We are loosing trhe battle. What battle you may ask? Well. I read the recent article on Bentonville in the recent issue of the Sunday Oklahoman, and what they are doing there is simply amazing.
The world's largest corporation, a mountain of stereotypes, a community that came together. You do the math. We need to grow companies that ARE here, and attract more. We need to lay forth MORE, MORE, MORE capital to invest in our community, and then we will reap the real benefits, and the real growth.
Did you know that by 2030, Bentonville- The Other City MSA will have doubled it pop. to 700,000? We need to develop some sort of boom. And we need to find a way to make it last. We need a new boom. Aside from oil, and energy which we already have on our side.
What I would suggest: Invest billions into OU and Oklahoma City University. Start there. Urbanize Midtown and Downtown, and Bricktown. And most of all, get greedy with the soon-to-be hydrogen industry. That is where the BIG BUCKS are. There are vast resources of hydrogen out in Western Oklahoma.
We have to develop ourselves as a center, before Texas gets the opportunity to nab that from us as well.