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Thread: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

  1. #51
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by oklacity75
    We all really need to stop turning these forums in to a yellow water (for lack of a better term) contest. I think some of us are out to be Heavyweight Champion of OKC-TALK. Which could be preventing some of are lurkers from posting.

    Thats just my opinion I could be wrong or maybe I'm right.......
    I agree.

    Ok, this will be somewhat off the current subject, however, it needs to be said to keep some posters from scaring away other posters.

    "To lurkers: As long as you refrain from defending indefensible positions and supporting bigotry and hatred, we'll get along just fine."

    Very wrong! If a poster wants to defend certain positions, they can. Everybody has the right to post their opinion, whether it agrees with you or not.

    Also, I like people who argue with facts, not hyperbole.
    Stick to defensible positions and avoid hypocrisy, and we'll get along quite nicely!

    Many posters do not have the time to sit in front of a computer and do research for every post they make. I have a full time job, a family, and many other activities that I am involved in. I don't have time to do research on everything, so I don't post a lot of "facts." This forum is not just for facts, it is for opinions and ideas. Many don't have facts, however, they have experiences. If you want a forum that uses facts only, for the basis of your posts, then you are on the wrong forum.

    No matter what another poster says, we want everybody to feel free to post their opinions, whether you have facts or not. If you feel intimidated by any poster on this forum, please PM myself, Todd , or Patrick.

    "If they are THAT shy we dun wan 'em."

    I'm sure this was just a joke, because we want everyone to post, and feel comfortable doing it.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Do you know how little time it takes to type a subject into google and find the facts related to anything?

    I'd say less time than it takes you to type the above message.

    It's hard to disagree without being disagreeable. If I make people feel uneasy about their values, or question their beliefs, I feel I'm contributing. It's a very natural thing for people to react negatively.

    I have no problem with people feeling comfortable posting whatever they want. I don't think it's fair, however, to say that anyone can post anything and not have their views/values called into question. If that is so, I'll be happy to start a post on why I think people that describe themselves as pro-family values/social conservatives are a bunch of hypocritical individuals incapable of logical reasoning -- and I will expect that no one can post anything contrary to what I say, they might intimidate me or make me feel uncomfortable.

    I defend my positions because I think they are right. I'll afford everyone else the same luxury as long as they do so using facts, not hyperbole. Without a conversation based on facts, the entire point is really moot, so why have any kind of discussion in the first place?

  3. #53
    nurfe75 Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Don't you realize the theme by now, Midtowner? Most everyone who posts on these threads (no reason to mention any names) has the right to be as negative as they want and attack whomever they choose. But when nurfe or midtowner (or anyone with a slightly different view than 99% of the posters) says ANYTHING to question anyone else, we are being "negative" and "off topic." I just wish the rules on here applied to everyone equally. And they don't.

  4. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    I will address two posts, and will not name names.

    One. I, for one, and many of the others, will ask a thread to be placed back on topic, because it HAS gone off topic. For example. We could be discussing a political race, then all of a sudden, one one is attacked or a differing opinion is expressed with the implication of personal attack, by pulling out the race card or another card, thus turning that thread in another direction. That IS off topic, and should be placed back on topic. There are other areas to discuss those topics that usually cause a thread to go off topic. And most, by the way, are over discussed anyway, and I and several on this forum are sick of hearing about them, but a select few insist on not letting them rest.

    Now. About those who will not accept others points of view or will not accept the fact that, as Keith said, we can not always research "facts." We do not have time, or we have the expertese to not need to do that. It seems some people do not know the legal term "expert witness." I fully agree with Keith's post, and invite anyone who chooses not to adhere to it to find another forum... Or form their own.

    To get back on topic. Another pet peeve of mine is someone who refuses to accept some people are experts in fields and do NOT have to "research" facts. And another is someone who refuses to let a topic rest or die.

  5. #55
    nurfe75 Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    This is a common argument I see on a lot of posting boards. I can understand being displeased when something goes off topic, but the rule needs to apply to everyone.

    When dealing with a thread you simply don't like or are tired of debating, however, why not try just going to a different thread? Obviously SOME are still wanting to argue whatever the topic is. And just because YOU'RE tired of a particular subject doesn't mean you should be able to shut a thread down when plenty of people are still posting on it.

    That brings me to another pet peeve. People who want to censor or stop something just because they may disagree with it. Like protesting a television show with off-color content when you have the right to just change the channel and not watch. Same principal applies to posting boards...

  6. #56
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    All I can say, gentlemen, is that if you don't like the way this forum is operated, then you can leave.

    "I just wish the rules on here applied to everyone equally. And they don't."

    The rules apply equally to everyone here. It's amazing that the few posters that have been complaining about this forum and the rules, are the same ones that we keep on having to edit or delete posts. Nobody told you that you had to participate in this forum. No, it isn't because we disagree with what you say, it is the way that you answer other posts...very negatively, or you feel that you are above everybody on this forum. Then, you either call others' names, you question the rules on this forum, or you feel that you have to post the "facts," and then rip others apart because they don't have facts. Nurfe75 and MidTowner seem to be the only two that fit this category.

    If more people didn't feel like the world owed them a living, this would be a happier place.

  7. #57
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Who said that?

    I would be the first person to say that the rules here are universal. Me and Midtowner would.

  8. #58
    mrote Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Back on topic! My main pet peeves are...

    People who drive without insurance and run into my car which happened just last week.

    People who drive junky cars with smoke pouring out the back or tires with the tread completely worn off.

    Drivers who wait for someone to back out of a parking place so their fat ass doesn't have to walk an extra 60 feet.

    Parents who allow their kids to yell and scream while in public.

    Drivers who talk on their cell phones while in traffic as they can never seem to maintain a constant speed and are always crossing into other lanes.

    Panhandlers at intersections and this applies to the fire departments and any other group that feels it is OK to ask for money at street corners or in the street itself.

  9. #59
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    I support it whenever the local cheerleaders or band do the Sonic or have car washes on the street corner. I guess we are differant.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    All I can say, gentlemen, is that if you don't like the way this forum is operated, then you can leave.

    "I just wish the rules on here applied to everyone equally. And they don't."

    The rules apply equally to everyone here. It's amazing that the few posters that have been complaining about this forum and the rules, are the same ones that we keep on having to edit or delete posts. Nobody told you that you had to participate in this forum. No, it isn't because we disagree with what you say, it is the way that you answer other posts...very negatively, or you feel that you are above everybody on this forum. Then, you either call others' names, you question the rules on this forum, or you feel that you have to post the "facts," and then rip others apart because they don't have facts. Nurfe75 and MidTowner seem to be the only two that fit this category.

    If more people didn't feel like the world owed them a living, this would be a happier place.
    Examples please. In case you're wondering how to do that, there's a "search" function here that is actually pretty handy for digging up old posts. I'll admit to some "name calling" very early on (although, it was warranted at the time ). However, within the last several months, I doubt you'll find a single instance of it.

    Again, what good is any conversation when two people are discussing "facts" that are totally made up? For example, the disparity in teacher pay, according to a certain user here between Oklahoma and Texas is approximately 50%. I guess we could argue whether the sky is green or purple... but at some point, don't you think it would help the argument if someone actually looked up?

    In reality, one is about 34K, one is about 38K. It took me about 1 minute to figure that out by typing "average teacher pay Oklahoma" and "average teacher pay Texas" into Google -- if that takes expertise.. well, it doesn't.

    Actually, I am very careful to debate ideas only, and when someone attacks my ideas or actions, I feel that I do have a right to respond.

  11. #61
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    This thread has become my pet peeve.

  12. #62
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Well I do know one thing I'm only posting news events from this day forward. Simply because someone always feels the need to gut the forum and go on an attack mission.

    People please this is not Debate 101. Its a simple discussion board nothing more, nothing less.

    I want to know what people are thinking and how they feel. I don't want to know a Sam Donaldson/Rush Limbaugh version of why someone is wrong. If you disagree simply post why. Don't turn the post into a Supreme Court Case.

    Midtowner the kind of forum you want is not here. Maybe you need to start your own or write a blog. Who knows maybe the mods will give you your own forum if you ask them nicely. Then you can have a courtroom type battle just like you like.

  13. #63
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by oklacity75
    Well I do know one thing I'm only posting news events from this day forward. Simply because someone always feels the need to gut the forum and go on an attack mission.

    People please this is not Debate 101. Its a simple discussion board nothing more, nothing less.

    I want to know what people are thinking and how they feel. I don't want to know a Sam Donaldson/Rush Limbaugh version of why someone is wrong. If you disagree simply post why. Don't turn the post into a Supreme Court Case.

    Midtowner the kind of forum you want is not here. Maybe you need to start your own or write a blog. Who knows maybe the mods will give you your own forum if you ask them nicely. Then you can have a courtroom type battle just like you like.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by oklacity75
    Well I do know one thing I'm only posting news events from this day forward. Simply because someone always feels the need to gut the forum and go on an attack mission.

    People please this is not Debate 101. Its a simple discussion board nothing more, nothing less.

    I want to know what people are thinking and how they feel. I don't want to know a Sam Donaldson/Rush Limbaugh version of why someone is wrong. If you disagree simply post why. Don't turn the post into a Supreme Court Case.

    Midtowner the kind of forum you want is not here. Maybe you need to start your own or write a blog. Who knows maybe the mods will give you your own forum if you ask them nicely. Then you can have a courtroom type battle just like you like.
    So what you're saying is that you want to be able to argue what you want to argue without any basis in reality or fact? You will be content arguing lie against lie? I'm not sure I understand how Rush or Donaldson argue things -- Rush, however uses a lot of faulty reasoning and hyperbole, just as many users on this board do (and sometimes, he's spot-on).

    I am very glad that you have decided to tell me what kind of forum this is. How educational! I find your position to be highly anti-intellectual. Not a good thing if you want to have any kind of honest discussion.

    I'm sorry you apparently feel threatened by people who hold views that are different than your own.

    I did not see that I was not allowed to question others attitudes or beliefs in the TOS. Please direct me to where I can find that.


  15. #65
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Opinion n. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew).

    From what I understand this is the form of opinion most of use on this board. Just like the things that I post in my posts. My posts are never 100% true; they are just my feelings and observations on a topic. It’s just like if I said "All people who drive Fords are stupid." We obviously know this is false; however, my own personal observations may support this theory. Therefore my opinion could be that all people who drive Fords are stupid.

    A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion. This definition of opinion is closer to your definition of an opinion. This definition is used in a formal setting such as a in a doctoral thesis, a court room, one of those sleeper roundtable shows or a news report.

    Midtowner, you remind me of a friend of my Dad's friends. He is one of those John Birch Society conservative extremist. You can never prove him wrong on any issue much less disagree. When you try to prove him wrong he is shoving magazines, newspapers, and statistics in your face. Most people around him behave like the people around Ted Striker in the movie Airplane when he is reliving his memories with Elaine.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Listen, if you don't like your opinion to be challenged, you do have the right to leave this forum as you have threatened to do in the past.

    I enjoy contributing to this form, and encouraging spirited debate.

    Part of having an opinion, to me, is being able to defend it, or at least being able to admit that you have no basis in reason, for example, in a matter of faith -- you believe something simply because you do. I'm fine with that. However, if you use your faith to justify hatred, etc. you'd better believe I'm going to point out your hypocrisy.

    I hope that you can live with that, but if you can't, I can't be responsible to how you react to well-reasoned arguements, or simple facts...

  17. #67
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    I think everytime someone post something that you don't like. You find everyway possible to attack it. Its probably one of the few ways you get to stroke your ego. I have simply decided that I don't like you. In fact thier is no way to try to like you or even tolerate you for that matter. So I think I will put you on my ignore list so I don't have to read the garbage you spew.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by oklacity75
    I think everytime someone post something that you don't like. You find everyway possible to attack it. Its probably one of the few ways you get to stroke your ego. I have simply decided that I don't like you. In fact thier is no way to try to like you or even tolerate you for that matter. So I think I will put you on my ignore list so I don't have to read the garbage you spew.
    A very weak way of dealing with what you can't deal with, so enjoy.

    You're entitled to that opinion though.

  19. #69
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    This thread has wore out its welcome. It's too bad that you can start a good thread, and then have a person step in and make it a pissing match, just because he thinks he is right and everybody is wrong.

    Case closed, and so is this thread.

  20. #70
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    In a sense I think this thread went spiraling down many many posts ago. I would reopen it because I think the debate IS valid, but the continued fighting off topic is not valid and should be dealt with off the main forum page. Personally, I'm neutral on the issue...I can see it from both sides. I think the biggest problem is that a pet peeve was mentioned, and then it stirred an argument. The thread should've ben left to listing pet peeves, not debating issues. If you want to debate whether police officers should use their lights when speeding, that's for another thread. Since we're off topic now, I guess I'll leave it closed.

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