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Thread: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

  1. #1

    Default Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    There is (what looks like) an old school on the west side of Classen around 14th street. Also, there is an old building on SW corner of NW 1st and Classen. I believe it is an old bread factory or something. Is there anything going on with either of these in the way of development? Any insight would be appreciated.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    Anyone? Metro, any thoughts?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    School, I believe you're referring to Classen SAS (School of Advanced studies). The bread factory building, I'll have to go drive by and see exactly which building you are referring to. There were several large dry cleaners warehouses in this area so you could be referring to that. Nothing to my knowledge is going on West of Classen in this industrial area, although I read a nice blog about it a few weeks ago. I think we'll see some stuff open up there once C2S gets underway. Also around 1st or so and Western is a Kayak store that opened up.

  4. Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    I think it's Sunshine Baking Co or something. Has a big 3-sided, neat neon sign on top? Yellowish brick building?

    Also, I think the "school" you are asking about is the old Catholic Charities dormitory. Did it use to be in real bad shape and was recently cleaned up a bit and fenced off?

  5. Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    Boarded up.

    Metro...Can you point me to that blog?

  6. Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    I've wondered about that school looking place too. It's had a fence around it and it's been boarded up for years and years and years.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    Oh, I think I know what you're talking about then, I believe the DEQ or some state agency bought it a few years back, started to get into renovations and realized it was going to be too expensive (not really, but more than their small state budget). I belive there was some asbestos abatement to be done or something. I think there may be an old thread on it, or if not a Journal Record article. If someone has JR archive access, I bet you can find more info. To answer your question, to my knowledge, nothing is really being done with this building, but it would be a cool building if someone has the money to fix it up.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Oh, I think I know what you're talking about then, I believe the DEQ or some state agency bought it a few years back, started to get into renovations and realized it was going to be too expensive (not really, but more than their small state budget). I belive there was some asbestos abatement to be done or something. I think there may be an old thread on it, or if not a Journal Record article. If someone has JR archive access, I bet you can find more info. To answer your question, to my knowledge, nothing is really being done with this building, but it would be a cool building if someone has the money to fix it up.
    That sounds right. Wasn't this the place that was going to be auctioned off for sale about a year ago, but someone complained that the state agency that owned it was currently renting downtown, so they shouldn't be selling property they should be fixing it up so as not to pay rent anymore. However, the property is too expensive for them to fix, so instead of being able to sell it and a buyer being able to put it to use and improve the area, it sits, boarded up, bringing down the area, and of no use.

  9. Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    Hmm. I don't remember any of this...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    the building on 14th was actually the HTB offices... never a school. It was bought by the DEQ.. and was suppose to go to sale many years ago till Tom Waken raised concern over the state maybe losing money... so sale was cancelled since then the building has gone into deeper disrepair with greater loss of value. It is suppose to have gone to auction very recently once again but have not heard or checked on what the outcome is.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Question about a couple of buildings on Classen...

    the building on fourteenth was actually the offices for HTB architects. It never was a school. It was bought by the Dept. of corrections many years ago but the neighborhood did not want any more social service office in the neighborhood. It was suppose to go to auction, but concerns were raised that the state was going to lose money by selling the building. So it has sat empty for several more years as everything of value has been stripped from the building. So now the building has even less value. It was recently suppose to go back to auction, but I have not checked out the outcome of that process.

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