Originally Posted by
Let's see:
We open the scene with a character others in their peer group see as unattractive, and unworthy of having any sense of self-worth, and the idea of that person taking any pride in itself, is a joke.
A very funny joke.
The character is constantly harassed, and jeered at, and at it's greatest, still taken as a joke by others who supposedly deserve a greater perception than our character.
The movie proceeds, past the obligatory hazing, and unfair jokes played at their expense....
...Up to the point where the main character finally receives what they "think" is a final moment of achievement, a long overdue balance has finally been restorded in the universe, an overwhelming sense of belonging at last....
This is right when the pigs blood gets dumped on the character, making them a mockery, and a laughing stock before everyone in the gym.
yeah, that's about right.
Guess what happens next: we light a FIRE under PBC's a-- until they find a way around the NBA 5-year rule about changing the logo\colors.
Before anyone gets the wrong idea, let me just say that on 10/29, I'll be there, in the crowd with everyone else, but NOT for the ownership.....
It'll be for my City, which I love so much, I would care enough to air this s--t out in the first place.
Damn, this cognac is good....lol
I'll prolly wish I hadn't posted this in the morning.