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Thread: CBMC Annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

  1. #1

    Default CBMC Annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

    I was just wondering if anyone else attended the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast yesterday and what they thought?

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: CBMC Annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

    metro, I actually didn't get a chance to go this year. Could you give us an update?

  3. #3

    Default Re: CBMC Annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

    It was okay, I personally do not think it was anything impressive other than the fact of the sheer size of it. I would of rather seen the money go to paying a in state speaker than a speaker from Ohio that was just telling stories (similar to fish stories). If they are going to pay a speaker I expect something quality. Im glad to see our city can have a "prayer breakfast" without alot of conflict. I'll have to dig my notes out and my program and give a better update later today on particular names and such.

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