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Thread: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

  1. #1

    Default I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    Forgive my ignorance and inability to find anything in another thread to answer my question, but I had a few curiosities about the Deep Deuce District. I can't seem to find complete renderings for the district and it seems the area is mostly residential with only a few jazz clubs. Do plans intend for more jazz clubs and nightlife or is the district mostly going to be residential?
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  2. Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    There is no masterplan. The Triangle (Maywood Park, etc) covers some of Deep Deuce, but not all. Deep Deuce is a neighborhood, not a development, so there is no one overseeing it's development as a whole. I'd say it'd be great to have an actual jazz club in Deep Deuce.

  3. Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    Quote Originally Posted by AFCM View Post
    Forgive my ignorance and inability to find anything in another thread to answer my question, but I had a few curiosities about the Deep Deuce District. I can't seem to find complete renderings for the district and it seems the area is mostly residential with only a few jazz clubs. Do plans intend for more jazz clubs and nightlife or is the district mostly going to be residential?
    There are currently no jazz clubs of which I'm aware. Used to be a thriving jazz/black district.

  4. #4

    Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    Deep Deuce did have a Jazz Club up until a few year ago, a law firm bought it's building and is now officing there. Hopefully, a jazz club or two will reopen in the area.

  5. #5

    Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    i love how they promote it as some rich historical district filled with black history its nothing but a highway and pricey condos now. They dont even have a history center or anything, at least Tulsa tries with their pathetic Greenwood Cultural center

  6. Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    Quote Originally Posted by okcustu View Post
    i love how they promote it as some rich historical district filled with black history its nothing but a highway and pricey condos now. They dont even have a history center or anything, at least Tulsa tries with their pathetic Greenwood Cultural center
    The thing about the Deuce is there is no "they." Who is the "they" you're talking about? Apartment tenants? Deep Deuce Grill owners? They DO need a "they" to promote and self-preserve.

  7. #7

    Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    the city and downtown information

  8. Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    A lot of areas have history, but they don't each get their own history museum.

  9. #9

    Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    Quote Originally Posted by okcustu View Post
    i love how they promote it as some rich historical district filled with black history its nothing but a highway and pricey condos now. They dont even have a history center or anything, at least Tulsa tries with their pathetic Greenwood Cultural center
    And pathetic it is.

  10. #10

    Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    A lot of areas have history, but they don't each get their own history museum.
    No need to be a smartass my point is that nothing of historical significance still exists

  11. Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    Quote Originally Posted by okcustu View Post
    No need to be a smartass my point is that nothing of historical significance still exists
    The Deep Deuce Grill is in, I believe, an old doctor's office...one of the only real remnants remaining from the old days.

  12. Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    Yes, that's the old Haywood Building, and you can still see Dr. Haywood's door underneath the stairway. Deep Deuce, sadly, lost much of its character during the 1980s.
    Only a handful of significant buildings survive.
    They are the Littlepage Building at NE 2 and Central, the Haywood Building, home to the Deep Deuce Grill, the buildings that were home to Doebelly, now the apartment clubhouse, and the Luster home home at NE 3,

  13. Default Re: I have a question about the Deep Deuce District.

    I wasn't trying to be a smart ass. Just because there is no active Jazz Club in DD does not mean it lacks any history. There are several remaining historical structures.

    For example, the old High School, which according to a plaque on the side, housed the state legislature while the capitol was being built. Pretty significant if you ask me.

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