I sat behind someone like that at the Buffalo Wild Wings tonight... the sports bar concept must be frenzy for the biker types of OKC.
I sat behind someone like that at the Buffalo Wild Wings tonight... the sports bar concept must be frenzy for the biker types of OKC.
If you think that, you should visit Portland, OR sometimeOriginally Posted by oklacity75
People that who will not answer a yes or no question with yes or no. They insist on giving you their life history. The question requires yes or no, and nothing else.
Those who can dish it out, but they can't take it.
Reminds me of that one show... oh what was it called? Oh yeah. Saturday Night Live.
People who claim to be conservative, but have no clue what conservative means.
People who call other people liberal, but have no idea what liberal means.
Or maybe I should just say people that suffer from acute cranial rectosis.
Sorry, but most of these are job related. I have no other life, it seems.
1. Motorists that do not pull over when I turn on my overheads. I don't like pursuits because there are too many innocent people that can get hurt, however, it I have to chase someone down, I will.
2. Citizens who say they will testify against a felony suspect, and then they change their mind, causing us to have to release the scum bag back in public.
3. Motorists who make excuses for speeding. There are some exceptions, however, many of the excuses I hear are just plain lives. Remember, after 15 years of this, I have heard everything.
4. Motorists who run red lights purposely. I see this everyday that I am on patrol, and many times I am in a postion where I can't go after the violator. People, when the light turns red it means to stop. I have seen two-three cars flat run a red light because they were impatient. A few of these I have pulled over, and I show no mercy.
5. Motorists that speed through school zones. I have a no tolerance policy on this. If you are speeding, there will be no warning, because the orange lights that are flashing ARE your warning. Once you have sped past those lights, you WILL receive a ticket from me. The majority of officers will do the same thing. None of us have any tolerance towards those that speed through school zones.
6. By the way, if I pull you over, let me ask the questions. All you have to do is listen and answer.
7. If I tell you to keep your hands where I can see them, I mean it. Nothing is worth getting shot over.
8. If I pull you over and ask questions, please be truthful. I hate liars, and chances are, I will find out the truth, which will get you in more trouble if you lie.
9. If I pull you over, remember, I don't care who you are, who you know, or what degrees you have in college. Intimidation doesn't work with me. I don't care if you are a doctor, lawyer, firefighter, CEO, pharmacist, cashier at Wal-Mart, or a 7-11 clerk. I also don't care if you know the mayor, the governor, the city manager, or any other city official. You broke the law, so now you will face the consequences.
Have a good day and drive safely.
I hate cops that speed and willfully break traffic laws as if to say "Who is going to pull me over?"
On America's Most Wanted on Friday nights, they show those cops gone bad all the time...
Which brings me to exhibit B. I hate shows like America's this, or America's that. The animal one is just plain cheesy. The most wanted one is just boring, and the funniest home videos one is getting old.
Did you ever consider that they may be going on a call? Of course not. Many of the officers that I have ridden with tell me that many times they do speed to get to a call. They don't use their lights or siren, because there are too many stupid people out there that freak out when they see a light or hear a siren.Originally Posted by Midtowner
If it is an armed robbery, or a burglary in progress, they usually do speed to get to those calls. I'm sure there are a "few" who do it because they can get by with it.
Another pet peeve? People that assume things before they find out what the real truth is.
This is a very negative thread.
If you need to go 85 on the interstate, it's only safe to turn on your overhead lights.Originally Posted by Keith
Another pet peeve of mine -- people that defend unsafe and illegal behaviors.
Being an insurance adjuster, I can definitely sympathize with Adam and the stupid excuses people make for speeding, running red lights, or changing lanes without signalling. Every day I find myself having to explain WHY I'm rating someone negligent in an accident when they have clearly done something negligent. That leads me to my pet peeve: people who can't accept responsibility for their actions. No matter how obvious the act of negligence, people will argue with me that an accident wasn't their fault. So here's my suggestion:
if you back into someone, hit a parked car, rear-end somebody, or hit someone when you have a stop sign or a red light, ADMIT IT IS YOUR FAULT and get on with it. The person who didn't do anything wrong has the right to get their car fixed, and your insurance SHOULD pay for it. Avoiding the insurance company, or arguing endlessly with them when you do talk to them, simply makes it more difficult to get the claim worked and the other person's car fixed. If the situation were reversed, wouldn't you want your own car fixed quickly?
Sorry for the rant, but I deal with people like this all the time. If I had a nickel for every accident I worked where someone was clearly at fault but avoided their adjuster, I'd be a millionaire.
Got their address? Or is that trespassing?
Wrong again. People very seldom look in their rear view mirrors (at least I never see them look), so they wouldn't see the lights anyway. Plus, if they saw lights behind them, they would freak out (I think I said this before) and change lanes without looking, to get out of the way, and then cause an accident.Originally Posted by Midtowner
Yeah, my pet peeve is those that defend unsafe and illegal behaviors, also. Gosh, I'm glad I'm not one of those.
Yeah, it wasn't negative until MidTowner decided he had to put in his pennies worth. I could explan myself to him, although, Keith has done a good job of explaining why we don't use our lights and sirens all the time.Originally Posted by Sooner&RiceGrad
I guess MidTowner thinks that just because cops go everywhere with their lights and sirens on, that all of us should. Well, that's TV, and this is the real thing. He ought to go along on a ride along with a cop and see how it is actually done. He's assuming to much (hey, that was my pet peeve). When you assume, you lose.
Anyway, I doubt that will happen, because he is trying to be a lawyer, and lawyers hate cops. I have made known my pet peeve, so I'm through with this thread. BTW, no, I don't have facts to back all of this up, just experience.
Lawyers hate cops, eh?
You just broke your pet peeve. But hey, I think I did that in my first post in this thread so oh well. LOL
"BTW, no, I don't have facts to back all of this up, just experience."
Although unacceptable to some people, Sometimes experience is enough. As is knowledge. Therefore, one does not always have to backup a statement with evidence. Again, unacceptable to some people.
I am one of those people.
I'm not a lawyer, (working on that), but I've seen several dirty cops fired because our firm brought to light some unsavory umm.. interrogation techniques for example? Slamming kids on the hoods of their cars so hard it put dents in it?Originally Posted by 1adam12
Or how about sending a dog after a fleeings suspect that had not committed a felony? Then making one up to cover your butt? How's that?
I've seen and heard of cops doing things that make you lose faith in the criminal justice system. However, I realize that those scum (worse than criminals) are indeed the minority. Most are good folks, but, for example, speeding without your lights is a hell of an example to set. Why can't I go 85+ when I'm in a hurry?
Dirty cops are a huge pet peeve of mine.
But adam, I'm sure you're one of the good ones, and I've said here before, some of my very good friends are, or soon will be police officers -- damned good ones.
Be prepared to tell him who they are if he asks...
Ack. What am I getting caught up in this? I think it would be funny if I mediated this...
We all really need to stop turning these forums in to a yellow water (for lack of a better term) contest. I think some of us are out to be Heavyweight Champion of OKC-TALK. Which could be preventing some of are lurkers from posting.
Thats just my opinion I could be wrong or maybe I'm right.......
If they are THAT shy we dun wan 'em.
The guys slamming the kid on the hood of his car were in Yukon. Actually, we didn't end up sueing the department, but we did contact the FBI. They found that these guys were excessively and unnecessarily brutal. They were relieved of their jobs (should have gone to jail in my opinion, no telling how many times they did that).Originally Posted by Sooner&RiceGrad
In the case of the dog attack, the case is very recent, and in progress. I can't really can't give any specifics except to say that certain officers are worse than dangerous criminals because they have a badge, a gun, and a bunch of buddies to back up lies they tell.
-- adam should agree that there's nothing worse than a cop who thinks it's okay for him to break the law or brutalize peole that he or she arrests.
As for my friends in the PD's, one's an Owasso Police Officer, the other is hoping to be a part of OKC's Academy this year.
Thanks for your assessment.Originally Posted by oklacity75
To lurkers: As long as you refrain from defending indefensible positions and supporting bigotry and hatred, we'll get along just fine.
Also, I like people who argue with facts, not hyperbole.
Stick to defensible positions and avoid hypocrisy, and we'll get along quite nicely!
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