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Thread: Downtown Update: Music plays into nightspots' plans

  1. #1

    Default Downtown Update: Music plays into nightspots' plans

    Downtown update: Music plays into nightspots' plans
    Published: January 14, 2009

    The unveiling of dueling pianos in Bricktown failed to debut in time for Thanksgiving leftovers, but operators of Michael Murphy’s Dueling Pianos report an opening is set for Valentine’s Day.

    The club is being opened in the Oklahoma Hardware Building, 25 E California Ave., by Bobby Dennis and Bobby Spann, owners of nearby CityWalk. Renovations are under way in the former Eschbach’s Hall of Fame Sports Bar, which is being gutted to make way for the piano bar.

    Stages already are in place, and Dennis said pianos are in storage and performers have been hired. › Coyote Ugly meanwhile reports on its Web site that it plans to have a club open by March in the Miller-Jackson Building, 115 E California Ave.

    The nightclub operator, which features female bartenders who dance on bar tops, reports it will be auditioning performers on Feb. 28 and March 1.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Downtown Update: Music plays into nightspots' plans

    Doesn't this belong in the Bricktown Forum?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Downtown Update: Music plays into nightspots' plans

    Doesn't this belong in the Bricktown Forum?
    Is Bricktown a verboten subject on OKC Metro Talk?

  4. Default Re: Downtown Update: Music plays into nightspots' plans

    What a GREAT space to put this! The pianos will be heard from the street, and there's a lot of pedestrian traffic there! I think it will really liven up that corner! How fun! No sarcasm intended...I am jsut imagining walking by on a summer night and hearing people having a ball in there!

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