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Thread: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

  1. #126

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    If they are moving, probably would be 29th. Makes me wonder people have given up on the north side (reno area). Surprised ACE Hardware is still around.
    Ace will hold their own. They have stores all over the place that on their own. I think they are intentionally placing their stores in neighborhoods. People are more likely to go there for quick home repairs before Home Depot or Lowes if the store is right around the corner from the house.

  2. #127

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I think Office Depot may be moving to 29th or at least somewhere new in MWC. A for lease sign went up in front of their store this week.

    Yes, they are still open.
    Nope, got your answer. Office Depot announced they are closing over 100 stores nation wide Thats to bad

    Bloomberg.com: U.S.

  3. #128

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    That does not necessarily mean that store is closing or moving. That store does stay fairly busy being it is the only office supply store in the MWC area.

    Come to think of it, I think the for lease sign may be for the old Party Galaxy pad site they cleared after it burned down.

  4. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Places like Ace survive because people go to it no matter where it is. It's not a "foot traffic" store. Same goes for Office Depot. You go where ever the building is. It would be a damned shame if that place closed though. I can count of Office Depot for having anything I ever need. It may be more expensive, but I don't have to go in Wally World, and they have computer parts Best Buy doesnt!

  5. #130

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Places like Ace survive because people go to it no matter where it is. It's not a "foot traffic" store. Same goes for Office Depot. You go where ever the building is. It would be a damned shame if that place closed though. I can count of Office Depot for having anything I ever need. It may be more expensive, but I don't have to go in Wally World, and they have computer parts Best Buy doesnt!
    Amen to that! My dislike of Wally World will send me to more expensive places because my time is worth it! (Not to mention my mood - shopping at WalMart puts me in a bad mood!)

  6. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    just went by the mall. Keep in mind, it's the night before Christmas Eve, and the place looked like it was closed. The only part that was lit up was Sears, and there were very few cars on that end. Seriously, the city needs to come in and take care of it once and for all. It's no longer just a sad place. It's now an eye sore and disgrace to the city. Acres of grass and weeds would look better.......

  7. #132

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    I was in there today. I went to Finish Line and the Game Stop but other than the 5 or 6 stores I don't think there is anything in there. I'm glad that we still have the finish line though, you can get really cheap prices!

  8. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    I was in there not long ago to go to Sears and Bath and Body Works...what's so weird is that it feels like all the stores are now concentrated on the Sears end....and they don't really even extend to the middle of the mall now. So we're talking what, 10 stores in the whole place now? I think they even had the lights off on the west end of the mall.


  9. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    But keep Sears somewhere in MWC please. You can't beat their tools and appliances.

  10. #135

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    HPM needs to return to what it was back in the day. Prairie. It could be like Midwest City's little greenbelt.

  11. #136

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    But keep Sears somewhere in MWC please. You can't beat their tools and appliances.
    I hear that Sears will be moving to the new building development at Sooner and I-40......................that would still be close enough

  12. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Redskin 70 View Post
    I hear that Sears will be moving to the new building development at Sooner and I-40......................that would still be close enough
    Now that is interesting. Does that mean when they move, HPM will finally get shut down? I was under the impression Sears was staying no matter what.

  13. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    That's definitely an interesting point. They are the only thing keeping the place alive now. Once they move, you know the few stores left will find a new home outside of the mall. Bath and Body Works, Finish Line, and GNC would fit into any shopping center in MWC. All of them are smaller stores that don't really need anything special. Plus they are all places we'd go to no matter where they are located in MWC.

    Moving to I-40 and Sooner would be the best thing Sears could do to escape the stigma of the mall. I think most shoppers of Sears would enjoy the location more because the store would be updated and could be redesigned to better fit the way Sears has converted more to hardware than clothing.

  14. #139

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    If Sears closes I predict the mall will close and be redeveloped as a new shopping center, business park or maybe even a new housing addition.

  15. #140

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    LC.tv is hoping to finally build out the former Dillards space they bought last year in the coming year. Maybe that will bring some new life to what's left of the mall.

  16. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Ugh, can they just sell it so we can bulldoze the place please....

  17. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Yeah, Life Church beat out the smaller church who had a contract to buy the building, signed an agreement with the realtor and Hobby Lobby stores to purchase it, then the realtor sold it to Life Church and totally voiding the contractual agreement. What a crappy realtor. ****ty actually.

  18. #143

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    If Sears closes I predict the mall will close and be redeveloped as a new shopping center, business park or maybe even a new housing addition.
    I can see it happening. we have the same thing happening with the mall where i live currently. stores are closing down and the mall is getting empty. seems like the only major stores are there(and sears is one since its an anchor store..more the same with hpm too..) here its like most stores are going to nashville.

    if they do get rid of heritage...they should get rid of that whataburger too..their service has always been bad

  19. #144

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    I'm naturally suspicious of anything classified as a church that calls itself a "campus."

    The whole production is reminiscent of car dealership infomercials that run on weekend afternoons.

  20. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    I'm not a big lifechurch fan either, but hey if it brings folks to church, i'm all for it. Different things work for different people.

    This particular deal is very un-christian like though. To steal a building right out from under another congregation. That's completely asshole-ish. Minus a billion points to lifechurch for that one. And what, are the other locations around town not good enough for their own real buildings? Southside is in the freaking Builders Square for crying out loud....now Dillard's.....come on.

  21. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Yeah, I do keep bringing that fact up about LC stealing Dilliards, but it erks me still... I can't believe they would do that. I'd like to meet the guy who decides these things. jerk.

  22. #147

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc
    to steal a building right out from under another congregation.
    i'm not up to speed on that... who did they 'steal' it from? -M

  23. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    If I remember it right, wasn't it the church that was inside the mall for a number of years? I think they were in the old Lerner across from the old Radio Shack.

  24. #149

    Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    I think the Heritage site has been consider by several developers as a mixed use site.

  25. Default Re: What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with?

    I hear some folks talking the other day about converting it to office space. It's probably the best solution you could have. Honestly, the building itself is in great condition. It's been used so lightly that there's not much wear and tear on it! LOL! So it could convert to office space pretty easily. We've been in need of honest to goodness just office space on the east side for some time now. People keep building those stupid house-like office buildings and strip malls. Obviously the need is there, we just can't find anyone with enough vision to do what they should....make office space!

    So buy the sucker up, get some office tenants (doctor's offices, lawyers, whatever). Next you'll see a food court come back to life to serve those that work inside.

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