Originally Posted by
The Feds may be "out of cash," but it's not stopping them from giving billions and billions of money for bailouts. They'll just print more.
Your post seems bitter and is fundamentally inaccurate. Obviously, you cannot hide your contempt for Obama but our state stands to gain from the stimulus package, as we have three major interstate highways crisscrossing, that's right, right here in OKC. Or maybe you would rather Obama just send that money to other states for their projects? I'm sure Benham Company and many other contractors that could be put to work tomorrow rebuilding these highways would prefer to work WITH the new president instead of sucking their thumbs because their desired candidate lost.
Question: where is Mick in all of this? The OKC Chamber? My friend and I were talking about this just yesterday. Couldn't we consider the new boulevard for this? Or a rail project? The infrastructure money is going to flow. It is a certainty at this point. We need someone making our case for it, NOW! We don't have Ernest Istook to deny it for us anymore!