer Work (plenty to be had here in the Metro), etc.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Singles Events

    I have thought of volunteering with the kidos but I don't know how or where to start. My biggest concern is safety for my kids. I don't want to put them at risk where we volunteer. Any suggestions?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Singles Events

    If you're involved with your church, I would suggest starting there.

    The great thing about Volunteering is that it's not something that you HAVE TO DO, like work. So, you can choose what you want to volunteer at - i.e. don't turn it into a job, it's got to be something that you REALLY enjoy doing - something you don't mind not getting paid for. And don't make it about "finding a relationship", use it to make new friends. It'll expand your boundaries.

    A few local suggestions:

    Fighting Hunger - Feeding Hope | Regional Food Bank Of Oklahoma

    Zoo Friends - OKC Zoo Offers Exciting Volunteer Opportunities

    Myriad Botanical Gardens and Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory - Volunteers

    Best Friends Volunteer Oklahoma City

    If nothing else try:
    VolunteerMatch - Where Volunteering Begins

  8. #8

    Default Re: Singles Events

    thank you so much namellac

  9. #9

    Default Re: Singles Events

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Stark View Post
    Every Saturday Night at Vintage Coffee (150th & Western) is singles night.

    We want to provide a smoke and drunk-free zone with a laid back atmosphere for our single friends. We've only been doing it for a few weeks, and we need more participants!

    I told my single friends to get off the couch and do something, because I was tired of hearing them complain about it.

    Is Vintage Coffee on South Western? What is it next to?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Singles Events

    Vintage Coffee is on North Western at 150th (33rd Street - Edmond), in the mall just east of the Fidelity Bank there. They're on the far east side of the mall, next to Limerick Photo Studio.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Singles Events

    It's in Edmond? Pretty far

  12. #12

    Default Re: Singles Events

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    Vintage Coffee is on North Western at 150th (33rd Street - Edmond), in the mall just east of the Fidelity Bank there. They're on the far east side of the mall, next to Limerick Photo Studio.
    Oh, about the mall, do you mean Quail Springs Mall?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Singles Events

    No. Quail is off of Memorial, between May and Penn (more or less).

    This "mall" to which I refer, and I probably shouldn't have said mall, is really a strip center with a dry cleaners, nail salon, women's fitness center, veterinarian, and furniture import store. This strip center is just east of the "Oklahoma Fidelity" bank, which is situated on the SE corner of Western and 150th.

    If you google 1000 NW 150th Street, Oklahoma City - you can get on google street view and actually see the strip center I am talking about. Vintage Coffee is on the far left of the center's two main buildings.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Singles Events

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    No. Quail is off of Memorial, between May and Penn (more or less).

    This "mall" to which I refer, and I probably shouldn't have said mall, is really a strip center with a dry cleaners, nail salon, women's fitness center, veterinarian, and furniture import store. This strip center is just east of the "Oklahoma Fidelity" bank, which is situated on the SE corner of Western and 150th.
    Alright thanks

  15. Default Re: Singles Events

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    No. Quail is off of Memorial, between May and Penn (more or less).

    This "mall" to which I refer, and I probably shouldn't have said mall, is really a strip center with a dry cleaners, nail salon, women's fitness center, veterinarian, and furniture import store. This strip center is just east of the "Oklahoma Fidelity" bank, which is situated on the SE corner of Western and 150th.

    If you google 1000 NW 150th Street, Oklahoma City - you can get on google street view and actually see the strip center I am talking about. Vintage Coffee is on the far left of the center's two main buildings.
    FritterGirl, have you come in, yet? You give better directions than I do.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Singles Events

    Your accomplishments are outstanding. Don't rush, he will come! Coffee shop? Come on guys. Go to the dog park! Lol

  17. #17

    Default Re: Singles Events

    What's the age group that show up?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Singles Events

    I'm not single so maybe I shouldn't be posting but I do promote comedy events in the OKC area. Some involve free tickets, some don't. I usually push one or two events a month and I notice a lot of singles come. Here's another thing I notice: You can tell a lot about a person by noticing what they are laughing at and what they aren't. You can tell a lot by gauging their sense of humor.

    If you'd ever want to make up a group, let me know.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Singles Events

    Have you considered online dating? I know it can feel a little silly, but I met some great guys online and have been with someone I met online for a few months now. I've also found that you can tell a LOT more about people through a computer than I would have ever thought. Anyway, not saying meeting someone face to face is out, but a lot more folks are going the online route and there's nothing wrong with it.

    If you have common sense, I don't see how online dating is any more dangerous than meeting someone at a coffee shop, either.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Singles Events

    @plaidpixel: What kind of Online service do you use? I've had very mixed results with yahoo personals and myspace. And when i say very mixed, I mean bad. LOL

  21. #21

    Default Re: Singles Events

    I've tried Singlesnet.com and Plentyoffish.com. POF is free and they have singles events every now and then. I've gone to a few of them, but was not impressed with the people who showed up. Dating just plain sucks if you ask me. I think I must have a loser magnent attached to me somewhere. I also get the guys who are just after one thing and one thing only. I weed those out pretty quickly. It might just be me and I may be far too picky, but I haven't many men of value on the dating sites. So I give up. If he's out there he's going to have to come knocking on my door....lol....and we all know that's not gonna happen.....lol So I'm just learning to be me alone.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Singles Events

    Send me a pic and and an address. I might come knock. LOL (just kidding!)

    I've got the same attitude. But then again, I've got 2 kids and a dog living with me, so I'm not technically alone.

  23. Default Re: Singles Events

    Hello, I'm in same same boat as own2feet, except without the problems with no job and car situation, I just cant find other singles, OKC is kinda bad about groups, maybe there are groups, but i dont know about them, would anyone like to start a facebook thing for singles, I'm not much into myspace, that site is a pain in the a**...too flashy for me, and people profiles have music which slows my computer down, so my suggestion is a facebook, its a much more a simple site, well I hope to hear about events, or wishing to start something. I dont check this site on a regular basis, but you can email me at electrician.in.okc@gmail.com


  24. Default Re: Singles Events

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSkater View Post
    @plaidpixel: What kind of Online service do you use? I've had very mixed results with yahoo personals and myspace. And when i say very mixed, I mean bad. LOL
    Dave Skater, you might think about trying the sites where you have to pay, too. Match.com is a pretty good site (I've liked it much better than POF or the Yahoo personals) and eharmony has been successful for some of my friends. Meaning, they met and married someone from there.

    myspace is just creepy, IMO. I can't help but feel it's a playground for pedophiles.

    Another interesting arena for meeting folks is twitter. You start finding folks with your interests on there and gradually expand your group. You can meet all kinds of people on there.

    Good luck to you all!
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  25. #25

    Default Re: Singles Events

    I've tried Eharmony a few times over the last few years. Actually met a really great guy when through EH when I lived in the Tulsa area a few years back. Didn't work out in the end, but at least I felt like I was getting matches with potential. But after my move here, I haven't had any luck. I think most people don't get past the part about having 3 kids...which is to be expected. I have to decide pretty soon whether or not to renew my EH account - I'm undecided.

    I made the mistake once of scanning Craigslist personals - oh wow - I think I'm still blushing after making the mistake of opening a few with pictures. I was expecting face pictures - and that is definately not what was posted!

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