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Thread: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

  1. #701

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    I think we have a relatively good chance of the building having a tapered look at the top, thus increasing the height. IMO, I think the completed height will be between 750' and 800' and will be 50-55 stories (with the last few stories being tapered and used exclusively for executive offices).

  2. #702

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Thanks OU Adonis....you beat me to the punch on posting those pics.

    Quote Originally Posted by sroberts24 View Post
    i am so excited! One week from today.... i have the same feeling i did when i was younger the week before christmas!!!!
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. Remember when it was always the BIG package under the tree that really got us excited!!! It'll be fun seeing what we get next week.

    As far as how big it will be and where we will stack up with the big boys around the country I found a link comparing the tallest building in each state. Currently Oklahoma ranks 19th in total height. If the building is >750' that would put Oklahoma at 15th, >800'...11th, >850'=10th. I really think it will be between 700 and 800 though. BOK Tulsa is 667'

    One more thing....I really hope the glass in the building will be a really Deep Reflective Blue to capture and reflect out amazing sky and sunsets. And I still like a mix of mostly glass with brick (per earlier examples) to go along with the art deco theme we have going on downtown. LINK BELOW

    List of tallest buildings by U.S. state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  3. #703

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    The design of CCTV headquarters in Beijing.

  4. Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    For some perspective, the Bank of America Plaza in Dallas is 921 feet, 72 floors, and 1.9 million square feet.

    Bank of America Plaza, Dallas: Wikipedia

  5. #705

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Quote Originally Posted by ourulz2000 View Post
    The design of CCTV headquarters in Beijing.

    They were talking about that building during the Olympics coverage the other night. Very cool.

    In general, the architecture at many of the Olympic venues is really impressive. I watched a documentary on the engineering behind the "cube" swimming and diving venue. Really mind-boggling, especially considering the fact that it is covered in a plastic material that is really little more than a very highly-engineered and complex form of saran wrap!


  6. Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    I'd like to see a 750 foot tower with a common floorplate (nothing higher than that). If it has setbacks and/or a decorative spire, then 900 feet could work (with the usable office space still around 750 or so).

    In all honesty, I think something between 700' and 800' range would be good enough, but hey - if Devon wants to build a 900' monster (with spire) then by all means! That surely would elevate Oklahoma City - and then some.

    We only need to worry about 'in-fill' skyscrapers, and hopefully by 2010-2012 we'll see more private (and even for-lease) tower announcements and construction.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  7. Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    I just saw some of the posts from several months ago. I have a contract in the IRS building and I would not expect it to connect to there. That building does not connect to any of the underground and I don't believe the owner has any plans to.

  8. #708

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Quote Originally Posted by actionman View Post
    I just saw some of the posts from several months ago. I have a contract in the IRS building and I would not expect it to connect to there. That building does not connect to any of the underground and I don't believe the owner has any plans to.
    You mean the highly secure IRS building is not willing to have a tie into the subgrade underground where anyone could have access into the building?

    Bitter taxpayer or non-taxpayer, terrorist, etc..............................?

  9. #709

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Quote Originally Posted by actionman View Post
    I just saw some of the posts from several months ago. I have a contract in the IRS building and I would not expect it to connect to there. That building does not connect to any of the underground and I don't believe the owner has any plans to.
    I'm sorry, but i just don't get it....................

  10. #710

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Does anyone think that Devon's planned announcement will NOT happen on the 20th...? Or do we think they're ready to show us what they're going to do? I just pray it is NOT boxy...but after everything that has been said about it, I don't think it will be. Everyday when I drive home from work and I look over at the skyline (there's a perfect view of it just past Baptist on NW Expwy just before the light at Independence) I get excited to think that SOON there will be something NEW going up into the sky!!

  11. #711

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC74 View Post
    Does anyone think that Devon's planned announcement will NOT happen on the 20th...? Or do we think they're ready to show us what they're going to do? I just pray it is NOT boxy...but after everything that has been said about it, I don't think it will be. Everyday when I drive home from work and I look over at the skyline (there's a perfect view of it just past Baptist on NW Expwy just before the light at Independence) I get excited to think that SOON there will be something NEW going up into the sky!!
    I love that view as well!

  12. Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    i love that view so much i made a thread about it... http://www.okctalk.com/okc-metro-are...oint-city.html

  13. Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    900 ft.? I'll believe it when I see it (in 6 days). That would be amazing but unless Devon has another company lined up to lease space they won't need that much tower. The 700-800 range alone puts OKC in the company of only the largest U.S. cities.

    Feel free to take that info with a grain of salt. I would expect nothing less. Just reporting what I heard. Also, don't be surprised if it's more Dubai-iconic than Oklahoma-iconic.

  14. Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    If it is more Dubai-ish...fine by me. At least we know it won't be a boring design.

  15. Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    OKC74, the plans will be released Wednesday.

  16. #716

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Thanks Steve. Can't wait!!

  17. #717

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Steve, have you seen the renderings?

  18. #718

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    I think 900' would be great. Then tonight I hear from a friend who has a friend that works at Devon that it would be 950'! No telling what to believe. The amount of feet keep inching up the closer we get to Wednesday. I'm forecasting between 700-800 feet. Who knows anymore though...

  19. #719

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    With all these forecasts of 700+ feet, we will all be disappointed if it is less than 700 feet.

  20. #720

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    I was thinking the same thing... 950' would be amazing though!!!!!!!

  21. Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    3 More Days!

  22. #722

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Does anyone know what time on Wed. the information will be made available? If so, someone might start a countdown clock like on the OUInsider sight has for the first OU game of the season.

  23. #723

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    I was wondering the same thing. I wonder if we'll get word from the newspaper Wednesday morning, or if they'll have some kind of announcement during the day on Wednesday and then it would be in the paper on Thursday. Either way I'm sure once it comes out we'll be able to see it online.

  24. Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Special meeting of OCURA, Wednesday August 20th at 9:00 AM in the 4th Floor Auditorium of the Downtown Library.

    It will surely be online by 10 AM or so.

  25. #725

    Default Re: Devon Plans Downtown Skyscraper

    Special meeting of OCURA, Wednesday August 20th at 9:00 AM in the 4th Floor Auditorium of the Downtown Library.

    After this meeting, they are releasing all of the details to the employees at 2:00pm that day. They are bringing in the architects and designers so the employees can ask any questions. If it is not made public before then, it will certaintly be made public after the employee meeting (unless the company tells the employees to not release any information...which is probably not likely).

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