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Thread: Gaillardia Home Tour

  1. #1

    Default Gaillardia Home Tour

    Saw this on Wimgo, thought some of you might enjoy it if you wanted to peak into some of the city's nicest homes.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    $15.00 to tour, well if anyone wants to see my home its only $1.00 a ticket and it will benefit my paying bills fund. Tours only last about a minute, very small house, the decor is mainly a mix of walmart, family dollar with a little bit of kohls clearance items, very unique a must see

  3. #3

    Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    If you want to come see my place just bring a canned good and I will be glad to give you the grand tour. For another donation I will get you glass of ice water and you can pet the dog and let you look at my OKC stuff collection. Just make sure you bring proper ID.

  4. Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Saw this on Wimgo, thought some of you might enjoy it if you wanted to peak into some of the city's nicest homes.



  5. Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    We went. It's only one home and its not bad and benefits a good cause. It was recently built and bought by a doctor that hasn't moved in yet. I think they said it was around 10,000 square feet (cozy). I could live in their ground level basement if they want to adopt me. Had a very cool wine cellar, theatre room, 6 bedrooms, a couple of kitchens, a few living areas/dens, a couple of decks for good measure and oh yeah, an elevator. Something different to do on a weekend afternoon.

  6. #6
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    You can't have too many kitchens.

  7. Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    I need just enough counter space for my hamilton beach grill

  8. Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    I believe the island bar in the main kitchen could seat up to 12 people on one side. The main kitchen also has at least three double stacking dishwashers.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    Pay 15 bones to see something I cannot afford? NO thanx! but I'm sure they are beautiful homes!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    We went. It's only one home and its not bad and benefits a good cause. It was recently built and bought by a doctor that hasn't moved in yet. I think they said it was around 10,000 square feet (cozy). I could live in their ground level basement if they want to adopt me. Had a very cool wine cellar, theatre room, 6 bedrooms, a couple of kitchens, a few living areas/dens, a couple of decks for good measure and oh yeah, an elevator. Something different to do on a weekend afternoon.
    Actually, only 7,069 square feet. More information: Leonard Sullivan Oklahoma County Assessor Real Property Detail Sheet

    I'm personally not interested in paying $15 to see Mr. and Mrs. Castelli flaunt their wealth...especially considering that apparently this is their *second* house in Gaillardia (according to the assessor record).

  11. #11

    Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    oh only 7,069 how low class tight spaced house. I need at least 8,000 sq ft to stretch and relax. OH GIEVES ,GIEVES where my Margarita

  12. Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    I'm personally not interested in paying $15 to see Mr. and Mrs. Castelli flaunt their wealth
    Wow you can cut the envy with a knife (though you'd never admit it). Actually, I didn't get the impression they were "flaunting" anything. They agreed to help the YWCA and put off moving in. The house has had a great attendance and raised alot of money for battered women.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    Mass not class.

  14. Default Re: Gaillardia Home Tour

    I heard ticket sales alone have now raised over $25,000, a private dinner raised even more and the home owners have donated not only use of their home but lots of cash too.

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