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Thread: New Police Station

  1. #1

    Default New Police Station

    Any of you Edmondites voting for the homeowners tax to have this built????

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Just say NO! Build the safety center in downtown Edmond - consistent with Edmond's Master Plan - and use a sales tax or other revenue generating device to pay for it. I accept that acquisition of land is more expensive downtown. I do not accept dipping into the bastion of school financing by increasing property taxes. Edmond's leadership should recognize that they are endangering future votes for school funding through this initiative.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Police Station

    A sales tax seems like it would be more of the answer to fund this.....I don't understand why they are taking the alternate route...? I don't like the fact that "renter's" don't have to fund this, yet they utilize 911 like everyone else does...yeah, yeah, I know apartment complexes would have to pay this, but I don't see places like Rolling Green raising their rates, especially if rent is based on income....

    I'm voting No, as well............

  4. #4

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Yeah I haven't heard a lot about this, but property taxes are high enough as is - they need to go the sales tax route on this.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New Police Station


  6. #6

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Quote Originally Posted by FFLady View Post
    A sales tax seems like it would be more of the answer to fund this.....I don't understand why they are taking the alternate route...? I don't like the fact that "renter's" don't have to fund this, yet they utilize 911 like everyone else does...yeah, yeah, I know apartment complexes would have to pay this, but I don't see places like Rolling Green raising their rates, especially if rent is based on income....

    I'm voting No, as well............
    while i'm not in favor of increasing property taxes, all renters essentially pay property taxes.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New Police Station

    I drove x-tra slow thru the streets of Edmond this morning.....didn't want to deal with a pi$$ed off cop.....

    That being said, I hope Council gets the message that yes, we would like a new 911 Center, but lets do this fairly and have ALL Edmond residents pay for it, not just the homeowners!!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Quote Originally Posted by FFLady View Post
    I drove x-tra slow thru the streets of Edmond this morning.....didn't want to deal with a pi$$ed off cop.....

    That being said, I hope Council gets the message that yes, we would like a new 911 Center, but lets do this fairly and have ALL Edmond residents pay for it, not just the homeowners!!!
    Not only that but let visitors to Edmond that are under the protection of the Edmond police help pay for it as well.

  9. #9

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Very true hipsterdoofus, very true!!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Quote Originally Posted by FFLady View Post
    I drove x-tra slow thru the streets of Edmond this morning.....didn't want to deal with a pi$$ed off cop.....

    That being said, I hope Council gets the message that yes, we would like a new 911 Center, but lets do this fairly and have ALL Edmond residents pay for it, not just the homeowners!!!
    Just because you're renting doesn't mean you don't indirectly pay property taxes. Unless you're homeless or mooching, you're paying property taxes in some form or another.

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    Not only that but let visitors to Edmond that are under the protection of the Edmond police help pay for it as well.
    But this is something I can definitely agree with! I don't think all the cops in town are particularly displeased about it either. It's not that they have to give up, we just have to find a better funding source (and perhaps better timing...)

  11. #11

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Just because you're renting doesn't mean you don't indirectly pay property taxes. Unless you're homeless or mooching, you're paying property taxes in some form or another.

    jsibelius - my issue with this, is low-income renters, who pay rent according to their income. Had that passed, this would not have affected them at all.....

  12. #12

    Default Re: New Police Station

    I agree with you jsibelius - landlords will pass on their costs to renters...but I also think that those property taxes don't ever seem to go away...

  13. #13

    Default Re: New Police Station

    i'm not a big fan of the location...

  14. #14

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Our Mayor said "hmmmm, some of the residents must have been confused"......I must have missed the part where raising property tax was a positive thing. Media reports filled with people losing their homes because of the mortage crisis, and raising our property taxes wouldn't play into that????

    I would stand behind a sales tax to build their new center......

  15. Default Re: New Police Station

    Quote Originally Posted by FFLady View Post
    I would stand behind a sales tax to build their new center......
    a sales Tax would be better than propety taxes, obviously, but what's the history of sales taxes in Edmond? would the increase go away once the new station is built?

    Maybe our mayor should focus on some sort of fund raising from private contributors like he did with all the idiotic statues he's littering downtown Edmond with.

    Or collect some sort of Toll from that damn train that passes thru town every 15 minutes. Charge them a buck a minute everytime they stop and block Covell, Danforth, 15th or 33rd.. that should pay for a new police station in about a month.

  16. #16

    Default Re: New Police Station

    LOL - never thought about that - the train......

  17. #17

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieHornet View Post
    i'm not a big fan of the location...
    I'm not either necessarily; however, the reason I heard for them using that is because the city already OWNS it, thus it would be a good use (or lack thereof) of taxpayer money to use land the city already owns. At the same time, is the City not going to sell the old location?

    I think for a police station, if it takes them longer to build it but by waiting they end up at a good location, thats a good thing. Seems to me they could make use of the old homeland/color tile store as last time I saw, it was vacant... very central.

    Unless of course, they are wanting to end up doing 2 police stations eventually, at which point they do need to head west and then do one east later. That is an issue right now with the library - Edmond wants another one, but due to the fact that the original one is so centralized, there is not a great location to put a new one.

  18. #18

    Default Re: New Police Station

    There are more Officers than you would think that did not agree with this proposal, mostly for the very same reasons that have been discussed already - funding through property taxes, cruddy location, and then some other behind the scenes issues. Hopefully the City Leaders will actually ask the rank and file Officers for some opinions the next time they want to present a plan like this instead of paying consultants multi-thousands of dollars that have no clue what is good for Edmond.

  19. #19

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Did it end up passing?

    I also voted "no", but didn't hear if it passed or not.

  20. #20

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC4me View Post
    Did it end up passing?

    I also voted "no", but didn't hear if it passed or not.

  21. #21

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Quote Originally Posted by FFLady View Post
    Just because you're renting doesn't mean you don't indirectly pay property taxes. Unless you're homeless or mooching, you're paying property taxes in some form or another.

    jsibelius - my issue with this, is low-income renters, who pay rent according to their income. Had that passed, this would not have affected them at all.....
    The biggest majority of renters do not qualify for Section 8. And while low-income renters may or may not use police services disproportionately to the rest of us (police visits to low-rent apartment complexes do seem kinda high sometimes), low-income residents are not in the best place to pay proportionately for their use of police services. I think your concern about renters is misplaced. The vast majority of renters pay full rent. If they didn't, there wouldn't be very many privately-owned rental properties available, just government housing.

    I have the best of both worlds - I pay property taxes and I rent too.

    Quote Originally Posted by FFLady View Post
    Our Mayor said "hmmmm, some of the residents must have been confused"......I must have missed the part where raising property tax was a positive thing. Media reports filled with people losing their homes because of the mortage crisis, and raising our property taxes wouldn't play into that????

    I would stand behind a sales tax to build their new center......
    You're confusing Oklahoma with the rest of the country. Our lenders weren't issuing the risky mortgages so Oklahomans aren't losing their homes to the foreclosure monster as much as in other parts of the country. That's not to say NO ONE got in bind and lost their home or that NO ONE got scammed while buying their home, but it's just not the financial mess that it is elsewhere. Oklahoma is doing well.

    With that said, however, people are indeed hearing these media reports and they are being affected by the stock market problems and by banks that don't want to lend money. They're being more careful about spending and they're looking to the future, and you're right - they DO NOT want their taxes raised right now, now matter how worthy the cause.

  22. #22

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Quote Originally Posted by jsibelius View Post
    You're confusing Oklahoma with the rest of the country. Our lenders weren't issuing the risky mortgages so Oklahomans aren't losing their homes to the foreclosure monster as much as in other parts of the country. That's not to say NO ONE got in bind and lost their home or that NO ONE got scammed while buying their home, but it's just not the financial mess that it is elsewhere. Oklahoma is doing well.
    I'd say this isn't completely true...while foreclosures may not be as bad here, they are pretty high...the house I'm in now was a foreclosure and there are several more in the neighborhood...but i do get what you are saying.

  23. #23

    Default Re: New Police Station

    Yeah, me too.....not so much in Oklahoma, but when you hear about it happening everywhere else, kinda makes you take notice........

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