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Thread: Frustrated by KOCO's constant interruptions

  1. #76

    Default Re: Frustrated by KOCO's constant interruptions

    NW 13 and Virginia.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Frustrated by KOCO's constant interruptions

    Quote Originally Posted by okctvnewsguy View Post
    I always remember when the newsroom gripes at the weather guys for getting it wrong, the usual response is "OKAY YOU TELL ME WHERE THE NEXT SHOOTING WILL HAPPEN, YOU TRY PREDICTING THE FUTURE."
    that sounds like a "brent" line...haha

    if you know what i mean

  3. #78

    Default Re: Frustrated by KOCO's constant interruptions

    I posted the original message, and I think the situation has gotten even worse. Whether you think The View, Oprah or Martha Stewart are worthwhile viewing isn't the point. If KOCO is going to schedule these programs, then show them. If they prefer to focus on news, then become an all-news station and allow other stations to pick up syndicated programming. It's not fair to the viewer to schedule these programs and then constantly interrupt them to report on car accidents and house fires. A dangerous storm or a terrorist attack warrants interrupting scheduled programming. A two car accident on NW Expressway does not.

    It's especially infuriating when they interrupt during the 4pm hour to report on stories that can wait until their 5pm news broadcast. And very few of these interruptions occur during commercial breaks. They almost always interrupt their scheduled programming.

    What's interesting is that today's episode of Oprah (which happened to be the very popular annual "Favorite Things" episode) was interrupted several times to report on an evacuation of Crossroads Mall, yet the situation at Crossroads wasn't even the lead story in the newscast that follows Oprah. I turned the channel after 10 minutes, and at that point, they had not mentioned Crossroads, although they did have time for Rick Mitchell to preview the weather for the Thanksgiving holiday. So it was important enough to interrupt programming, but not important enough to provide an update to their viewers in their 5pm newscast.

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