Who used to own GODFATHERS pizza on the south side? got into a few (fights) scuffles in the parking lot on 59th in front of godfathers. there used to be hundreds of kids hang out up and down 59th....that was our drag back in the day!
Does anyone remember the name of the movie theater on S. Agnew? I think it's now a Harley-Davidson dealer.
It was a hard one ....it was called the Agnew Theater....You are getting old....Maybe a haircut would work?....Naw, I'll see you Saturday??. Also, I bid on a 1960 Grant Yearbook....if I get it it's yours if you need it...
I just put a posting on the SE High School page of "classmates.com" asking people to check out this site. Maybe we'll get a few more people to come on here and share their memories....maybe even some new ones....surely we haven't come up with all the memories yet!!!
Also, don't forget.....
Saturday, January 24th @ 12:30pm
Dan's Ol' Time Diner - 84th & S. Western
See all you guys there! I may be a little late, so save me a spot!
The Checkmate was a club (to the best of my recollection). It was there before the Scene. We use to go to the Scene during battle of the bands.
Hey Generals64...since I'm gonna be coming a little bit late Saturday can you make a sign for the table? I may not get there until around 1:00pm. THANKS!!
Got a new OLD MEMORY:.....on the NorthWest corner of 44th and Agnew....there was a filling station there and, you could dial whatever grade fuel (up to Jet fuel) that you might want. John Tullis worked there forever....I think the name of the station was Cosner???? Someone help me out here. The building is still there but the language has changed...
Wasn't that the Apco station across the street from Kearn's Dairy where John Tullis and his Dad worked on their go-fast factory hot rod Fords? Ricky Mintgomery (now paralyzed) had the Fords and switched to Chevrolet worked on his there also. Tullis and Montgomery both lived on S.W. 48th.......
So how do you spot the group at Dans? Ask for the old southsiders?
Can't make it this time, (cast). Ricky was working at Tinker AFB and had a very lucrative salvage yard started somewhere down south of OKC at the time. He loved to play pool and hanging out in beer joints I guess is the only way you can do that. Anyway, you knew him, he was a quiet reserved type fellow, hard to get to know but an alright guy I thought. He left a beer joint one night about 20 years ago after playing pool and was beat unconcious and kicked half to death, assumed to be over a crummy pool game. He said he never saw who hit him or anything. Just woke up in the hospital, paralyzied for the rest of his life. Last I heard he was living with his mother back on 48th, and I also heard later she died!! I'm assuming he's still living. Bad deal, kind of liked ol Rick, the ONLY Ricky Montgomery I like for sure!!!!!!
Now, there was a guy.....I talked with his Sister (T) not too long ago and my statement to her was "How's Ricky"? Her answer was he's doing all right. I didn't know until right now....But, He was a little "Cocky" and probably helped start the fight don't you know?...Hey, still got your Camaro????
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