Someone has too much time on his hands.
I'm not a huge fan of the logo, but it is what it is... The Logo won't be all that matters with this team. Maybe they will make adaptations to it but even still, they will never please everyone.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
a lot of people think it should of been Oklahoma instead of Oklahoma City, but I like Oklahoma City myself.
Oklahoma City favors the state's name so that is all that really matters.
I went to Tulsa on many occasions to watch the Tulsa Roudhnecks, I didn't hear anyone complain that the team was named for "Tulsa."
I'd be willing to bet that if the MLS comes to Tulsa they won't be calling it Oklahoma and willing to play some home games in Oklahoma City or Edmond.
He has many valid points. Although I too disagree with him saying it should have been named after the entire state. He needs to understand the power of branding more. OKC is fronting the majority of costs here and should reap the benefits, not to mention it's the location of the actual team.
he is 100% right with the logo... i'm a graphic design student at uco and that logo pretty much goes against all the basics of design its not cohesive within its self the shield and the type dont line up, the "stripes" dont align with anything not even the okc that looks like its fallin off the logo... this is a horrible representation of our state. What u guys are sayin is exactly what he's talkin bout when he says oklahomans have this its good enough attitude... [end rant?]
Last edited by animeGhost; 09-22-2008 at 11:54 AM. Reason: punctuation
I also have to agree with Mr. Watson's assessment. No matter which way you slice it, it's still a bad logo.
Well, I like it.
I'm surprised no one has said that it looks a bit too much like this monstrosity:
That was my first second was "I gotta get tickets for the March game!"
Maybe we could just ask Clay Bennett to consider changing the name of the team to Oklahoma City Metroplex Thunder....cause that sounds so much better and makes more sense with regard to where the fans will be coming from lmao. This guy is a joke and had to put the PhD on there to make his points valid.
My only hope is that we'll see a change to the font on the uniforms...that to me is the biggest problem. If they can use the font on this T-Shirt, and then work the logo in with it, it'll be much better.
Everybody needs to calm down on the name and the logo. What did you expect in just a few short months from getting the team to the actual arrival?
I am not a huge NBA fan but, I see this logo and name as the foundation or the basic application of team. I have a feeling by this time next year you are going to see a better logo and possibly even a pop culture song of the past, present or future tied to the team. I know the Bull's use Alan Parson's Siruis/Eye in the Sky for thier starting line up.
YouTube - Alan Parsons Project - Sirius - Chicago Bulls Animation
YouTube - chicago bulls introduction
This is only the beginning, the best is yet to come.
You named two decent songs right there in the last line of your post..."Beginnings" by Chicago and "The Best is Yet to Come" by Tony Bennett. Neither one would probably make a good team intro song, but they're excellent tunes, anyway!
oneforone, NBA teams can only modify their logo every 5 years.
Well, whoever wrote this article, obviously thinks clay didn't make a good faith effort to keep the team in Seattle, just by reading the first paragraph.
If he's so concerned about the perception of Oklahoma, why did he get on his website and write a dissertation on how bad the logo is? All he's doing is giving the naysayers fuel.
nothing would ever progress if someone didnt stand up and say something!
My favorite comment on there was this: "Oklahoma was probably not known as a design powerhouse before, but now?"
I couldn't help but ask myself, "So...who's teaching all these Okies poor design skills?" lol I just object to the whole tone of the article. After all, what does three parallel stripes say about Adidas? Or the "swoosh" say about Nike? The logo doesn't make the team/company.....the team/company gives the logo impact.
I don't really LIKE give a crap. If the guy was so opinionated about the whole thing maybe he should have called Mr. Bennett up and given them some pointers since he seems to know everything about advertising. The fact that he writes about it afterward tells me he didn't have an interest in this team coming here. Yeah the logo is not the best but for a 4 month design it'll pass.
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