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Thread: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

  1. #1

    Default The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    Anyone else partaking?

  2. Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    Another commitment . . . have a great time Wuz. I'll catch up with you somewhere in '09.


    Pray For World Peace . . . pass it on.
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by The Old Downtown Guy View Post
    Another commitment . . . have a great time Wuz. I'll catch up with you somewhere in '09.


    Pray For World Peace . . . pass it on.
    Sounds good, old. You have a great time yourself.

  4. Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    I'll be there... I've been brainstorming trying to imagine a way that it could possibly be any better than last year- what will they think of next? How can they top 15,000+ laser pointers?

  5. Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    15,500+ laser pointers?

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    Complimentary Slankets for everyone!

    I'll be the white dude in the ballcap, just like I was last year. Only I lost my old ballcap at last year's show. I do not intend to repeat that unfortunate error this time around, I can assure you. If it takes stapling the new hat to my old head, so be it.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    I went. I love the Lips, but the show was very lame by their standards. It was sad, as I took a couple of people who had never seen them live. Too bad their performance was so dispirited, the sound was bad, etc.

  8. Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    That's too bad. How was the crowd? I hope that doesn't indicate a waning interest in OKC performances by the Lips.

  9. Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    I had a good time- they played some of my favorites including the Spark That Bled and the WAND and All We Have is Now, so I was pretty happy. You have to love the personality of the band and their fans- Who else has scores of dancing fans in teletubby costumes on stage with them? Who else descends in a space ship, inflates himself into a plastic bubble, and then rolls out over the crowd? Try describing what you saw at a Flaming Lips concert and people will think you're making it up... haha

    I would say it wasn't as good as last year (no laser pointers for everyone in the crowd- amazing visual things happen when you give that many people lasers) but it was a good concert- and he said "SECOND ANNUAL" meaning we get more in the future. Wayne wants to make it an annual showcase of Oklahoma musical talent, with more opening acts in the future.

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    The crowd was noticeably smaller than last year. Economy? I don't know. The Lips have played here a lot in the last couple of years.

    Perhaps it will be better next year with a new record anticipated to come out. They seriously need to do something about the sound.

    I had less optimal seats this year and the sound toward the rear of the arena was not good.

  11. Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    Yeah the Cox Center really isn't the best venue sound-wise in the first place. There were some times when I wouldn't have understood the words if I didn't know them. Tickets were more expensive this year, I think last year they started at 10? That might have contributed to the smaller crowd.

    Youtube already has some videos of last night of course! So to quasi-experience the landing of Wayne's spaceship, YouTube - the flaming lips new years eve freakout!

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    I had bad seats in the 300 hundred level but we were able to move down stage left 100 level just above the pit and sit right there on the stairs. It sounded great from right there and we ran over and started feeding the balloons into the crowd for the finale.

    Pretty good show but it was kind of a weak turnout and a lot of the crowd and stage characters didn't seem too into it. It didn't help that they stopped serving beer at 10:30.

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Flaming Lips - New Year's Eve Roll Call

    This was my first Lips show, I had only watched the Zoo DVD previously. I was surprised at the amount of dead time between acts with the same freaking loop going and going. It was fun, but nothing in comparison to the vibe I saw on the DVD.

    Again, I enjoyed it, but won't be going next year.

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