This isn't good news, let's hope this trend doesn't continue.........
Trammell Crow closing OKC, Tulsa offices
by Brian Brus
The Journal Record November 24, 2008
OKLAHOMA CITY – Commercial real estate firm Trammell Crow is closing its Oklahoma City and Tulsa offices in response to the nationwide economic downturn and evaporating investment capital, Regional Managing Director Shaun Frankfurt said.
The decision to shut down in Oklahoma came suddenly. In August, the Dallas-based company had just announced the reopening of its Tulsa office and several new hirings, about a year after becoming a subsidiary of CB Richard Ellis Group Inc. “The last 60 days have seen a change in our economy unlike anything we’ve seen in the last 20 years. It’s been a really, really difficult decline in the overall national economy, and I think it’ll continue,” Frankfurt said.
“Banks are very hesitant to take new risks or extend any new loans. Institutions that have made loans in the past or that have put capital into deals are more conservative than they’ve been in a long, long time,” he said. “They’re hoarding cash, essentially.”
Not only are capital investors keeping a firmer grip on their wallets, but the deals squeaking through aren’t making the same profits, he said – rental rates are declining and it takes longer to sell projects.
“So everybody is adjusting their size and cost structures to be competitive,” he said.
The company, founded in 1948, has offices in 30 major cities and has been in Oklahoma for about 40 years.
Frankfurt will continue to maintain professional contacts in the market, but without a physical office and its six jobs. After the CB Richard Ellis acquisition, Frankfurt was moved out of the Oklahoma market to Chicago as managing director of the company’s business unit there. Oklahoma’s operations will now fall under his oversight again.
“We have several projects here; we’ve bought a lot of property, both industrial and office, and we own a lot of land. So we’ll continue to work those projects to their successful conclusions.”
The office closings aren’t a response to Oklahoma’s economic specifically, he said – “In fact, I think Oklahoma’s done just fine. This is a response to a national decline in the industry.”