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Thread: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

  1. #1

    Default Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    I can't find it in the news, but I understand Homeland bought out Williams' seven stores, which were in turn bought from Albertson's a little over a year ago as Albertson's fled the state. They apparently will be no more next month.

    What was it? The quick expansion? The high prices? The decision to not sell beer?

  2. Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Does that mean they are going to close them all or just convert? I would LOVE to see something other than William's in those locations. I went in Williams in MWC after the changeover and never went back. It felt like they took the place down a notch in cleanliness and quality of employee. That Albertson's had been one of the best in the metro, if not smaller than most. But it turned into a pile.

    I would love to see them open the one back up on Reno and Midwest as well, but I bet it doesnt happen. In MWC, price is king. With Crest a mile in either direction from either store, you have to be able to compete because people won't pay the higher price for the same product.

  3. Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    All the stores except the one at 15th and Post are going to become Homelands.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    All the stores except the one at 15th and Post are going to become Homelands.
    I appreciate the confirmation. Do you know if the remaining store will remain in Williams' possession, close, or become something else?

  5. Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Jeff Williams says they're keeping it and will continue operating it as a Williams Discount Foods. It apparently didn't fit into Homeland's expansion plans.

  6. Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    They should convert to Food Pyramid. The one in Stillwater is top notch.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    What about the one on Cornwell and 10th St in Yukon? Anyone know?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    OKC has to have one of the worst selections of grocery stores of any metro area in the US. No point to my post other than a pure complaint...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperChris7 View Post
    What about the one on Cornwell and 10th St in Yukon? Anyone know?
    Nevermind. This post is now semi-confirmed. William's wasn't bought out by Homeland, but sold 5 of the stores as they would rather concentrate on rural areas. The Yukon store will become a Homeland. This sucks! I really liked Williams owning the old Albertson's. Williams had really good weekly sales. Homeland is WAY too expensive. Guess it's stick to Wal-Mart again..... Yukon needs a Crest!

    Here's the Newsok.com story.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    I wish they would change the Williams in MWC as well. I try to avoid it at all costs. They are so expensive and their employees are rude. The only part about the MWC one that is nice is the gas station. My husband used to work for Homeland and they are a really good company with great sales.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Homeland knows better than to enter the MWC market. Crest owns the MWC grocery market.

    I do not see Homeland doing well at 122nd and Rockwell because Crest will make it a point to beat the crap out of their prices. The only way the 122nd Street store will make it, is if Homeland sells specialty products and the high end stuff the people in Gallardia love.

    I do have one question to shoot at the board. Does OKC have a gourmet specialty market anymore. I am suprised OKC does not have one specialty grocery store that sells the amature/hobby chef items that you see on the shows on Food Network.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    I got really excited when I saw that Homeland had bought out Williams because the Williams here in Choctaw sucks. My excitement quickly changed to disappointment as it seems the Williams here will be staying put. I would love for Choctaw to have a decent grocery store. As it is, I drive 20 minutes or more just to avoid Williams. They pride themselves on their Christian heritage by not selling beer, yet they dont hesitate to rip you off. In the two and a half years I have lived in Choctaw, I have been double charged by them twice and even triple charged once. They also sell expired food. One time I found about ten packages of expired (three months expired) refrigerated sauce on the shelf and I took them all to the managers booth to show them. They apologized, but the next week I went back and all the items were re-shelved. I have found numerous other expired items shelved as well. The meat and produce are of very poor quality and the store always looks filthy. You couldn't pay me to buy meat from there. Not to mention they are overpriced. I have complained many times but have recieved no response from management.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    "I do not see Homeland doing well at 122nd and Rockwell because Crest will make it a point to beat the crap out of their prices. The only way the 122nd Street store will make it, is if Homeland sells specialty products and the high end stuff the people in Gallardia love."

    The employees at that location have already been informed that that will be the strategy. It is very difficult to compete w/crest on price, just ask wallyworld execs. The homeland folks are VERY aware of this and are doing their best to carve their niche w/ shoppers who dislike either molwart or crust.
    Having worked for all the above plus many yrs w/alb, I will attest that if you enjoy shopping at crest, you don't mind buying chinese tennis shoes. I found stories of emp abuse re malwart quite overblown, but truly, @ crest, words cannot fairly relay their employees abuse. Check w/ nat labor relations board who I checked w/ after my tenure. Me= I am a former crest employee, NLRB rep= "I'm sorry!" Exact. Quotes.

  14. Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    All I know is that the owner of Brannons in Del City bought the building across the street from Albertsons and changed from Brannons to Williams. I remember the exact timing of the move. I was surprised to see several more Williams popping up during that time and thought it will be well managed since Brannons stayed in business for years, I guess more than 20 or 30 years, maybe more. I think this Williams store in Del City will still be there as Williams. I don't think it'll convert to Homeland, since there is one 2 or 3 miles down on Sunnylane and 44th.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Oneforone I believe there is a gourmet store in Norman and on located on N. Western in OKC.

  16. Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    BOOOO on the MWC one. We're stuck with crap!!!!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Quote Originally Posted by rondvu View Post
    Oneforone I believe there is a gourmet store in Norman and on located on N. Western in OKC.
    There are quite a few actually. Forward Foods http://www.forwardfoods.com/ is a great one in Norman, there is also Gourmet Gallery in Edmond http://www.thegourmetgallery.com/, and a few other places I can't think of the name, theres one or two places on N. May and another in Northpark Mall. There is a thread on local gourmet markets somewhere on this site.

  18. Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    There are quite a few actually. Forward Foods Forward Foods is a great one in Norman, there is also Gourmet Gallery in Edmond The Gourmet Gallery, and a few other places I can't think of the name, theres one or two places on N. May and another in Northpark Mall. There is a thread on local gourmet markets somewhere on this site.
    Crescent Market in Nichols Hills Plaza...

    I wish one of the local companies, Homeland or Crest, would attempt a more upscale concept like a Central Market or even a regular H-E-B. Put one in Edmond and one over by Gaillardia and watch it boom.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Crescent Market in Nichols Hills Plaza...

    I wish one of the local companies, Homeland or Crest, would attempt a more upscale concept like a Central Market or even a regular H-E-B. Put one in Edmond and one over by Gaillardia and watch it boom.
    I would love to have an HEB here.
    I have emailed HEB on more than one occasion asking if they might expand into Oklahoma. As of 2 months ago they have no plans to do so.

  20. Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    I just emailed HEB last week asking as well.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    I just emailed HEB last week asking as well.
    I think it would help if more people do that. I just don't see them expanding into OKC until the outdated OK liquor laws are changed.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Company plans to buy five Oklahoma City grocery stores
    OKCBusiness Staff

    The company that owns Homeland Stores in the Oklahoma City area announced late Nov. 14 it plans to purchase five Williams Discount Foods locations, according to Associated Press reports.
    In June 2007, Albertson’s LLC announced the company planned to exit the entire Oklahoma market. Two local Associated Wholesale Grocers members – Homeland Inc. and Williams Discount Foods -- announced they agreed to purchase the 13 Oklahoma City area Albertson’s grocery stores.

    Williams Discount Foods, which started in Tuttle and now is headquartered in Oklahoma City, purchased six supermarkets in June 2007 at:

    • 7000 S. May, Oklahoma City

    • 7001 N.W. 122nd St., Oklahoma City

    • 2400 Cornwell, Yukon

    • 1151 N. Bryant, Edmond

    • 4129 S.E. 29th St., Del City

    • 7520 E. Reno, Midwest City

    The Midwest City location was not included as one of the stores HAC Inc. plans to buy.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Wonder why they didn't just do this when they bought the other Albertson's properties...

  24. #24

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    wish we could get a fiesta in here, or randells, safeway, i miss albertsons. Why dont we have a costco?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Unconfirmed: Williams is bought out by Homeland

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesseda View Post
    wish we could get a fiesta in here, or randells, safeway, i miss albertsons. Why dont we have a costco?
    Email or write to the companies that you would like to see in OKC. They need to know that people here are interested in buying from them.

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