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Thread: Er

  1. Default Er

    Doesn't seem like people into dicussing ER, especially this is the final season.

    They're doing good, sad, but good. This final season is hitting hard.

    The latest episode, they brought back old staff (many years ago).

    We now have clear understanding of how tough that new black doctor is.

    The creator of ER had recently died. There was a tribute to him. He brings ER home with him. Really sad.

  2. Default Re: Er

    I stopped watching the show when Dr. Green died.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Er

    Mark is one of my favorites; I still get choked up when I watch the episode when he dies on TNT.

    I have been watching to see how it will end and to see how they are bringing the old characters into the final storyline.

    Thursday's episode with the flash backs of Dr. Greene was okay at best.

    The dialogue during the flashback scenes was good; however, the interaction with the old characters was lousy.

    (IE: Weaver and Romano coming in to remind him about his Chemo treatment upstairs. Green is talking on his cell phone to Corday. Green tells Jerry to rush the labs.)

    I hope they have better episodes in the coming weeks. The holiday Thanksgiving and Christmas episodes are some of my favorites. I am hoping they will not drop the ball on those episodes like they did with the Mark Green Flashback.

    Personally, I think they should have just wrapped it up two seasons ago at Luke and Abby's wedding. They had the perfect plot with Anspaugh forcing the closure of the ER.

  4. Default Re: Er

    oneforone, in real life, all of our lives, is not perfect. We do not need to expect producers to make a "perfect" episode of ER. That episode, I had just watched, is just fine. They did good. I think it was good to have the chemo treatment mentioned for Dr. Greene, because that is a major event for him before he died. I was watching ER during that time, too, and way before that.

    I'm expecting episodes in the coming weeks to be a tragedy, in a good way. Meaning, another doctor or two, maybe a few more, will die. I'm expecting maybe the hospital will be destroyed in a domestic terrorist attack on Christmas Day. I dunno. They'll end it, I'm sure, to prevent sequels, because someone out there just may want to make ER movies.

    I'm happy that ER went on 2 more seasons. I'm not happy at NBC. They're notorious for killing great TV shows/series.

  5. Talking Re: Er

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I'm expecting maybe the hospital will be destroyed in a domestic terrorist attack on Christmas Day.

    And afterwards I'm sure that you will have all kinds of "evidence" proving that President-elect Barack Obama is good friends with those that destroyed the hospital and is somewhat responsible for the tragedy.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Er

    I dinna realize this show was still going. Back in the day, it seemed this show often coincided with spaghetti night (what can I say, collectively, there's a weird sense of humor in my household.)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Er

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    oneforone, in real life, all of our lives, is not perfect. We do not need to expect producers to make a "perfect" episode of ER.
    I was not expecting perfect. The dialogue seemed like it was written by someone who just Tivo'd through a couple of episodes not by the same people who have been writing it for years.

  8. Default Re: Er

    I wonder if it was possible that this black woman was actually on ER many years ago. Maybe a different person, but with the same story that did happened back then. They could had gone that far back and keep those lines intact.

  9. Default Re: Er

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I wonder if it was possible that this black woman was actually on ER many years ago. Maybe a different person, but with the same story that did happened back then. They could had gone that far back and keep those lines intact.

    Very easy to check out. Just google her character's name or go to IMDB and do the research.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Er

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    I stopped watching the show when Dr. Green died.
    Same here, the show was never the same without him! Currently, I have ER Seasons 1 though 8 on DVD, season 8 is my "final" season

  11. Default Re: Er

    Another thing I started to dislike about the show was how every week someone was dying or it was made out to be like someone might die. Just seems like a tired story line.

    ER flatlined a LONG time ago for me. (See what I did there? LOL)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Er

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I wonder if it was possible that this black woman was actually on ER many years ago. Maybe a different person, but with the same story that did happened back then. They could had gone that far back and keep those lines intact.
    It is possible, many people have passed through that series over the years as guest stars. Some where major stars with minor roles. Others were minor stars with major roles. A few of those minor stars went on to become major stars years later.

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