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Thread: Bedlam tickets

  1. #1

    Default Bedlam tickets

    It will be an embarrassment for OSU to host the game of the week and have empty seats because of a bone head policy that didn't have enough foresight to consider the ramifications. Thoughts?

  2. Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Yes. As it should be.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    It is foolish of them to only allow OU game tickets with their season ticket packages.

    Hopefully, the ABC & ESPN crews will bring this to the attention of the nation.

    And, I can only pray that the recruits that they've invited to be at this game will take notice, and question it.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    It's aggieland, what did you expect? Maybe if they give away free noodling videos they can fill the remaining seats.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    Yes. As it should be.
    As in the seats should be empty rather than filled with Sooner fans?

  6. Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    No...It should be embarassing.

    dd: typical class, I see.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Served with a smile

  8. Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Someone want to elaborate for those that didn't hear about this?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Someone want to elaborate for those that didn't hear about this?
    OSU's new ticket policy requires a fan to buy (4) season tickets to OSU if they want a ticket to the Bedlam game. It is meant to boost season ticket sales for the Cowboys but there are still about 10-15,000 seats that haven't been sold. Single game tickets will not be sold for Bedlam. Mobile Breaking Oklahoma News | NewsOK.com

    I understand what they're trying to do, but with the population base around Stillwater being so much smaller than around Norman; Im guessing aroound 80,000-100,000 within 50 miles of Stillwater...and close to 1,000,000 within 50 mles of Norman it'll be a tough sell. I wish them luck.

  10. Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Yeah sounds like a decent idea that backfired.

  11. Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    It's a ridiculous idea and as an OSU grad, I find it embarassing. What short-sighted nonsense...they'd rather give up the ticket revenue for this game and have thousands of empty seats? Note, they sold single game tickets for all the other games. It's absurd and really irritating. Personally, I wouldn't care if the stands showed more red than orange, as long as the stadium was full!
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  12. #12

    Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    I am laughing so loud my daughter asked me what was wrong.
    Other places do this as well. They want more home team fans than visiting teams fans.
    Professional teams here where I live do this. You can not by single game tickets to the Chargers Raiders game to keep Raider fans from LA from filling our stadium.
    Maybe if you thought like a champion...
    The chargers like the cowboys have won squat and the administration of both reflect it.
    The shame is they are in the same conference.
    OS-Who should move to the WAC or something.
    It works for Colorado. CU and CSU are in different conf. they play each other but the state does not have the division to the degree as Oklahoma does.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Maybe you should not wave bye bye during the fight song.
    Some of the faithful might fill the place. Look earl it's over....
    Just a joke guys.

  14. Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Quote Originally Posted by NativeOkie View Post
    Maybe you should not wave bye bye during the fight song.
    Some of the faithful might fill the place. Look earl it's over....
    Just a joke guys.

    Kidding. Your comment was pretty funny.
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  15. Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    So basically there is no way for an OU fan to get tickets?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Well it is not just OU fans both are caught in this mess. A fan be it OSU or OU could still pay the price and purchase a "package" even though the other games have all been played and get a ticket to the game tomorrow.

    At least that is my understanding.

  17. Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    You are correct, dalelakin...at least that's my understanding, as well.

    I can't believe I'm so irritated about it, but I've known for a while and it STILL ticks me off.
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  18. Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    It is hilarious to me.

    There are 3 main types of people complaining about the policy which had plenty of publication....

    OSU fans who do not want to support the team throughout the season, and just want to goto Bedlam.

    OSU fans who want to make a quick buck by selling Bedlam tickets.

    OU fans who can't come to the game.

    Screw em all......lol

    If 4 OSU fans can pay $200 a ticket to Bedlam (like the ones who bought 4 of my 6 tickets), they could've afforded a season ticket for $294 (single) or $245 (as part of the 4 pack)....

  19. #19

    Default Re: Bedlam tickets

    Yeah, anyone who wanted to pay for a full package, even late, could get a ticket. I guess they figured since many OU fans spend money to purchase longhorns to turn upside down, they'd spend the dough on season tickets to get in the one game.

    As for me, A big pot of ravioli and some other good stuff, the speakers rocking the wall, and a nice toasty house all made a lot more sense last night

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