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Thread: Book Rack

  1. #1

    Default Book Rack

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me about selling books at the book rack. Has anyone done this before? I am getting ready to move and we have to come up with extra money for deposits. I was just wondering what they give for books or if it's just store credit. If they only give store credit does anyone know where to sell them for cash? Thanks!

  2. Default Re: Book Rack

    Would like to help but I don't know what the "book rack" is.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Book Rack

    The Book Rack is a book store on Air Depot.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Book Rack

    It's been a few years but I think it's only credit toward purchasing their books.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Book Rack

    It is a used bookstore that has been around for a long time. Years ago they had stores all over the area, there was one behind Sound Warehouse at May & Grand and a few years ago I think there was still one at 50th west of Meridian by PC and 27th & MacArthur next to USA Computer Outlet.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Book Rack

    Although I have never been to the Book Rack in Midwest City, my experience is that bookstores that buy books do so generally with store credit. If they do buy your books with cash, it will be for very little. However, I could be wrong! Call them or drop by and find out.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Book Rack

    I used to take my books to the Book Rack a lot, but haven't in years. The only books you might get cash for are almost new ones - and it wasn't more than about 25-50 cents on the dollar. Its the store's discretion on what they buy.

    I quit going there because I preferred store credit but couldn't find the books I wanted in trade. There are times that I wonder how they stay in business - they are virtually never busy.

  8. Default Re: Book Rack

    Such is the life of most smaller book stores. People flock to the big names for the "hippness" or whatever.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Book Rack

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Such is the life of most smaller book stores. People flock to the big names for the "hippness" or whatever.
    I'd prefer a smaller store any day, but Book Rack never semed to have anything I wanted to read. I may have to give them a try again and see if they have more selection.

    I'm in Denver this week and I went to a huge B&N this afternoon. I found what I wanted, eventually, but it was overwhelming.


    I don't care about "hippness" - I just want a bookstore where I can fondle the books, read the jackets and decide what to buy without clicking on an icon. I'm old-fashioned when it comes to buying books!

  10. Default Re: Book Rack

    That's where the draw for the larger stores comes in. Bigger selection, easier to see what you want. You can look online and see if they carry what you want before you leave or you can walk around and read the jackets all day if you want.

    The smaller stores just can't compete with the inventory. The price are usually higher, but you also get to have a personal relationship with the owners. Just like a mom and pop hardware store. You've known them for 30 years, and even though they are higher than Lowe's you still go because you like them and support local business.

    Unfortunately, the younger crowd (including myself) is cheap and we go where the buck is.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Book Rack

    If you're close enough to Norman (or Yukon), I believe Hastings will buy for cash or store credit. I KNOW they do this with DVDs, and I know I've seen signs up that they buy used books. I assume the policy is the same. I just can't bring myself to give up my books. DVDs are easier.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Book Rack stays in business by doing some of their selling online. You'd be amazed at how many online book sellers there are. By the way, there is a Book Rack in Edmond, buried in a shopping center at 2nd and Bryant.

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