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Thread: Mafia Wars/Mobster

  1. #1

    Default Mafia Wars/Mobster

    Has anyone played either of these yet? I just started a mafia last night and woke up to find I had my @ss handed to me over the course of the evening. Apparently, people can attack you even while you're logged off.

    For those of you who aren't familiar with Mafia Wars or Mobster, they're pretty much two similar games that allow you to start a mafia, recruit members, and try to grow in power. It reminds me of a watered-down PC version of Grand Theft Auto. The game is played through networking sites like Myspace and Facebook.

    I don't plan on playing it too much, but I do get a kick out of starting a fight whenever I log in to check my messages. Now, if I could just find a way to win a battle, I might enjoy myself even more.

    By the way, I'm a level 5 with some decent weapons. Kapish?!
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  2. Default Re: Mafia Wars/Mobster

    Graphic wise Mobsters is far better and is the most popular app on MySpace... I currently have a level 37 character. I also play Heroes (same game) just to pass the time between regenerating... The goal as a new character is to put all your money into property, so you are making money every hour outside of fights...

    I am currently making 10million a day from property , and average 2million per mission. spend your skill points on attack & Energy. Use 2 on attack.. 1 on energy until you reach energy of 30...

    Another tip.. if you have 10 mob members, you need 10 weapons, 10 vehicles and 10 body armor to have a chance in battle. the better equiped your members the more powerful you are...

    ****** PM me with your myspace url if you want to add me as a member... that goes for all readers as well

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mafia Wars/Mobster

    What about defense? Should I add to my defense, or attack only?
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  4. Default Re: Mafia Wars/Mobster

    Look at it like this.... if I hit you and you hit me at the same time... whoever hits harder wins!! Defense comes into play with your equipment... so back to buying property.. the more money you have to spend the better the EQ you can have with better defense stats..

    aslo... as you attack, make sure you are in the hospital when you finish with your last stamina point.... goto the hospital only as needed to attack.. if you are in the hospital you and your money is safe!!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mafia Wars/Mobster

    Such a pointless game. I bought property and let me check... I've been ignoring my account for 2-3 days.. have about 3 billion in new money.

    Can't do anything with it though 'cept buy more casinos. How exciting!

    I make 48 million/hour.. big whoop.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mafia Wars/Mobster


    Don't ruin it. For some people, this may be the big accomplishment for them.

  7. Default Re: Mafia Wars/Mobster

    Eh.. i play when I check myspace about once a day...

    Currently, i'm a level 31 with only RPGS and MiniGuns. I have 3 Bents, 15 APCs 1 yacht, 3 bank trucks, and 1 Esc. I have 26 body armor. I have 26 in my mob and earn only 1.2Million a minute but own at least 1 of each property.

    I wonder what I would actually be if I played all day. Instead of when I just log on.

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