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Thread: Door to Door Art - a scam?

  1. #1

    Default Door to Door Art - a scam?

    A young woman came to my door this evening. She claimed to be an art student, trying to raise money for something or other (I wasn't listening too closely.) She was selling "original" oil paintings. The price ranged from $80-$160. Normally I ignore solicitors, but my 5 year old had already thrown the door open (clearly, my don't open the door to strangers talk has not sunk in!) After she left, I got a bit concerned about whether she was "casing" the neighborhood. I found quite a bit online about door to door art scams, with stories very similar to what I heard. I didn't find any local articles, but from the articles I did find it seems most of the time the goals is just to pass off cheap art as promising masterpieces, but you never know. Has anyone else encountered this?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    Seems bizarre. Who goes door to door to sell something as subjective as art and for prices that most families have to budget for?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    Door to door anything, with three exceptions, gets a simple "I wish you well, but I am not interested." I don't turn away 99% of B&G Sausage sellers, and I can't recall every turning away a Cub Scout or a Girl Scout on their respective popcorn and cookie rounds.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    Do you happen to work in government or in a high tech industry? About 10 years ago I read an article in the base newspaper out at Tinker about a similar situation in the MWC area. Some residents reported that men were attempting to sell art door to door and it was speculated that they were actually spies for the Israeli government.
    I'm not trying to alarm anyone or sensationalize this but have a look at: Israeli Spy Scandal Deepens - Spies Or Students?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    I saw a similar article as I was Googling last night. I don't have a job in a field or industry anyone would spy on, not too worried about that. I'm more worried someone might break in and steal my valuables. (Although they would be mighty disappointed - my TV is so old it's a wonder it still works, and I'm just not into high tech gadgets or jewelry or anything very fenceable. Unless they are looking to steal lego blocks, wooden trains, or other toys - then they will have hit the jackpot!)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    > they will have hit the jackpot!

    Uh, where did you say you live again?
    - big kid at heart

  7. #7

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    This makes me think of the Monte Python sketch where the guy is selling door to door and the woman thinks its a scam...and it is...the scam is that he's selling encyclopedias...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    Quote Originally Posted by CG23 View Post
    Unless they are looking to steal lego blocks, wooden trains, or other toys - then they will have hit the jackpot!)
    The black market on Thomas the Tank Engine trains is very lucrative right now.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    The black market on Thomas the Tank Engine trains is very lucrative right now.
    Then I should be very worried indeed! LOL

  10. #10

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Seems bizarre. Who goes door to door to sell something as subjective as art and for prices that most families have to budget for?
    It is EDMOND, I imagine there is a higher concentration in Edmond for people with appreciation of art and more disposable income than the average OKC metro family. But, nonetheless, this does sound a little flaky.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    I hate to be so jaded, but it's to the point where I don't buy anything from door to door solicitors. I bought some cookie dough from a young neighborhood kid for a school fundraiser. They said I had to pay up front. I still haven't seen it and that was over 2 months ago. I think momma took the money and either bought crack or groceries.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Door to Door Art - a scam?

    I like this one:

    Had this happen 2 or 3 times - kids that seem to be about 14 walk around trying to sell you subscriptions to the Oklahoman so that they can get some trip to disney or something...when you say you don't want to subscribe, they ask you if you would like to just donate for their trip to disney hahaha...yeah...right.

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