I wish I could ride bike trails the whole way, because I don't like driving in the streets on a bicycle. According to the OKC Trails site:
City of Oklahoma City | OKC Trails
It looks like trails can be ridden West from Del City on the Grand Avenue Trail and then it looks like I'd have to get on May and head North. From that map, it looks like the West I-44 Trail is the one I need and it would get me there...but it's not complete (or even started) yet.
The other option is to head North on the Grand Avenue Trail where it looks like it meets up with the Katy Trail. I could get on that and head West which it appears takes me to Bricktown. From there, I'd just take city streets (probably Classen) to 36th and then head West to May.
The reason for this thread: based on the above information and the fact that there are no bike trails getting to where I need to go... are there bike lanes that would get me from either downtown to Baptist Hospital? Or Grand & May to Baptist? Or any other suggestions??
Bike lanes seem to be the next best thing and because I don't drive through neighborhoods in those areas, maybe you all can help.
Thanks for any advice or pointers.