Re: More High Rises?
I agree.
I just don't think Devon will dump a lot of space that would just sit there unused, that's all. We know there is demand downtown for Class A space, this will ONLY increase as we get the NBA and more events happening downtown, and more housing (and people inside them).
Im not saying we're going to see a whole slew of skyscrapers per say, but as Larry said - this should be the beginning and he's setting the bar high (literally).
Like I said, OKC got the Sonics - I think if the city/Chamber got to marketing OKC to companies; OKC could surely and easily pick up some offices; and one or two might even consider relocating altogether.
It all works hand in hand, the airport, downtown housing, downtown office space availability, downtown happenings, this creates the urban vibe which makes people want to be downtown. And when companies see this, they want to be there too if they desire to get the knowledge class working for them.
In all honesty, I wish OKC could get a college downtown. I knwo OBU is there, but im talking about a major university or even OCCC. I don't know why there is only one location - and its in SW OKC. Usually, Community colleges/2 year univs have more than one location. Here in Seattle, Sea Comm College has at least three branches that Im aware of (no downtown branch but does have capital Hill, which is close to downtown and very urban).
We need OCCC in downtown. (sorry, now back to highrises).
I do think Midfirst might construct a tower, but it would be leasible (which is great). They're our best hope imo - as an immediate/most likely followup to Devon Tower.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!