I have been giving some thought to about buying some land in the country and got curious as to this questions. It would seem like they wouldn't work in the thick red clay that we have in these parts.
I have been giving some thought to about buying some land in the country and got curious as to this questions. It would seem like they wouldn't work in the thick red clay that we have in these parts.
Go to your county extension agent...(county Ag offices) and ask who you could have to "Perk" the soil....they will have some recommendations and then pick who you want.....Answer to your question is "YES" Septice tanks work in Oklahoma's Red Clay. The perk test will tell you how many feet of lateral lines you need to make the septic tank work efficiently......When you set a septic tank remember to pour in a packet of Yeast (through your bathroom toilet) to help build the bacteria to eat the waste.....
It all depends on the sand content of your soil. The more sand the more likely you will be able to install a single tank with leach lines and an absorption field. If you get a place with tight red clay and very little sand content or red sand stone you will probably have to install an Aerobic System which consist of three separate tanks that break the "material" down. The absorption field is cheaper and requires less maintenance, but the aerobic allows a person to build on a lot that in the past may not have been adequate for a septic system at all. DEQ regulates septic systems and the installers. They should have everything you need on their web site.
I would call a septic installer that regularly works in the area you are interested in and more importantly I would call a water well company that has drilled in the area to find out about the water depth and quality.
An aerobic system is the way to go. They are alot less maintenance and you can get a annual service contract for less than $400 per year and then they take care of everything. We have had one for more than ten years and have had absolutely no problems. Biggs out of Piedmont installed ours.
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