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Thread: Another newbie

  1. #1

    Default Another newbie

    I have been searching for a site that I could hang out at while Im in recovery...Im getting a two level back fusion (360) on Dec 1st and thought it would be a good time to make a couple friends online.....I will be in recovery for about a year but only laid up for about 8 to 10 weeks....so Ill be buggin around here for awhile.....be a little patient with me as Im on meds and at times dont make a bunch of sence......Talk to you soon!


  2. #2

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by Devon View Post
    .....be a little patient with me as Im on meds and at times dont make a bunch of sence......
    You'll fit right in!



  3. #3

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Great!....Now a little more about me.....Im 44 yrs old ...been married 17 yrs and have a very cool 7 yr old boy.... Ive been self employeed most of my life and have three patents that Im very proud of...one was succesful and the other two are still kinda pending...Takes big bucks to get them going. I recently sold one patent and the company .....then went to work temporarlly for a company and during work I was in a fairly bad car wreck......Thats why I need back surgery....when I recover I want to start another company with one of the other patents.....Originally Im from Southern California and moved out of that rat race to Oklahoma 18 yrs ago. I miss the food in Cali. though.

    So luke.....who are the crazy ones around here?.....give me a little idea what Im getting into.....lol...I belong to four other forums but they are all medical and workers comp related. (workers comp is a corrupt system)



  4. #4

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Luke IS the crazy one around here. j/k

    We're all nuts and opinionated but friendly. =)

    Welcome to the board and good luck with your back surgery.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Another newbie

    It's a pretty friendly crowd here unless you get to talking politics. Welcome.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Hello Devon - I'm fairly new as well....

    I like this board - have "learned" quite a bit of useful (and useless) information here.... Welcome & happy posting!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Wheeeew....that was a close call....I was asking the one that is crazy who are all the crazy ones. lol

    Where is everyone from?....and dont say Oklahoma. (; Im just outside of Ada and get to OKC and Tulsa on a regular basis.

    Thanks for the welcome everyone.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Del City here.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Edmond here - transplanted from Anch, Ak & Santa Fe, NM!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Another newbie

    OKC here

  11. #11

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by Devon View Post
    (workers comp is a corrupt system)
    That quote alone assures you of many great discussions with Midtowner, our resident law student.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Thanks NE Oasis.....I sure need to chat with him then.


  13. #13

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by Devon View Post
    I have been searching for a site that I could hang out at while Im in recovery...Im getting a two level back fusion (360) on Dec 1st and thought it would be a good time to make a couple friends online.....I will be in recovery for about a year but only laid up for about 8 to 10 weeks....so Ill be buggin around here for awhile.....be a little patient with me as Im on meds and at times dont make a bunch of sence......Talk to you soon!

    My husband needs back surgery and we have been looking at laser surgery as an alternative. It looks promising in that it's all out patient procedure. No cutting of the muscles.
    He needs hip replacement as well.

  14. Default Re: Another newbie

    Welcome Devon.... good luck with your recovery!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  15. #15

    Default Re: Another newbie

    Welcome - I join the others in wishing you luck with your recovery.

    Good for you to start out with "Texas Sucks."

    Worker's Comp may or may not be corrupt, but it seems like a stupid and inefficient system.

    Gotta love a entrepreneur.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Another newbie

    MSLGWCEO.....The lazer surgery is good for those who just need some clean out for nerve clearance.....I have no choice as two discs are basically missing (exploded) from a hard impact....but the laser option is good if your a canidate...My surgery is a huge major surgery I wish I could avoid. Dec 1st.

    East Coast....trust me its Corrupt! Ive been out of work for nine months with not one red cent from the insurance....its owed and will be paid as the judge ordered it....but how long can you last without income and an injury? I wont get started on that but just want everyone to know its not what you may think it is.

    Karried....thank you.

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