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Thread: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

  1. #1

    Default OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Check it out:

    Seattle SuperSonics

    Click on the Tickets link on the right.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    I don't see any prices. Is it just me?

  3. Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Yes. Clickon tickets and then the screen will pop up with a map of the Ford Center and the pricing.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Wow. If those are season ticket prices, then there is an approx. $50.00 per seat increase from my Hornets tix.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    There went my hopes of getting season tickets. Those are much higher than Hornets tickets. I thought he was supposed to be facing a "challenging situation" in regard to profitability on tickets. Good for Clay. Makin' that money baby.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Heaven forbid he make money.

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    You kidding? There are THOUSANDS of $10 and $20 ticket options!

  8. Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    I think the prices are very competetive and very reasonable ... not too bad at all.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    No joke, for us "mere mortals" the cheaper upper deck and club level seats are practically unchanged!

  10. Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Prices were expected to be higher than they were for the Hornets. Welcome to the bigs...this isn't a temporary thing anymore.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Quote Originally Posted by securityinfo View Post
    Wow. If those are season ticket prices, then there is an approx. $50.00 per seat increase from my Hornets tix.
    Obviously not everybody listened when George Shinn said he was offering Hornets tickets at half off the standard price of NBA tickets. We were forewarned. Not going to keep me from not getting tickets because I remembered of it....

  12. #12

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    You guys are realy good at sarcasm. Both dishing and picking it up.

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    I for one, am HIGHLY disappointed.

    My season tickets from the Hornet's last year were in the "Premier Balcony". They were $35 per seat, or $1200 per season. The new price is $50, or $2050 per season. OUCH.

    With the Hornets, all of 111, 101, 110, and 120 were the $999 tickets. New price is $2050.

    There are exactly ZERO $1000 lower bowl tickets.

    The BEST you can get for $1000 per ticket or less is in the corners of the upper bowl.

    Let's get this straight: I don't think anyone expected the ticket prices to stay as cheap as they were, but DOUBLE the price for us value seekers is utterly ridiculous. Looks like the games are going to be a champagne and caviar crowd. Exciting.

  14. #14

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    The only lower bowl tickets in the past were $999. But there are six more games than there were when the Hornets were here, so there's no way they were going to be that cheap anyway. The lower ends are only $6 a game higher than they were two years ago, which I don't think is terrible.

  15. Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    I for one, am HIGHLY disappointed.

    My season tickets from the Hornet's last year were in the "Premier Balcony". They were $35 per seat, or $1200 per season. The new price is $50, or $2050 per season. OUCH.

    With the Hornets, all of 111, 101, 110, and 120 were the $999 tickets. New price is $2050.

    There are exactly ZERO $1000 lower bowl tickets.

    The BEST you can get for $1000 per ticket or less is in the corners of the upper bowl.

    Let's get this straight: I don't think anyone expected the ticket prices to stay as cheap as they were, but DOUBLE the price for us value seekers is utterly ridiculous. Looks like the games are going to be a champagne and caviar crowd. Exciting.
    Gawd, don't turn this into a class thing. Buy a minipack of tickets and rock the Ford Center when you can make it. 40+ games is a LOT; tickets are going to be expensive.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    11,000 tickets at $50 or less and people are complaining??

    I don't get it.

    There's like 7 times the NBA required amount of $10 tickets. 3/4 of the upper bowl will cost $20 or less. Take a look around the league. THAT'S AMAZING.

    We will have one of the most, if not THE most accessible NBA teams in the country in terms of pricing structure. The best part about it is that, at these prices, just about everyone can afford to make it to at least one game a year if they want. Will they be in the lower bowl? Of course not, but I think it's much better to price is so that the people who want close to action pay for it, while no one is getting stiffed for sitting in row VV in section Nosebleed. This way everyone gets a piece of the action and the 9,000 or so die-hards pay a little extra for proximity and/or good sight lines, which helps make the 3400 $10 seats a possibility.

  17. #17

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    The only lower bowl tickets in the past were $999. But there are six more games than there were when the Hornets were here, so there's no way they were going to be that cheap anyway. The lower ends are only $6 a game higher than they were two years ago, which I don't think is terrible.
    Hornets pricing $999/35 = $28/game
    "Baseline Loft" = $40/game

    $12 more per game, or 42% higher.

    In addition the baseline loft is only a sliver of tickets. Most in that area are $50 each, which is almost 100% higher than $28.

  18. #18

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    Gawd, don't turn this into a class thing. Buy a minipack of tickets and rock the Ford Center when you can make it. 40+ games is a LOT; tickets are going to be expensive.
    Not a class thing. Let's be realistic. To get in the lower bowl is going to cost $4,000 minimum for a pair of season tickets. Most people do NOT have $4,000 of disposable income, or if they do, they do NOT want to spend all of it on one thing.

    The champagne and caviar crowd comment comes from the Carolina Panthers games where people pay exhorbitant amounts for seat licenses on top of the tickets themselves. For the most part, people go to those games to be in the scene, not because they actually like football.

    Sad but true.

    40+ games is a lot. I agree, tickets are going to be expensive. But DOUBLE?!?!?


  19. #19

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    11,000 tickets at $50 or less and people are complaining??

    I don't get it.

    There's like 7 times the NBA required amount of $10 tickets. 3/4 of the upper bowl will cost $20 or less. Take a look around the league. THAT'S AMAZING.

    We will have one of the most, if not THE most accessible NBA teams in the country in terms of pricing structure. The best part about it is that, at these prices, just about everyone can afford to make it to at least one game a year if they want. Will they be in the lower bowl? Of course not, but I think it's much better to price is so that the people who want close to action pay for it, while no one is getting stiffed for sitting in row VV in section Nosebleed. This way everyone gets a piece of the action and the 9,000 or so die-hards pay a little extra for proximity and/or good sight lines, which helps make the 3400 $10 seats a possibility.
    This is called spin folks! In all of this talk about how great these prices STILL are, there is no comparison to what we were paying before because we all know that this is not just a price increase, it is basically DOUBLE what we were paying except for the $10 seats.

    Thanks for the favor Clay!

  20. #20
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    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    This is called spin folks! In all of this talk about how great these prices STILL are, there is no comparison to what we were paying before because we all know that this is not just a price increase, it is basically DOUBLE what we were paying except for the $10 seats.
    Whatever. I am in no way spinning 3400 $10 tickets or 11,000 tickets at under $50. That is amazing.

    Where the spin comes in, is comparing this with the Hornets. The only comparison that should be now is with the rest of the league and these prices are below average overall and offer more affordable tickets than most teams.

  21. #21

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Just about what I expected.

    If this seems too expensive for you then don't buy season tickets. If it is not too expensive for you than buy them! Don't complain just because we have professional entertainment in OKC and you think it is too expensive.

    This is the price of NBA tickets and some would call this inexpensive! If this type of entertaimment is too expensive in your opinion (at least for the seats that you want) then there are other less expensive entertainment options in this city.

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    Hornets pricing $999/35 = $28/game
    "Baseline Loft" = $40/game

    $12 more per game, or 42% higher.

    In addition the baseline loft is only a sliver of tickets. Most in that area are $50 each, which is almost 100% higher than $28.
    I sat in the lower part of section 120 and season ticket prices per game were $44 the second year. They've gone up to $50, two years later. I don't think that's terrible.

    I agree that there are a lot of relatively inexpensive tickets in the arena.

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    not surprised at the pricing, not disturbed at the pricing, only surprised that some opinions are so strong, as though this is unexpected, and no, that's no shot at PBC.

    NBA is here, not on loan, not visiting, but here, it is ours, as in OKC's, as in Norman's, as in Tulsa's, as in Lawton, Wichita, perhaps Amarillo and Fort Smith and others as well.

    You can get a 7.00 steak at rattle rattle here come the cattle or a steak at a high end house. Both are steak, but both are not the same experience.

    I for one am actually impressed that a team which has spent what's been spent to get to OKC didn't go the mandated minimum number of low dollar seats for a year, or even four years and try to offset some of the outgo from the past year plus.

    Call it spin, if you must, but it's simply the opinion of a mildly interested bystander.

  24. #24

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    Prices seems pretty good to me.

  25. #25
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: OKC NBA Ticket Prices Posted

    I'm pretty happy with the price structure. 11,000 seats at under $50 and 3/4 of the upper bowl at $20 or less makes going to games very inclusive for everyone.

    I'd be willing to bet that the most expensive seats that are getting the most complaints will sell out in the first 10 days. Getting top dollar for those seats is what makes the rest of the arena so affordable.

    How much do you have to donate to OU on top of the price of the tickets to get tickets in the lower half of the stadium between the 20's?

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