^It seems that you, Jimmy, have an intimate connection with the station. I apologize if I hurt your feelings. I was just giving my honest opinion.
Yes, my only exposure to BOB was during the morning commute but that’s because it’s the only time that I listen to the radio. I’m at work all day and I have no desire or capability of listening to the radio while I’m at the office.
There’s an expectation of music when you tune into something other than a Talk station and with the promotion of better classic rock, as described in this thread, I wanted to hear some of it. Shouldn’t the morning show mirror the rest of the radio station? I don’t understand why I should have to work to hear the “real” BOB.
In your first post you extol the great music on BOB and then you disparage the station’s music in your latest post. Personally, I really like the Doobie Brothers and I disagree that their music should be removed to make way for the disc jockeys. And I don’t think I’m alone in my sentiment. There was a poll conducted on this site that pretty much supports what I’ve been conveying; people are fed up with mouthy DJs.
You’re absolutely correct, though, in your assertion that entertainment is in the eye, or in this case ear, of the beholder. I don’t know how anyone could equate what I heard -- the discussion of physical deformities and massive commercials -- to entertainment, but you do and that’s cool. It’s a personal preference thing. There is no right or wrong answer.
But first impressions are lasting impressions. I gave BOB a try and didn’t like what they had to offer. I won’t be back.