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Thread: Dana new member

  1. #26

    Default Re: Dana new member

    How did DHS find him in the first place? Did somebody call them? Did they just randomly stop by?

  2. #27

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by Dana View Post
    yes tried legal aide nobody will touch DHS
    Have you contacted your State Representitive and/or State Senator?

  3. #28

    Default Re: Dana new member

    She was at the Home for Unwed Mothers after the father of her baby came to my house and tried to kill her. I moved her there for protection because I couldn't stay home with her because I have to work. The home is the one who made the first call they turn her in for falling asleep while burping him after a feeding. I know it sounds insane but that is truely what happened.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Yes I have contacted 3 senators 3 representatives and the governor. I have also contacted Howard Hendricks the administrator for DHS. I have also contacted OCCY, the childrens rights association and several other associations. I have been told by some they will investigate I can only hope they are not lying too. I have also given copies of the doctored drug tests and the workers criminal history to all these people.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by Dana View Post
    Yes I have contacted 3 senators 3 representatives and the governor. I have also contacted Howard Hendricks the administrator for DHS. I have also contacted OCCY, the childrens rights association and several other associations. I have been told by some they will investigate I can only hope they are not lying too. I have also given copies of the doctored drug tests and the workers criminal history to all these people.
    It's good to have hope. Good luck, and I hope you get justice.

  6. Default Re: Dana new member


    I am so proud of you for getting on here and sharing your story with everyone. I hope others will follow your lead and speak up as well.

    I'll be in touch with you soon.

    Oklahoma City

    Dennis and Jacob's Page - Children Need Both Parents

  7. #32

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Oh good lord. Why would ANYONE believe this ridiculous story? She knew they were breaking the law so hid the child, twice? Oh, come on. Don't be gullible.

  8. Default Re: Dana new member

    I am so lost on this story...

    1) Mom falls asleep while burping the baby and DHS automatically deems her unfit and tries to remove the baby?

    2) DHS drug tests the mom to bolster their case and Grandma determines it's a false test so that DHS can get funds because of an adoption fee?

    3) Grandma feels DHS has a vendetta ( why ) and hides the baby?

    Am I missing some crucial pieces to this puzzle?

    This just doesn't make sense to me.

    I was a certified foster parent for years in the state of California for abused and neglected children. I know OK is a little different than CA, but even still, this is a huge stretch of my imagination to believe that a state agency would dream of taking a baby from it's biological parent for any reason other than great suspicions of neglect or abuse.

    Grandma, you might have to admit that your daughter may have been negligent in some areas that you may not know about.

    The key is to get DHS on your side so that you can get temporary custody of your grandson while your daughter gets it together.

    My nephew was taken from my sister when he was one year old.. I was distraught, devastated and did everything humanly possible to get this baby back. I told the case worker what he needed to hear and made no excuses for my sister or his father. I would do anything and everything in my power to take care of this baby, my sister could go to jail for all I cared, I wanted the baby home with people who loved him and she needed to get her crap together.. in the meantime, I'd take my nephew and take care of him. I, and my mom, were at every meeting, court appearance etc and we got temporary custody of my nephew while my sister went to rehab.

    She has been clean and sober close to 20 years and my nephew is still one of the great loves of my life.

    So, my story is this, I would and did what I had to do to protect my nephew and get him out of the system and I've never regretted it.

    If I had gone in complaining about how they handled it and took the baby away, blah, blah, I would have never have gotten him back. It was the right thing to do.

    It's a horrible place to be in... even so many years later, I'll never forget the horror of imagining my nephew with strangers even for a few days, it was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever gone through.

    Good luck to you, if it's not too late, try to get someone at DHS on your side.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. #34

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    2) DHS drug tests the mom to bolster their case and Grandma determines it's a false test so that DHS can get funds because of an adoption fee?
    To be fare she did have her daughter retested an hour and a half later that showed her negative for any drugs.

    But I agree that taking custody of the baby would have been a wiser choice.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Dana new member

    I believe she said she was ineligible for kinship placement because her son had been taken into DHS custody previously.. or I've read so many supposed DHS horror stories in the last few days that I may have her confused with someone else.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Oh good lord. Why would ANYONE believe this ridiculous story? She knew they were breaking the law so hid the child, twice? Oh, come on. Don't be gullible.
    I guess it's because us real Okies are just not as smart as you East Coast Okies. You state that "she knew they were breaking the law so hid the child, twice?" I feel like such a fool. I don't want to be gullible. Questions. Who is she? Who are they? Who is breaking the law? Which law did they break? Who hid the child? Was it the tears that gave her away? Do you have actual knowledge this is all nothing but a lie? Do you have the facts that prove this ridiculous story to be untrue? Please share with us your insight and your vast wisdom.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Dana new member

    [QUOTE=GuyB;168332]To be fare she did have her daughter retested an hour and a half later that showed her negative for any drugs.


    You don't know anything about the second drug test or if it was valid.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    I guess it's because us real Okies are just not as smart as you East Coast Okies. You state that "she knew they were breaking the law so hid the child, twice?" I feel like such a fool. I don't want to be gullible. Questions. Who is she? Who are they? Who is breaking the law? Which law did they break? Who hid the child? Was it the tears that gave her away? Do you have actual knowledge this is all nothing but a lie? Do you have the facts that prove this ridiculous story to be untrue? Please share with us your insight and your vast wisdom.
    "She" is Dana and SHE is the one who said DHS tried twice to take the baby but she "knew" it was against the law. Did you listen to the video or read her posts? I have no idea what law she is claiming DHS was breaking that justified her hiding the child. You'd have to ask her. I am only going on what she is claiming in the post that you apparently didn't read.

    You've got someone who already had a son in foster care. Why? She doesn't say. She claims he committed suicide after being sexually abused in foster care - she describes it in pretty gory detail and with relish, on the video. Did she file a lawsuit? She doesn't mention that. Were there criminal charges? She didn't say. Did she describe what steps were taken to prosecute the foster family that llegedly abused her son? She didn't say.

    She had a daughter in an unwed mother's home. These days. An unwed mothers home. huh. She says DHS came up with 7 additional reasons to take the grandbaby in addition to the mother sleeping with him. She claims they did a drug test (why????) that came up positive and that she did one an hour later with a different result. Has it been validated? Are you aware that the reason they do random and surprise drug tests for kids in foster care and on probation is because they take steps to dilute them if they know they are coming? One done an hour and a half later when she knows it is coming is not worth the paper it is written on. Oh, the only conclusion is that DHS and the lab faked the original report. Why would they do that? Oh, and she claims the father of the grandbaby tried to murder the unwed mother.

    Maybe this sounds like a typical day in your world, but in mine, even on the east coast, all that sounds pretty suspect.

  14. Default Re: Dana new member

    Are we to conclude East Coast Okie, that you are suggesting that the first piece of paper held up by Dana in the video is a "valid" drug screen (the one conducted by DHS), and that the second piece of paper held up by Dana in the same video, the second drug screen is not "valid" because it was not conducted by DHS?

    How do we even know that you are a GAL as you claim to be?

  15. #40

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by jacodenn View Post
    Are we to conclude East Coast Okie, that you are suggesting that the first piece of paper held up by Dana in the video is a "valid" drug screen (the one conducted by DHS), and that the second piece of paper held up by Dana in the same video, the second drug screen is not "valid" because it was not conducted by DHS?

    How do we even know that you are a GAL as you claim to be?
    Well, since you seem to take the word of anyone with a tale to tale, I don't know why you would suddenly get skeptical.

    I have no idea what sorts of papers she was tossing around. I guess you have to take her word for it.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Dana new member

    As I read ECO's post, the suggestion appears to be the first drug test, being a random and unprepped for testing for substances, could reasonably be expected to produce a different result than a planned for test.

    That's not an astonishing position all in all. Possibly not applicable to facts at hand, but not astonishing in the generic sense

  17. Default Re: Dana new member

    ahhh, so if I'm reading this correctly, Dana are you saying that DHS is being vindictive because of prior claims that your own son was sexually abused in the system ?

    If Dana's son was taken away but then given back once the home was deemed appropiate, there is no reason now why as a biological grandmother she shouldn't have been given the option over a foster home.

    Unless, the home was not safe for the baby ( I thought I read a reference regarding cleanliness - can you shed any light on why they would let you ( Dana) keep the baby while your daughter got help.....
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. #43

    Default Re: Dana new member

    I agree that - thats why I always try to go for a hair folicle. There's no doctoring that one and it should provide indisputable evidence going back quite a while.
    But here's another something to consider. I investigated this mystical diluted result causing a test to be considered positive by DHS because I knew this mother was not using. I want you to know that you can contest it with SOS. Thats because an expert in this field told me that protocol calls for a diluted to be retested in another manner (any test site should know) to prove whether the diluted actually signifies a positive or not. In the case to which I'm referring the mother asked to be informed if she had a diluted and she would run back up and pay a minimal amount to do the retest. Every single time it proved she was not positive. Maybe about 20 times. This was the difference in her child being returned to her or not! And DHS does not provide this retest or even tell anyone that it is available. How many children have been lost due to this negligence?

  19. #44

    Default Re: Dana new member

    I didn't hide the child I just stopped them from breaking the law and that is why they waited until I went to work. Even the policeman who came out here said the same thing that is why he would not take the child. I understand when it comes to any matters dealing with DHS will protect them no matter what even if they know they are breaking the law. For your information the worker is the one with a criminal record not me I have never even had a traffic ticket.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Dana new member

    My daughter is not on drugs I proved that and she is not the one with the problem the worker is the one with the criminal history not us. #1 She is motivated by money and #2 I can't prove this but know it she does not like white people. #3 I never said that I hid my grandchild I don't know where people are getting this all I said was I knew they had no reason to take the child and I stopped them. Even the policeman they sent to my house knew they were breaking the law that is why he refused to take my grandson. So they waited until I went to work knocked on my door when my daughter opened the door they chased her through the house and took him out of her arms and off they went.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Dana new member

    I don't understand why you think it was a wise choice to take a perfectly healthy child away from a loving home by a worker with a criminal history. She can't handle her own affairs therefore has no right to come in and mess up mine. As long as my daughter and I have clean records I don't think it is right for someone who doesn't to come in to our lives and steal my grandchild just because she can.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Dana new member

    I never said I hid the child I don't know who started that story.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Ok let me see if I can finally set you straight I know you think that we Okies are stupid but you are the one that is getting some of the facts wrong. #1 I never said I hid the child. #2 My son went to school with a bruise and the school thought that I did it which I didn't and my son told them so for 3 days. After 3 days they decided my son was telling the truth when he told them my mommy never hits me she puts me in time out. #3 During those 3 days they decided I did not make enough money to support my child even though I had been doing it for 5 years by myself. They told me I needed to apply for Food Stamps so I did. I was told I did not qualify because I made $6 a month too much. I told them fine I didn't really want them anyway. I told CPS what I was told so they could check it out they did and told me that I could not have him back until I got Food Stamps so I went back and told them what CPS told me. When I got to end of my rope I went to the Governors office and told them my story. During this time almost 2 months had gone by and my son had been in foster care with the child molestor. The Governors office called DHS and gave them 72 hours to get me Food Stamps and my son which did happen. After my son came home he was not the same problems arose so I took him to a doctor and they recommended counseling. In counseling he told the doctor what happened but as you know client records are confidential. After he killed himself I went and told his doctor that he was dead I made the comment that I guess he could never get over what happened while he was in foster care. The doctor said I didn't know you knew but your right he could never get over what that man did to him. The doctor never knew that he was telling me all this for the first time. As far as prosecuting the man and his son that did these vial things to my son since DHS won't tell me where he was and who had him that is impossible. I would love to prosecute this man hell I would love to kick his ass myself but since they won't tell me who he is that is kinda hard to do wouldn't you think? As far as the Unwed mothers home I guess you don't know as much as you think it does exist and it is at 6821 Eddie Drive in MidWest City it is run by Catholic Charities. I took her there because I knew she would be safe and the baby's daddy would not know where to find her. That way I could go to work pay my taxes like a good american and not have to worry about coming home and finding my daughter dead. Now the reason there was a delay of time between the test at DHS and the other one is #1 it took 20 minutes to drive to the other place then we had to check in then we had to set in the lobby while all the other people that were there before us got their test. So it sounds to me it is not me that needs to do research it is you. I don't know about you but I can't just walk into a place and say take care of me now and let these other people wait I am more important. I guess that only works in your world you must be special. Seems to me that you are just looking for a way to cover for DHS when it is clear what they did and are doing like a pie in the face. So just wipe it off and keep deluding yourself that everything is wonderful. Now I only have 2 more things to say to you #1 I don't appreciate you calling me a lier when I can prove everything I say and #2 if there is something else that you don't understand or want documentation on just let me know I have it all including a copy of the arrest warrant for the case worker that took my son but nobody seems to care that she has a record while my daughter and I are clean. Hmmmmmmmm

  24. #49

    Default Re: Dana new member

    I guess you didn't watch the video once again you opened your mouth without doing the research. With what you say you do being a GAL I would think that would be a critical part of your work. How can you comment on something if you don't do the research that just proves my point also about DHS they just do what they want and don't do any research to validate their claims thank you so much for proving my point.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Ok neither test was planned as soon as we were told we could leave I called a friend that works with the courts. I asked where can I get a drug test that will be honored by the courts and DHS she told me to take her to SOS so I did. It took 20 minutes to drive there then we checked in and the rest of the time we sat in the lobby waiting for her turn to be tested. It's not like you can just walk in and say see me now and forget all these other people. I hope this clears up any confusion that ECO seems to be making about my case.

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