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Thread: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

  1. Default Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    As we get to know each other on this forum, I thought it would be interesting to share some of our pet peeves on this thread. What are the small things you sweat over? What irks you but doesn't make you angry, yet you never forget about it. Well, here are some of my pet peeves... here go's-

    okcpulse's pet peeves-

    -People holding conversations on an elevator... in person or on a cell phone
    -People talking on a cell phone in a library
    -People who asked the same question ten times in ten different versions
    -Customers at work who give me their life's story on why they want their ham shaved. No offense, but you have a line behind you.
    -Drivers who do 40 MPH one second, 60 MPH the next and then back down to 40 MPH
    -Spyware, Spam and Pop-up Ads. Who are the people that write these programs and where do they live?
    -People who complain about paying taxes, and are on Access Oklahoma
    -People who are trained to answer a question they don't have an answer for
    -Church leaders who are selective over who can attend their church
    -McDonald's. 'Nuff said.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    People who drive lost downtown (very slow, brake for no apparent reason)
    People who don't signal
    People that drive way over the speed limit (10+MPH over)

    -- what kind of cell phones work in elevators?!

  3. #3
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse
    As we get to know each other on this forum, I thought it would be interesting to share some of our pet peeves on this thread. What are the small things you sweat over? What irks you but doesn't make you angry, yet you never forget about it. Well, here are some of my pet peeves... here go's-

    okcpulse's pet peeves-

    -People holding conversations on an elevator... in person or on a cell phone
    -People talking on a cell phone in a library
    -People who asked the same question ten times in ten different versions
    -Customers at work who give me their life's story on why they want their ham shaved. No offense, but you have a line behind you.
    -Drivers who do 40 MPH one second, 60 MPH the next and then back down to 40 MPH
    -Spyware, Spam and Pop-up Ads. Who are the people that write these programs and where do they live?
    -People who complain about paying taxes, and are on Access Oklahoma
    -People who are trained to answer a question they don't have an answer for
    -Church leaders who are selective over who can attend their church
    -McDonald's. 'Nuff said.
    -People who think they are smarter than you are, yet, when they talk, you know they are not.
    -Drivers that go 30 mph in the left lane, while the car next to them drives 30 in the right lane, and the speed limit is 40 mph...you can't get around either one.
    -Drivers who don't use signal lights when turning or changing lanes.
    -Drivers who can't see over their steering wheel, yet they are still driving.
    -Drivers who think they are big shots, while talking on their cell phones, while driving. Do like I do...pull off the road into a parking lot and finish your conversation.
    -Women who attempt to put on their make-up while driving.
    -Shoppers with more than 20 items going through the express checkout.
    -Cashiers who let them do it.
    -Children running lose and/or screeming in a place of business.
    -People who talk about other people behind their backs.
    -People who condemn my beliefs because they disagree with them.
    -People, in general, that think they have to talk on their cell phones while walking in to a store, shopping, checking out, and walking back to their cars. There is nothing that important that can't wait.
    -People that use their cell phones while sitting on the toilet in a stall.
    -People that allow their cell phones to ring during a church service.

    That's all for right now, but my list will be growing.

  4. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    OK. Fasten your seat belt. It will be a bumpy ride.

    Rude people. That includes people who hog the lane waiting for that parking space 10 feet closer, and the people who do not show courtesy.

    Being interupted. Let me finish. Then you can speak. You might think it will make things go faster, but it is just plain rude.

    Pushy people. You are no better than me.

    Dishonesty. If you do not like something about me or whatever, tell me. I am a big boy. I can take it. It is your cover story that iritates me.

    Most liberals. There are exceptions. However, most liberals destroy the country.

    Over selling your religious beliefs. I respect your religious views. Just do not expect me to feel as you do. I am comfortable with mine, thank you.

    Brian Bates and Forrest Claunch. No commentary needed.

    Being called a bigot or saying I am affraid of something. You do not know me, so you are not qualified to judge me.

    Companies that care less about staff. I am a human. You may sign the check, but I am the one that earns you your profit. I deserve respect.

    Hicks. Most are stupid and backward. And proud of it.

    People who are prejudist against California. The term "Land of fruits and nuts" is offensive. I would bet you have never been there.

    Rude drivers. I own as much of the road as you. So, learn to drive and plan ahead.

    Spam. I even hate that term. It is a registered trademark and should not be used to describe unsolicited email.

    People that will not tell you the "why." I need to know. Did you ever stop and think by telling me why, it may help? A problem can not be addressed unless you know it is there.

    Job interviews. It is worse than being interogated by a cop. Plus it is humiliating. If you do not want to hire me, tell me the truthful reason why... IN THE INTERVIEW!

    People that start rumors. They are trouble makers.

    Back stabbers. Same as above. They will do anything to steal your job because they think they are better than you.

    Bad grammar. That includes misusing words like good and done. Your lack of education shows.

    I am sure there is a lot more. I just am unable to think of them.

  5. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Rude People who take out frustrations on others that can't fight back (store clerks, waiters, kids, pets etc)

    People talking on a cell phone in a Movie Theatre during the movie!

    Cigarette Smoke (sorry all, I just can't take the smell)

    People who can't merge onto a freeway (sheesh, how can you even think of merging at 20 mph when everyone else is going 65 ?? )

    Uninsured Tailgaters (I drive a Suburban, wear a seatbelt and have an airbag, if I slam on my brakes, guess who's going through their Pinto windshield? Not me - but who needs the hassle?)

    People who don't stop for school buses

    Bigots and racists - racial slurs and derogatory comments about people who aren't identical to you(shows how uneducated and narrowminded some people are )
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Morons who don't get the fact that they are indeed morons in general.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    My pet peeves are:

    When I get home from work and people come over un-invited to hang out. I need my down time after work alone.
    Guys who complain about being married, I wish I had a wife.
    People that cant use their turn signals
    Rude people
    People who tell me how to live my life, when they complain about theirs, leave me the hell alone man.
    About a million other things that I cant really think of right now.

  8. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    I think you have all nailed most of them. But the biggest ones of all:

    Cell phones. All across the board, they drive me nuts simply b/c people do not realize just how rude they are when they whip them out at dinner, in the car, at the movie, in the doctor's office, etc. I have one that is used to make long distance calls, and that's about it.

    RUDE PEOPLE: I cannot stand rudeness. I'm a gentle, caring person, but nothing flares my temper quicker than someone being rude to me. GRRRRRR!!!! This includes people who interrupt me while I am speaking.

    Judgemental people: This includes people who make observations and put downs about others they don't even know. I want nothing to do with someone who makes fun of someone else's hair, clothes, etc.

    People who haul their MASSIVE suitcases onto the airplane and stick them in the overhead bins way up front when they are seated way in back. That leaves people in the front without room for their bags, and they end up having to stick their stuff in the back of the plane...well, you can figure this one out. But this drives me CRAZY!!!

    Married men hitting on me. Now, this just ain't cool. Just because I smile and say hi, doesn't mean I want to sleep with you.

    Crummy customer service. There is no excuse for this at all whatsoever. I do believe some of this is covered in the "best and worst" section of OKCTalk.

    Finally, sitting in a Doctor's office for more than 30 minutes past my appointment time. Surprisingly, my time is valuable, and I would appreciate it if the good Doctor would recognize it.

    That should cover several of them for now.

  9. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Here is another.

    Echophilacs. That is a person who echos back what you tell them. (example. A phone number. You: 123 them: 123 you: 4567 them: 4567)

    It is also known as Swiss Alp disease.

    Five didget phone numbers. (example: 123-45-67.) They have seven didgets not five.

    Not being prepared. Especially when you call a call center. Call centers have strict time guidelines. You are not helping matters when you do not have the information ready before you call. All you are doing is making the call longer.

    Not letting a person take control when it is their job. Example. Again, call center. Let the call center worker ask the questions. they are trained to expidite the call. Also, do not presume they have less education than you do.

    (I fight these every day, on countless calls)

  10. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Here is another.

    Echophilacs. That is a person who echos back what you tell them. (example. A phone number. You: 123 them: 123 you: 4567 them: 4567)

    It is also known as Swiss Alp disease.
    Love it!!!!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Here is another.

    Echophilacs. That is a person who echos back what you tell them. (example. A phone number. You: 123 them: 123 you: 4567 them: 4567)

    It is also known as Swiss Alp disease.

    Five didget phone numbers. (example: 123-45-67.) They have seven didgets not five.

    Not being prepared. Especially when you call a call center. Call centers have strict time guidelines. You are not helping matters when you do not have the information ready before you call. All you are doing is making the call longer.

    Not letting a person take control when it is their job. Example. Again, call center. Let the call center worker ask the questions. they are trained to expidite the call. Also, do not presume they have less education than you do.

    (I fight these every day, on countless calls)

    These days, with call centers, it's usually a safe assumption that you're talking to someone with 4 doctorates and a Master's in English Lit

    (but you still can't understand a damned thing they say)

  12. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Another safe assumption is that you are talking to someone in India, at least that's who I always get...
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. #13
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    1. People on other forums that are always bitching about what an awful place anywhere in Oklahoma is. When asked if they have been they say yes. When asked if they can describe where they have been, they have NO answer at all. When aasked to read my thread about Oklahoma instead of cruising through the forums to flame me, they refure. Pet Peeve #1 right there.
    2. I love children. But please leave me alone after I get home from work.
    3. OSU fans with rabies.
    4. Some new guy at work who thinks he is going to teach me something. You can't teach an old dog new tricks buddy.
    5. Sloooooow drivers. People that bitch about fast! drivers.
    6. Drunks. Enough said.
    7. The Sonic Commercials.
    8. Double parkers, and people that drive veeeery slowly, as if lost in Downtown OKC.
    9. People that cannot distinguish the differance between a red light, and a YELLOW light.
    10. Used car commericals. Very aggrevating.
    11. Dust. I hate it.

  14. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    People that show their lack of intellegance by insisting on spelling something before they are asked.

    Example: What is your name? Answer: D.A.V.I.D.

    I am smart enough to know how to spell. If it is something I have trouble with, I will ask.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    The SBC rep that spends more time trying to sell me DSL service than resolving the issue at hand, and then tells me she will just add the service on for two months free and send a tech out to install a dish after I tell her I'm not interested.
    The reason I called in the first place was because SBC added services without my consent.
    It's prob a company thing rather than the rep herself. I told her I'd have to work out some technical things before using DSL but she didn't want to listen. Now I'm not going anywhere near SBC DSL.

    Companies that add on additional charges w/o first asking the customer or by being
    "sneaky" little theives.

    Those checks you get in the mail that tells you to deposit it into your bank account and then have some small texted sentence that says you will activate service and accrue monthly service fees. The scams that don't even provide any of the useless services are even worse.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    You do have to sign the back of the check to deposit it, right?

    Try reading things before you sign them -- that's something I've always found helpful

  17. #17
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    I also used to hate those Dell commericials with the Dell Dude, before his crack addiction was outed.

  18. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Sooner&RiceGrad
    I also used to hate those Dell commericials withthe Dell Dude, before his crack addiction was outed.
    Never worry now. Michael Dell PERSONALLY fired him for being busted with nine pounds of pot.

  19. #19
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Of course I always knew it. LOL

  20. #20

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    I don't like it when people can't admit that they are wrong.

  21. #21
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Let me guess.. you are always right?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    my Pet Peeves.. hmm... lets see..

    people that drive with their pet laughing hyena in their lap.....

  23. Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by BricktownGuy
    my Pet Peeves.. hmm... lets see..

    people that drive with their pet laughing hyena in their lap.....
    Without cups....

  24. #24
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Quote Originally Posted by BricktownGuy
    my Pet Peeves.. hmm... lets see..

    people that drive with their pet laughing hyena in their lap.....
    I agree. I wonder how many accidents are caused because a motorist thinks they just have to have little Fifi sitting in their lap, or hanging out the drivers side window while they are driving?

  25. #25
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Pet Peeves of OKCTalk Members

    Mine would have to be un-clean people. We are a modern society it doesn’t kill you to bathe or clean up after yourself.

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